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Everything posted by Sezy

  1. My youngest cat has worms in his poo (magot looking things) He was treated with a tablet all wormer from the pet food place about 2 months ago. Then when I first noticed the worms a month ago I also treated him with a spot on (revolution) that also treats worms. Aside from the worms he seems to be a happy healthy cat. Any advice as to what it may be or how I can get rid of them. (He is fed nutro and has been an inside cat for the past 6 months) Thanks in advance!!
  2. I trained Cally at about 12 months. I started off by throwing in 1 or 2 treats and would send her in to get them but leave the door open. When she was ok with this still throw the treats in and then close the door, first for a moment and then build up the time. At the start I would always feed her in there, give her bones, her kong and anything else that was a good thing for her. At 4 she still loves her crate and sleeps in there by choice as well.
  3. Don't go Concord!!! I would be interested to hear more about Homebush too.
  4. I tried the chain thing once with Cally and she thought that it was a great game. She picked the chain up and ran with it, so that was the end of that one!!!! We changed trainers after that and got a better result!
  5. When I went and viewed and picked my girl she was right on 6 weeks that day. There was only 3 pups left from a litter of 10. 7 of the pups were taken to Canberra at 5.5 weeks!!!! I told them that I would not take her for another 2 weeks as she needs to be with her mum until she is 8 weeks. When I picked her up I found out that her brother and sister had gone at 6 weeks!!!!
  6. Thanks everyone for your kind words.
  7. We have not lost any of our pets in years. This year so far we have said goodbye to a bunny, a dog and now a cat. I told mum that I wanted to take her while they were away but as they had a house sitter and I was moving we did not worry about it.
  8. Like most of the pets in our family growing up we don't know how your life started. We met you at the boarding kennels after our cat Ozzie had past away. Mum was taking me to get a new kitten and at the time the kennels had none but they showed me 2 ginger cats and then you. You jumped into my arms and I would not let you go. I was given the option to wait and get a kitten but my heart was already set on you. You purred all the way home and from day one you were the sweetest cat. You loved to be snuggled. You had 4 kittens a short time later but sadly they all died from a lung problem. After that you settled and could always be found in someones cupboard nice and warm and sleeping. If you were outside you would roll over for a belly rub. You were a quiet cat and liked to be on your own but would find someones lap to curl up in at night. As I got older you decided that you would be mum shadow and would follow her around. So I decided that it would be best to leave you when I moved out. You came to visit and stayed a few times and I would always look for you first thing when I got home. I am sorry that I did not take you this time, you maybe still here today. I will miss you Tiby my sweet girl.
  9. What a beautiful kind face she had. RIP Silver.....
  10. If they are the ones that I got a sample from it took 2 emails a few months apart to get the sample and even then there were no feeding instructions or prices. So I will find another supplier now.
  11. I have used greenpet before and really liked it. Only reason why I stopped using it was I would forget to order it!!!
  12. Hi Brett and Mel, So sorry to hear about Comet. I bet he is already loving all the extra birds to chase. A big hug from Sarah, Cally and you other baby Carter.
  13. Thanks Springdog, spaniels are special, I would agree with that.
  14. Hehe not that Tristan was a fan of other dogs but I am sure that he would not mind sharing his thread with Roo!! I was talking to Mum last night and was saying that I am suprised that I was not more of a mess but I think that it helps that I know from when we had him that he had a great life, also the last few times that I have been home knowing that he was getting on that I have made sure that I have spent some extra special time with him and taken lots of photo's. Cally and Carter are loving all the extra cuddles!
  15. Thanks Kozpink, So how are you going now? The tears started on the train this morning on my way to work just thinking about his life. He was one special dog that was for sure. He loved his family and his family loved him.
  16. Thanks Jules. It will not be the same now when I go home.
  17. Thank you people for your kind words. Mum was telling me that one of the Lions Club members showed up over the weekend with a cross for his grave.
  18. Thank you everyone for your kind words, I will admit that I got teary reading them. He was a special dog and will be missed.
  19. I received the phone call that I knew would come soon last night from my mother. Poor Tristan my cocker spanial had collapsed doing what he loved, running around at the Lion's Club paper shed. He was rushed to the vet but sadly died in the car. If he had been eating it would have been the perfect end for my fat dog. He was my first dog that was mine, my mother spotted him as the dog of the week in the paper. I was told no that I was not aloud to have him. After meeting him and a huge fight with my parents I bought him home anyway. In his 7 years that we have had him he has been the perfect dog, you could not fault him. He was loved by many and will be missed by many. Everyone around town knew him. He loved doing what most cocker spanials do and that is eating, swimming and being with his family. He was scared of my pet rabbit but could not careless about other dogs. For the dog that I was in huge trouble for bringing home, when it came time for me to leave home my parents would not part with him. With my sisters all moving out over time he has become their child. I have been lucky to get my dog back here and there but it was only ever for a short time. For a dog that was picked up by a farmer on the side of the road and then left at the pound, he was wonderful. Twistie dog you will be missed.......
  20. hehe I was excited about the washy thing. Should be good to give the dogs a good wash! $79, thats alright!
  21. Just wondering if anyone uses Pro Plan? It was on special yesterday two 18kg bags for $99 so I thought why not! So now that I have 36 kilo's of it I am wondering what it is like??? I have used Imas and Nutrience up until now. Thanks in Advance
  22. My 4 year old has always done it and she is desexed. My understanding is that it is a form of play.
  23. Would be about the size of a thumb nail, I think. I am using Iams again at the moment as the shop did not stock Nutrience. They have a few different ones that are different shapes and sizes, I would just be having a feel of the bag.
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