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Everything posted by dimex

  1. dimex

    Eating Problem

    hey guys. thanks for the advice. i started feeding him a little less than usual and he finishes it and whines for more. maybe i jst needed to estimate the right amount to give him. he's doing well. but i'll keep you posted as he's gone thru this little strike and refuses to eat then within the next few days he starts binge eating. but yea.. we'll see how it goes. and about the chicken necks. do i cook them? or give it to him raw? silly question but jst making sure im on the ball. haha. oh and i shouldve been more specific .. his breeder had always been giving him puppy milk, not cows milk. so jst letting you know. thanks again guys.
  2. Hi there, I'm a first time puppy owner and I got my pugalier, Brutus, a few months ago. when he was only 8 weeks old. He's about 5 months old now and he only weighs about 3.8 kgs. He looks terribly skinny (ribs cant really be seen but easily felt) and he jst doesn't eat enough. But the weird thing is he's still extremely playful and active. I havent changed his diet since i got him. His breeder was using Pedigree canned food mixed with milk and i continued tht and gradually introduced Advance (dry kibble mixed with the Pedigree canned food and milk) into his diet. he ate like a normal puppy but in the last month his appetite has decreased rapidly and i dont think its due to teething. Could he be fickle? because i assume tht if puppies are fickle, in the end, when they get hungry, they eventually eat. but Brutus doesnt. He's currently on Advance and I've finally gotten him eating only dry food about three weeks ago. I give him about a handful of the dry food and he only finishes less than half of it. The same goes for canned food (I give him canned food once a day jst to encourage him to eat). He eats about half of the amount i give him and walks off. I'm jst getting worried because he's nearly 6 months old and he's not eating enough (in my opinion). I've taken him to the vet and he said tht it should be fine as long as he's playful and he said tht some owners do think that their dogs dont eat enough and we shouldnt push him. But i'm jst concerned with how skinny he is because my cousin owns a 6 month old pugalier and he's twice the size of Brutus. I've read every book about puppy diets and researched the net but I can't figure out why he isnt eating. Could someone please help shed some light over this. It'd driving me crazy right now. Thanks.
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