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Everything posted by murve

  1. Great to hear you guys had fun it the workshop Jeb5 We are hoping to get a workshop happening here in Vic soon :D
  2. Whippets are a table job & average weight is about 14kgs I would suggest maybe a Papillon, group 1, table job but only weight about 2kgs We have both breeds I find Whipps & Papps clash so we normally toss up which breed gets entered :D
  3. do you have any schools near where you live??? that is my best suggestion, or maybe a cricket pitch, thats where I started till I had enough confidence & trust in me & my dog :D
  4. Hey PA :D dont give up on your training we have the same pobs here, we have a some kind of a spoodle next door & a visiting Lab thats got an agro attitude so I understand where you are coming from try not to let the Fence chasers/barkers get to you, Scooter & Barkly :D I find being outside with our babies they dont bark & when we come inside they too come in :D
  5. ok 6 of 1, half a Dozen of the other, about the councils by laws being stretched to the Max, well does this tell you what my council is like, I got bailed up at my front door last week (thank god me & my furies were on the inside) by a PB X, he was entire & wouldnt let me out, I rang the bylaws, reported this dog, told them it had me bailed up, there reply was "CAN YOU CATCH THE DOG, EITHER PUT IT IN YOUR BACKYARD OR TIE IT UP, TILL WE CAN GET SOME ONE THERE TO PICK IT UP" like shit no way was I going near that teeth bearing, growling, drooling animal. Here I thought I was doing the right thing by reporting this dog on the prowl, having 3 elderly neighbors in my court, If I got paid Danger money I would have caught the dog Sorry guys for the rant, But yes I do know the Councils are stretched to Max trying to keep up with the Regs & enforcing them.
  6. I got bailed up at my front door by a Staffy X type dog the other morning , when I went to take my 4 guys out to put them in the wagon. My guys stood their ground going off tap, thank god the wire door was still shut. When I rang my counsel, they politely told me to catch the dog & tie it & up till they can get round to pick it up like Bloody NOT, I am not doing their dirty work for them & the risk of being bitten.
  7. I have spoken to Cruising Canines on FB, I got an answer straight away :D, I am still waiting to hear from other dog trailer ppl
  8. Hi aussielover :D great info, the breeds you have listed I have seen in training & compete here in Vic. You could add Whippet in Med size dogs, I do know a couple that are learning & a couple that do have Titles Pappys are brilliant, my daughter is training 2 of our Paps :D I have also seen Bc X & kelpie X take part
  9. Thank you megan yes it is with Action Dogs, Michelle sent us the info this morning, my daughter's pup has a brilliant recall with her, she has been teaching him a couple of tricks, he knows the table, he's quite good walking past other dogs except GSD's tuggy toy he loves, going through tunnels not a problem now, still working on his Stays like I said earlier he is like velco to her I dont think it her that is nevous its Me
  10. I did a show many years ago, the weather started fine then Hughie opened up the clouds just before we went in well you can inmagine I was running full pelt aroound the ring, as we came round the corner I ended up A over T on my left side, sliding under the ropes & draging my poor dog into the next ring I do remember the judges face laughing, best part was we got Challenge Dog, BOB & in Group , my Bitch got CC, RUBOB & RUIG Dont know if it was for the stunt or did the judge feel sorry for me, mud & slush right down my left side Not anymore I will stay home If I know it will rain having a fine coated shivery dog & little ones that look like drowned rats when they get wet
  11. Hi guys just wondering if anybody has any tips for a newbie , my daughter & her near 12month old pup has a assessment night coming up to join a Agility club. Only 10 dogs will be sucsessful She has been doing some training with our club & really enjoys it, her pup is like velco with her, so recall is great, been working on his wait, he is starting to get the message. thanks in advance
  12. OMG What an %$#%@##@ idiot, whats to say the dog did bite when the guy got his face into the dogs face, there is now way I would have that in my house & its ppl like this who give our gorgouse Rotties a bad name. I"m shocked & horrified
  13. I dont think it hurts having a spare one or even two
  14. x1 I have 4 dogs, 8 crates, wire puppy pen & a foldable canvas puppy pen
  15. your lucky I have 3 out of 4 our current babies that have/had gone through the teenage stage
  16. Ok I dont know a great deal about Aussie Sheps, I do know 2 people with Aussie Sheps & they have said they never went through teenage stage, so you guys are lucky Destructiveness is usally related to some boardem, but I gather you & your OH do a lot of activites with her :D if you like I will have a chat with my Aussie friends & see if I can find out a bit more for you
  17. Hi Wuffles what breed is she ?? & have you had since she was a pup??
  18. Hi PA I will warn you the teenage stage have not hit Scooter yet that is fun we are going through it with Dodger & Sarge, more so with Sarge he can be defiante in particular with his recalls, With his food drive try using what he has for dinner as his rewards when he does something good, like a sit or drop along side your left leg. It will take a lot of paitence to get to the stage of working off lead :D but I wouldnt look at that till Scooter has matured a bit & has passed the terrible teenage stage PM me if you would to chat further :D
  19. our goals are closer of getting our CCD, 1 more pass to go for Orlando young Sarge is now being handled by a young girl I know , he coming along great & she is learning a lot too, we could have her & Sarge start trialing this time next year
  20. Hi Oss, I just PM Angelsun & she sent us info & a CD with all the signs used on it
  21. Hi Oakway thank you for the awareness if this, I do know in Vic it is enforced you do have to either restain or crate your pooches. I had the local bobby's comment the other night, on our way home from training, when I went through 2 Breath test stations "Lovely to see you have your dogs crated"
  22. We will have 1 Pappy in for next year & 2 more Paps for 2013 I have a lot training coming up
  23. We have been accepted to the test night on the 31st Aug at Action Dogs, my daughter is wrapped she is now trying to work out which one of her 2 babies to do the test with
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