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Everything posted by moirat

  1. Dear Erny, I have not posted but thave followed your sad tale and hoped for a better ending for you. It is good that Kal is no longer in any pain. She certainly knew she was loved and that would be the best way to go. Happy with life. I know you heart will mend but Kal will always have a spot there
  2. Many thanks, yes I did receive your email. I have discussed alternative treatment to surgery with my vet. He was a little reluctant but thought we should prehaps give the cansema slave a go, before having to resort to surgery. His suggestion or should I say insistance was that I measure the lump well and record the measure ( 3cm x 3.5cmx2cm high) if no improvement in a two week period, or heaven forbid an increase in size he would really recommend removing the lump. He agreed to look on the website morgan had kindly recommended and do a little research himself. He is a little doubtful - man of science I suppose,- as he feels as her spleen is swollen and her lymph glands in her rear leg are also up that we may be a little late for any of these measures. Cannot hurt to try though so two weeks with the salve and lets see.
  3. Definitely agree with your OH here. Have you looked at escharotic salves? There is an australian one called Cansema which has produced some amazing results with people and animals alike. Many horse people I know always have some Cansema Black Salve in their first aid kit for all sorts of problems. Cancer salves - this page of testimonials has a dog whose mast cell tumour has been totally removed without surgery or drugs, leaving the immune system intact. It works very quickly, usually the cancer is gone in less than a month, then the hole it leaves behind just has to heal - which can be helped with calendula ointment etc. Thanks for that morgan, My father in law was given some cansema salve but said it burnt and wouldn't use it. I will find out if he still has it or if not where he got it. I am happy to try a non invasive treatment if possible. Testimonials seem pretty encouraging and definetly worth a shot. I think I will call my vet and discuss delaying surgery and the benefits of this type of treatment. He is pretty open minded. Thank you again I was preparing to face her surgery and a battle of wills with OH.
  4. Ruby and I are just back from the vet and I don't know about her but I am shell shocked. I had convinced myself last night the lump on her foot was probably only a grass seed or similar and we headed off quite happily. UNFORTUNATELY it doesn't appear to be quite so easy. The lump appears to be a "mastcell?"( will have to look up the name again). It is a tumor, poor old girl has swollen lymph nodes in her leg and her spleen is palpably swollen. Not too good he thinks. Surgery booked for Thursday and will know more after that. OH will go off as he believes once she starts the surgery circuit it will be the end of her. I don't know whether to discuss it with him or just go ahead. Decision decisions. If she needs to have this removed there is no other option, hopefully it is early stages and will be contained by removal of the tumor. Fingers crossed
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