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Everything posted by Sezy

  1. Yep, they are Carter. Great shots!!!! Thank You
  2. It was great to meet everyone today. So many lovely people and cute puppies. I came home with one very tired crazy Carter, all the dogs chasing balls was just SOOOO exciting for him! Will post the people cookie recipe on Monday.
  3. Never mind, an excuse to get together another day as well!!! Hope you feel better soon.
  4. Not good for dogs as they have chocolate in them!!!
  5. I have cookies in the oven to bring. Hmmm putting off bathing and brushing Carter...... He sleeps in the garden so will be dirty by tomorrow!
  6. I am planning on bringing out the feral one, just need to get a nice big bone to keep Cally entertained at home.
  7. What about Top? I'd like to meet him, as I can't go to the Santa photos. Yeah the dumb one is coming. Don't say I didn't warn you! Perhaps if people want an off-leash area we could go to a fenced dog park? Put Top and Carter together!
  8. bugger.... hehe mum used to also drop the family pets off on the way to work. I don't think our maltese ever made it into a cage, the reception lady used to keep her with her bed and toys at her feet all day.......
  9. When my animals have been sick I have on the odd day dropped them off at the vet on the way to work and then picked them up on the way home. Something to keep in mind for the furture, just in case. Hope they both feel better soon.
  10. Don't fret pet or http://sydney.topdogminders.com/ Or do you know someone that you trust to come and house sit for you.
  11. It is about a 15 minute drive but try pennant hills vet. A few people on here go there.
  12. So so sorry. RIP Bindi. Take care
  13. I think Cally had it years ago. Her tail was very sore to touch, vet could not find anything wrong just said that she had over done it. Took her to her chiro and thought that it may have been broken but could not be sure without an Xray. She had treatments with him twice a week for a couple of weeks and it cleared up. I also kept her quiet at home. Hope Ruby feels better soon.
  14. dogmad - it is the Pennant Hills vet. My vet from Lane Cove has taken over the clinic and I will now be making the trek from Inner West. I had a real illustration of different approaches to vet care this week. Milo (cat) was unwell - I went to Sydney Uni Vets as my vet was not yet open. Cannot fault the care - thorough examination and very competent. Their approach was to take blood and faecal sample on Thursday night and monitor and if no better on Monday then we would have to do imaging. Even talking biopsy and endoscope. I took him back Saturday - different vet and this one gave him an anti-emetic to stop nausea and ABs so see if there was an improvement over weekend. Funnily enough there was and I am $500 poorer. My usual vet would have started with that as the first option then moved to testing etc if no improvement. The younger vets seem to opt to test for everything as the first option and hope to chance upon something. Anyway - point of the story is give Ian a go at Pennant Hills - I trust him completely with my lot and he was brilliant with Angs. Another vote for Ian here. I live Bankstown area and will still go to Ian unless it is urgent.
  15. Hi Mercedes, Thinking of you and Bruce. Run free Cassie. Sezy
  16. Our first cocker could climb 6ft fences, we never found a yard that could keep her in. Lucky for us she never went anywhere. Once out Dasiy would just sleep on the front door step or in the car if the window was open.... The only time that we know of her going anywhere was when we were away once and she went round to all of our friends places, no doubt looking for her family but was still home in time for the guy across the road to feed her.
  17. He is a great little dog and after meeting him I can see why he has such a huge fan club... It was great to get my doggie fix while missing my own two.
  18. I can't believe that I went all the way round the world to meet Gomez and all he did was stalk squirrels..... I miss New York!! If he starts to bubble we want pic's. :D
  19. What have my dogs not eaten would be a shorter list... Just think his insides will be nice and soft and clean now!!!
  20. She could be just offering different behavours. Only c&t when she does what you are after.
  21. Glad you liked it. Obedience is a lot of fun. haha you will love it when you go up a class.
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