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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. oh ok cool thanks for that luvsdogs. i took oakley to kindy at a later age tho so i think the one i went to isnt ageist lol
  2. is it anything i should worry about jed?. the vet they had her vaccinated through said it was nothing to worry about . i feed them seperately oakley outside lulu inside once they are done i let them back to each other. to the person who asked about them being related no only family related lol
  3. thanks for the reply Cassie, yeah she came with papers her name is LULU as she has a lump(as you can see in the first pic lol) on her head between her ears and i thought Lumpy abit mean lol. yeah after the first incident i have been feeding them seperate one in one out., Oakley the bully is trained its just lulu that needs the training now. and am waiting for her to get her final vaccinations and then im booking her into the puppy preschool i took oakley to as they where really good.
  4. hi all has been awhile since i poste on hear. but thought with all the helpfull info i picked up years ago i would come back last weekend i picked up a new pup. she is a 3 month old Rednose Amstaff (pittbull) *dont judge* she is the younger sister of my little man who is a purebred bull terrier. now she is young and has only just learnt her name so i have a way to go but she is starting to sit which is the next step then stay blah blah blah. but im needing help on the feeding. its not so much her as it is him he will finish his dinner and then go chase her away from her bowl and eat her dinner. how do you teach them not to eat each others food?. and also i dont want my boy to feel left out so is it a good idea to spend time with the 2 of them together then have some seperate time with them? otherwise thats really it minus the teething but good things come to those who wait i belive lol thanks in advance for the advice im sure i will be posting again soon when the next thing that i cant remember or dont know comes to mind lol. Bryce p.s hears some pics lol
  5. im nto 100% sure how i went with Sean the othrday but i was pretty happy with how Oakley went hehe fingers crossed
  6. nicka pushover thats the problem he needs to be stricter. Oakley seemed to have snapped out of it about a week ago but theirs still the odd puddle on the tiles but number twos now are allways outside. so i am also getting their slowly but surely. does she sleep in the laundry area? if so tray putting newspaper down over half the floow and her bed at one end and the food at the other she will start to poob/wee on the paper then slowly removes the paper over a period of nights untill thiers only a few peices left then sprinkle some grass clippins on it if she makes a mess not on the paper put more paper down ie take a step back. she will eventually start using the paper with the grass on it each time she does praise her when she mistakes sa nothing and take a step or two back. she will eventually learn to toilet on the grassed paper and when she gets confident enough u can remove the grassed paper then she will get all worried but if you show her outside she will see grass and go. thats my theory anyways. im slowly in the process of doing this at my house.
  7. heheh yeah my friends female dog was humping Oakley on the weekend it was the funniest thing i had seen in a long time hahaha cool i will do a search thankyou
  8. its not really a problem but it is starting to get abit tedious LOL. ie at puppy preschool last night he played with the other puppies for about 2 minutes then jsut started trying to hump them all. so i had an interesting puppy preschool constantly having to pic him off the otherdogs to seperate them. now i know this is my own doing as he is still "intact" as i was going to keep him intact for breeding purposes as i have been approached buy a few people with purebred females that they would like to "introduce" at a later date due to his Lineage. now tho after puppy preschool and his play date with Jade on sunday im unsure if this is something i am willing to do. is their anything i can do to stop him from humping every other dog he meets if i keep him intact or am i doomed and either suffer the humour of it or go have the dreaded operation any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Bryce
  9. for all the pets ive owned previous and current ie Rats and Cats and now Bully's i use the Recucled Paper Kitty Litter as its non toxic. and if ur puppy does decide to eat abit of the litter its only paper and wont hurt him ro her
  10. i would also like to know this for my bully ty Valkyrie Edit: i have been told Horse Zink is good cos it doesnt rub off?
  11. thank you. yeah my room is open plan ie kitchen/bedroom/loung all in one LOL chilli powder on cords now thats something i would not have thought of doing. crate? ie basket?. and yeah was going to try and litter train him aswell, i have a sun roon attached to my room which would be good for a litter and even if i can teach him to make his messes in the sun room thats better than under my bed or under my chair like some of my old cats used to do LOL. i will post up some pics of the pup shorlty in the photo area jsut gotta upload them
  12. hi all im looking at getting a pup very soon, i have been advised that they have started toilet training him but training isnt finished. the pup is 13 weeks old now, basicly im curious as to how long toilet training normally takes untill he/she is fully trained?. also what kind of preperations around the house should i make before i collect my new best friend. i am aware that pups are going to terrorise me and my house LOL but is thier anything outwardly scary that i should not look forward to coming home and seeing LOL and thus puppy proofing. i live in a granny flat which is an open plan style at my parents house we have a fair decent sized backyard and tennis court*fully caged* so i have lots of options for areas to play with him in the backyard as i train him to get used to the area and the smells but im after any advise anyone can share also is the Barf Diet the best for pups or should i consult the Breeder about whats best to feed him for awhile?. Regards Bryce.
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