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Everything posted by murve

  1. That's ok happy to help yes your boy would be a little bigger than our paps but I dont care, in our household we a Rottie, Cavi x Chi, JRT, Whippet & 3 Paps yes its a managary of breeds, couple of these were rescue jobs with major probs, now they all live in harmony & have for a number of years I am on the committee of Westernport dog club, the clubrooms is at Kcc Park grounds Our Whippet is used regually for new older dogs at club, that have not been socialized properly, then the others latter, at club & elsewhere to many at once can be very daunting for a very young dog before puppy school, Janine runs puppy classes at our club & she is very big on inter-acting the pups during class as well as teaching commands, giving the handlers homework to do, I think it would be great to work with your Shepherd boy & our pap pup :D
  2. my OH is brilliant with reading dog behavour & language & emphazise positive praise/ education, if he can tap into a Whippet brain & train me to CCD Title, he would be able to help to you, this Whiipet is already for to take on CD Title, & he is loving it. thanks to my OH our yougest pups are just 12months Papillons, one of them is scared of Shepherds, that is from a bad scare he got, when he was 5 months old, we have been slowly working on it, our prob was finding someone with a shepherd who would work with us we now have him going up close :D to say hello I know where you are coming from in ref to single pup in litter, our bitch came from that situation, she only had adluts to play with she was 4 months when she came home to us. With that, bang staight into puppy school for her, now just on 3 yrs on she is good.
  3. Geeze is that Arnie Swazneggar in Disgize :rofl: We have a spoodle pup next door yap yap yap all day every day, we cannot let ours out un supervised cause they charge at the fence barking like a pack of killer dogs. mind you our guys are very socialized. We now take all our dogs out everyday to my OH place to keep the peace & not get in the shit with By/laws. when we are home our guys go out to the toilet under supervision, when they are done, back inside they come.
  4. I gather you have mum & all pups in the litter that this particular pup is from?? If you move to Gembrook you will be just up the road from us. We will be happy to help you socialize your baby with ours :D We are working with a JRT & her owner, at the moment, who has magor social prods, she is 2 yrs, she would see another dog & want to fight & now comming along nicely , Westernport club is great, we have had new member jump ship from other clubs :D & joined us. We are big on Socializing & working with the dog. Pm me if you like
  5. Best we start a collection, I want you to have wear a tutu as well thou... As long as the tutu doesn't clash with my Whelping Supply jacket Red and black dual layed tutu it is! I love the tutu
  6. I can do the Obedience trials if you like Sway
  7. with having a few dogs to train we do formal training as we do compete, plus we do trick training, Malika already knows her left from her right just after a couple of weeks :D We have a Cavi X Chi who does a Merecat trick & he can set his own mouse traps to catch mice he has not missed one mouse yet. This trick we did not teach him, he has done it all by himself Our formal training is not done everyday most of our tricks are done just before they have their dinner & sometimes during the day
  8. We started working on Malika today, her bigest probs are SFE & Recall SFE, she would roll over & be submissive evry time some one would walk up to pat her. between my OH & I we now have her stading to get a pat, even though she is very fidget on her feet, but that will improve with time, paitence, tuning into the dogs brain & working with her :D The weather is shit here to start on recall so we are going to wait till the weather is better to work outside
  9. thanks Tambaqui for reminding me about the backdrops I haven't done mine yet better get into gear, been busy working on our Obed Trials
  10. Hi Sariluda yes I will have my Whippet in "Peperone Original Sin ET" I will be easy to pick 'cause I will have my club vest on & it has a embrioded Whippet on the back, the vest is dark blue, we will be benched in Pav 19 not sure which block yet. We will be doing this trial for the hell of it as my Whippet achieved his CCD Title at Ballarat on Sun :happydance2: We will probably be the only Whippet there on the 30th & yes I do hope the weather will be nice, last time we did Obedience Trial at the Royal it Peeeeed down with rain not fun
  11. Thanks Tassie,:D I actually looked at the Royal as the 3rd pass we needed, but now we have achieved that goal, so the Royal is for fun but it would be funny if we win CCD again :laugh:
  12. Yes SLLH I would ring Dogsnsw & order another it might cost, just query that one :D when you do get the new one photocopy it
  13. I was thinking of giving Orlando a break & work on Malika to get her up for CCD & E T next year The funny thing is Orlando had a 6 month break & then jumped straight back in as if there was no holiday at all go figure RV the more nervouse you are the dog feels it & picks up on it, then stuffs up, so to speak. Just think of it as a training season, like yesterday at the trial Iwe did, I kept on hearing our judge say to each competitor " Now Relax, Breathe deeply & think of it as a training season" she even said it to me :D
  14. Novice here we come my instructors reckonds we will be ready to go back in the trial ring in 6 months & blitz it to get CD I give 9 months before we are ready to go back in
  15. WE have achieved CCD a bit quicker than I thought we would with Orlando Now off to the Melb Royal for the Hell of it
  16. Yea Dogs Vic accepted the paperwork for our CCD Certificate application, they didnt want to see the certs :D
  17. Thanks Dragonwoman I do have photocopys of the other 2 passes, & yes I live not for from Kcc I know when we got ET they asked to see the Cert but they did not specify which :D
  18. Thanks guys, It's a bad habit of photocopying any Certs when anybody in our household gets one
  19. just started to my dogs paperwork together so I can take it all into Dogs VIC, he just obtained his CCD today but I have managed to misplace the 2 original pass certificates :cry: But I do have the color photo copies. Would Dogs Vic accept the copies or will they need to see the originals
  20. when we taught our babies to drop we get them into a Sit, them lure them down into a drop, with the treat by having your treat go down in towards their chest towards the ground, when they are in a drop reward him by placing the treat on the ground between their front legs, close to the chest, at the same time say drop
  21. What have you tried to do to get Hudson to drop & sit
  22. Big Congrats to everybody who achieved passed & titles :clap: ok now I will add my little brag Peperone Original Sin ET aka Orlando, gained his CCD title today with a score of 94/100 & placed 1st, he romped it in, 2nd place got 87/100 :happydance2:
  23. Way to go everybody who got passes this weekend :cooldance: ok now I will add my little brag Peperone Original Sin ET aka Orlando, gained his CCD title today with a score of 94/100 & placed 1st, he romped it in, 2nd place got 87/100
  24. I'm going to aim for 7.00am and hopefully be able to get a car park close , i'll probaly go toll roads google maps tells me approx 1hr. I;m there Sunday (25th) so coming home then shouldn't be to bad but the following Friday (30th) should be fun. I am only taking onr bitch my Mini Bull Terrier so that makes it a lot easier with just the one dog.:D this is my first Royal showing dogs so it all new and a bit exciting although not looking forward to it being such a long day standing around luckily i have friends that will be showing on both days i'm there so that'll make it a more pleasent day :D , once again thanks for your help and good luck with your boy.;) we will there on the Friday 30th for the Obedience so we could catch up :D
  25. I will be ducking over to see Maureen to get 1 more soon, cant quite fit 3 coats on 4 dogs
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