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Everything posted by murve

  1. We will be there Sun Morn, I hope you have what we want on Sun :D yes I know pot luck
  2. I havent got this moths yet I would normally have mine at least 1 week before the next month gets here
  3. I just tried to get on Dogs Vic website all I got was this This site is currently Unavailable Please check back later
  4. hi Josuki We have 3 of these coats our guys, Maureen is great to talk to about the coats, all your questions can be answered on the web site, I have added the link http://www.coolweave.com.au/index.html
  5. We will be there with the babies ;) I will have to come have a squize then! you can handle teddy if you like ;) Aww, that's mean!! It might clash with my guys though, I am in N and you guys P oh well neither here nor there should meet up anyway for a chat silly question which group are you in??
  6. We will be there with the babies ;) I will have to come have a squize then! you can handle teddy if you like :D
  7. thanks guys for the break down of groups We only got no's for 3 of our dogs, I entered 5 I have spoken to the Sec last night, she is looking into to the mess, & finding the rest of our no's ;)
  8. Has any one got their entry no's &/or a break down of the Champ & Open shows
  9. We will be there with the babies
  10. no idea yet, I have checked the weather for Cranbourne Morn is 13 deg, cool, warming up to 21 deg in the alvo
  11. I have no excuse this time, it seems I just can't add Dont worry weisnjac, we all have "blonde" days or in my daughters case at the moment "Baby brain days"
  12. Its a bit anoying not knowing about the kcc levy we have to pay on top of the entry fees. That is what I got told when I rang to enquire why I was 2 bucks short, it was cause I co-own 2 breeds & have 2 membership no's.
  13. thats ok Weisnjac I found out I owe $2.00 but I also found out my no's, I think a mistake has been made when did a WHIPPET turned into a GSD. my Whippet no is smaked bang in the middle of the GSD no's oh well just have to get there a bit earlier to fix the problem with the club
  14. Yes Kirst goldens you are right in the show classes at the Park in the Pavilion Leigh Cogley is the lady who does show classes at Kcc Park & it only cost $11.00 per person, I know last week they were still going at 9pm when we left. Ashly Reid web is http://www.showclasses.com.au/
  15. Hi Whitka if you are willing to drive to Pakenham on Sat, stay the night , We are happy to help you & you can handle one of our baby Papillons on Sun Morning at the Berwick Kennel club Champ show. we have 3 in & only 2 handlers my third handler cant make it. Papillon babies are very easy to handle, :D ooppssss I should say any baby Pups are easy to handle :D PM me if you like I wont be able to go over that way until next month, but I would love to handle a baby pap Thats ok RS Hi guys well we are booked in for the Berwick Kc 13/2 Berwick Ag show 26/2 Warragul Kc 14/3 just look for a green umbrella tent with a Whippet as well as 3 Pappy pups I usually set up near group 1 ring ;)
  16. Aww lucky, I love Papillons ;) I didn't know there was a (reg) Pap breeder in town! Thank you tollersowned ;) We got our Bitch from a west Gippsland breeder, we were lucky the breeder alowed us to use a suitible sire over her, our girl had 4 boys, we have 1 left
  17. I have a Whppet that has been called Snake dog, Knackers, with my Whippet I was told I was going to be reported to the RSPCA for starving him, thanks to her friend was able to correct her telling the lady my dog is a racing dog & that they are suppose to be like that. Our Papillons have been called Pomerainians, Pom x, Maltese,
  18. Hi Whitka if you are willing to drive to Pakenham on Sat, stay the night , We are happy to help you & you can handle one of our baby Papillons on Sun Morning at the Berwick Kennel club Champ show. we have 3 in & only 2 handlers my third handler cant make it. Papillon babies are very easy to handle, ooppssss I should say any baby Pups are easy to handle PM me if you like
  19. HI Whitka may I ask what breed of dog do you have now???? & what breed are you thinking of getting to show???
  20. My daughter & I did that we had a note pad with us at all times it worked for us
  21. Hi Rivergum have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar mixed 50/50 with water, make it up in a spray bottle, suggestion I found to use a 500ml spray bottle, then spray on the dogs & bedding oh dont forget the cats toooo they wont like it but stiff (my cat hates it) I also mix the ACV in their water bucket too, it helps with tear staining
  22. Hi Dora try Apple Cider Vinager eitther sprinkled on or added to drinking water is great for the tear staining around the face & Fleas, the 2 added webs I've put here are thanks to Bully in the subject of "How To Remove Staining On White Dogs" I have started to use ACV in the bucket of water for my 6 dogs & found a great difference in one of my 4 month old Pappy pups http://phdproducts.com/main/phdpage.asp?page=134 http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/acvfordogs.html
  23. hi there I had the same problem, I went down to the hardwarestore & got some small D shackles normaly found in the isle with clips & chains. I found them better Murve I think you are thinking of different clips than Mercedes was. I am also after some clips. The ones I am after look like they are made from flat metal and wrap around the wire panel to act as a hinge. I need some for some fence kits I have here. But I have not been able to find any yet. I know the ones you are talking about they are called split hinges or you may be able to find the coiled ones, but I have not seen them in the hardware store. I can check out Bunnings & Miter 10 tomorrow for you, we have both stores where I live
  24. Hi Sway I have added 2 pics 1 of the D shackle apart & the other is closed up the pin screws in
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