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Everything posted by murve

  1. My OH got constructive & made a heap of these, I did take part in helping, after I belted a finger with the hammer & then tried to edge cut my thumb We have these to sell Scent Discrimination as a fullset (leather, wood & metal) or individual sets :) Full Set $ 30.00 (wood, leather, with plain metal) Full Set ( wood, Leather & Knurled Metal) $ 50.00 5 No. Wood Set $ 12.00 5 No. Leather Set $ 12.00 5 Metal $ 12.00 5 Knurled $ 32.00 Seekback articles are made of Leather & are embossed with the word "seek" $ 7.00 All articles are made to ANKC rules standard P&H 7.00 Aus wide Here is the Seekback Knurled metal Scent Discrimination Set
  2. Here is the Seekback Knurled metal Scent Discrimination Set
  3. I will dig them out of the car & take some pics for you :) no probs
  4. Hi RubyStar thanks for you enquiry :) I wasnt expecting an inquiry so quick, anyway here are the prices, we hope they are fair & reasonable We can sell Scent Discrimination as a fullset (leather, wood & metal) or individual sets Full Set $ 30.00 (wood, leather, with plain metal) Full Set ( wood, Leather & Knurled Metal) $ 50.00 5 No. Wood Set $ 12.00 5 No. Leather Set $ 12.00 5 Metal $ 12.00 5 Knurled $ 32.00 Seekback articles are made of Leather & are embossed with the word "seek" $ 7.00 All articles are made to ANKC rules standard P&H 7.00 Aus wide
  5. To the Agility competitors who entered Bairnsdale trials this weekend 3rd & 4th March, just heard from the committee the trials are still on :) they were complentating on cancelation due to wet weather, the grounds have been given the all clear For those who also do Obedience trials & need UD & UDX sent descrimination, seekback items I will be at Bairnsdale with a few sets for sale also leather leads, come & see me at RING 2, I will be the Assembley steward :)
  6. Peperone Pet Supplies have show leads, they bought Seb & chris's stock when they sold up John & Angie now does shows with it all :)
  7. Yes a lot of ppl dont realize that dogs do respond to body language, & my guess if your GSD is very clingy to your father he may be ill, I have heard there are dogs now accompany ppl who are Epelectic, even diebetic & can pick up when they are about to colapse etc. to satisfy you concern get both dog & dad checked out :) good luck hope all goes well
  8. Hey SawY you through me on the date, I thought 5th March was on a Monday not Sat :laugh: I forgive you, no one is perfect :laugh:
  9. As SwaY said & I agree " I dont see a big deal " :) I have been under 2 of these Judges & I found them quite pleasent, even though we were not placed in the top3, I may enter our babies & see how they go, dessions dessions
  10. Oh Kirislin you scared me there for a second, then I realized they were your babies :D definately love the pics :D
  11. Yea got my no's for the show today :thumbsup: has anybody else got theirs
  12. We are very glad it wasnt stolen, she has only had it since she got her P's about 6 weeks ago. Nothing was stolen out it, as all she had was her 24" dog crate in it. :) We are lucky the window was replaced on Sat morn thanks to a very good friend of hers who found one & fitted it for us :) he is a gem Our dogs dont bark a lot, only when a strange car comes in the court or strange ppl walking around
  13. On Friday our babies taught us a big lesson to be more vigalent of our surroundings. Just after lunch my daughter had her drivers side window smashed , her car was parked on our front lawn, right near the front door. the dogs went nuts barking, us thinking it was the dam stray cats again told them to can it, we didnt think anything of it till my daughter went to her car & found her window in millions pieces. But the funny thing was the window was still in place, with a liitle hole. We found out it had been poped punched. Yes we did go to the police & did a crime report. Just shows to listen to your babies & go check out what they are barking about instead of telling them to be quite :)
  14. Itching to know who got BIS any news yet :D
  15. I know a lady who used Timid Joe soap for head lice on her kids & then her grandkids mind you she does not own a dog :D
  16. :clap: I agree whole heartly on this dress code "Dress nicely but not as if it were a fashion show, wear comfortable, nice looking shoes appropriate for running. Dress modestly, the dog should be the focal point, not you" My dress code has always been this plus dress to the weather condition :)
  17. You must remember our domestic dogs are decedents from the wild pack animals, this is the discipline that the parents did/do when a pup has done wrong, this is all part of dog language & a lot of humans do not understand it Perfect example, we took in a 3yr bitch that was hit by a 9yr boy (owners son) with a piece of 4x2 wood, yes the bitch did bite the child, when she arrived here being a Rottie she looked like a starving Greyhound & pregnant to boot. the bitch gave birth 18hrs later to 14 pups (all lived) :D. Now this dog lived with me & my 2 girls (7yrs & 12yr at the time) , the bitch ended up being the biggest damm sook ever. We housed her with a couple who had a 5yr daughter. she lived her days out with this family without a hassle at all, the poor girl died at the ripe old age of 11 1/2yrs bloody good age for a Rottweiler :D
  18. Jo this is so damm true of our Whippet, Rottie & our Pappy's Its a case of 1 up All up on any available lap I couldn't help myself had to add this pic my boy Orlando with Libby (owner Bobbi) & our Rottie George
  19. I think what everybody has said here is true If you cant handle any of the traits the different breeds of dogs have, yes get a damm Cat , similar to what Minnimax has said :D we have a few different breeds here & we love them all Rottie, Whippet, 3 Pappy's Cavi x Chi & a poor old JRT 3 of our dogs were rescue's
  20. The Canberra Royal Obedience is actually held in May in conjunction with the State Titles, but do come for the agility thank you for that FHRP :D
  21. Hi Bug I just tried Dogs Vic yep got the same message here
  22. yes something like that :D Thats a good entry, might look at Canberra next year 3 Paps, 2 maybe 3 Whippets for conformation, we could also do agility with 2 of the Paps & Obedience with 1 whippet & 2 of the Paps :D will have to see whats on the agenda :D
  23. Hey Sways is that 48 for the Whippets?? :)
  24. that is quite normal for Dobes :D I will have our Papillon bitch at training tomorrow night & one of our Pappy boys too :D he is being trained by a friend of ours, as she wants to learn
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