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Everything posted by Flaves

  1. Bacchus Marsh side of Bullengarook
  2. Stolzsein rotts has asked if you are in the area to keep a look out and please repost as far and wide as you can so the girls get found as soon as possible URGENT HELP NEEDED - Gisbourne - Bullengarook Victorai Lost - 2 female Rottweilers, litter sisters 3 years old. One wearing a coat and the other heavily pregnant 8 weeks in whelp. Both microchipped. Contact Sam 0422 466 530 Please put the news out, updated as soon as I get some more information! A substantial reward is being offered for the girls return
  3. thanks Chewy, please post anywhere and everywhere, the girls need to be found and taken home as soon as possible
  4. URGENT HELP NEEDED - Gisbourne - Bullengarook Victorai Lost - 2 female Rottweilers, litter sisters 3 years old. One wearing a coat and the other heavily pregnant 8 weeks in whelp. Both microchipped. Contact Sam 0422 466 530 Please put the news out, updated as soon as I get some more information! These rotts are Stolzseins Rotts from DOL
  5. There is one school of thought that you should not soak dry food if you have a deep chested breed due to an increased risk of bloat - presumably from the fermentation process which occurs. THat is one school of thought and the other is to soak the food. very confusing. I soak my kids food as i have GSDs and some say to soak and some not, i did until this as it does not swell very much
  6. I will wave from home! I will be moving that day
  7. Glad to hear China is on the improve!
  8. Thanks CC, i think he is too the pic of Louis
  9. I think my settings are off at the moment as i cant seem to get clarity in my pics
  10. I think i have missed a couple of weeks Week 33 Week 34 Week 35
  11. There is, but that is not just limited to GSDs being uncontrollable.
  12. There are a number of GSDs that do well - that dont lack substance, and can walk without their hocks touching the ground, that have full dentition and are beautifully ring trained. But again people only focus on the bad....just remember there is bad in every breed, and what you may think is correct others do not. At the end of the day it is what the judge likes. Also not everyone wants their dog to run next to them on a slack lead, not just GSDs, i have seen many different dogs of varying breeds at the end of their lead - so it is not just a GSD thing. A judge should be able to pick a good dog, one that fits the standard by watching it move. I have not seen a GSD at an All breeds show that i have been at that have been lunging and tripped up their handlers.
  13. They are all great articles - there are a number of them
  14. This will just be the start in Vic
  15. It is purely your call. If your dog was a bitch, i would say dealing with seasons would be a PIA so yes desex, but as it is male, i dont see the point
  16. Cruising canines was back to me within 20 minutes Stacey was great, a few GSD people have them and they are brilliant. CC will be who i go with if i get a new trailer
  17. You are ON!!!!!!!!! He is usually pretty good, we do it a few times a day, he only has to hold it for a few seconds and gets rewarded with cuddles and a pat. I find though that if he is watching something or someone he holds it longer, so try it with another dog in front or a friend, that may help....or it may not lol
  18. I dont come into the Rainbow bridge very often because it makes me sad I saw the name of this thread and had to read it. What a lucky girl Nala was to have had you, your family and your daughter to love her. You also were lucky to have Nala I am so sorry for your loss. Rest Easy Nala
  19. COngrats!!!!!!!!!! that is so awesome!!! This is my little man at 11 weeks
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