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Everything posted by Sezy

  1. My heart goes out to Jed and her family. RIP to her beautiful dogs. Donation will be made early next week.
  2. 2 dogs and 2 cats here. Both cats are DSH. Male dog and cat love each other but female cat and dog could not care less.
  3. They have a free feeding mat at the moment. Not the best freebie!
  4. The Blok has Jackson, an 8 year old cross breed with the odd visit from 2 bull dogs at christmas and easter. Pennyweight I believe have a border collie.
  5. Hmmm was on my way out to a DOLer dinner catch up and forgot to feed them before I left, did not realise till everyone else was talking about rushing to feed their dogs. I knew I had forgotten something. So just fed them when I got home.
  6. I wish I had spotted this 5 days ago.... ;) They are very beautiful.
  7. First dog was a pound puppy, when I started looking for a second looked at all the pound sites and could not find what I wanted locally. Spotted a litter in the paper for a cross breed and handed over the money. The issues that I have had with her have been things that I did wrong by her when she was younger, letting her play with a not so nice dog created habbits that I have never been able to break, letting her play with a bigger dog that mounted her, hurt her back so we got to know the local chiro really well. She is a great dog but I am sure I would have done it all differently if I had the support of a breeder. Third dog I got it right and went to a reg breeder!
  8. Great photo's huga. Love the froggy one
  9. Thanks for the recommendation. Dee from pets at peace has been lovely. My little man is being collected tomorrow.
  10. Thanks will try Pets at Peace. It just does not seem real, I have a feeling it was 7 years ago today that he wondered into my parents yard when I needed him.
  11. Can anyone recommend a pet cremation place in Sydney? One of my cats went over the bridge unexpectedly tonight.
  12. Congrats Ruth, well done.
  13. My OH set the same rule too and was the first to break it.
  14. Shoes, cat toys or any other random object on the floor that will fit in her mouth. The dear old cocker that we had growing up came home one morning with a shoe. We found the owner, it was my step sister's boyfriend who lived 2 blocks away.
  15. The last 2 photo's that I took of my old boy Tristan. He was a pound puppy so have no idea of his age.
  16. Don't stress and keep it positive. My guys all love going to the vet, it is someone exciting to see. I did work experience at my vet back home so my girls first trip to the vet as soon as we got in the door, the vet nurse took her and went about her work with my pup under her arm.....
  17. I was taught the same thing and it was not in the beginners class, it was about a level 3 or 4 in off lead training but most people also had more then one dog so the name was used to get the attention of the one that you wanted.
  18. Carter is scared of the rain but did fall into the pool sideways today......
  19. A mobile one is up the road on Saturdays and Sundays For $20 they shampoo, condition, dry and brush.
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