Hi I live in Broken Hill, lead poisoning capital of australia! They first discovered the lead 'problem' when local dogs began dying from lead poisoning. Dogs with lead poisoning fit, and sometimes die after a fit. So when i moved here i got my soil tested, it was well within what was considered safe here (200-300mgs) but I wasnt convinced so i had a landscape guy dig out all the soil in my yard for about 1 foot down, then had new loam trucked in. What part of the country are you in? have you had your soil tested? You can get your dogs lead levels tested thru a blood test. I know children with high lead levels are slow, or sluggish and it can affect thier development. If you dog is lead affected he must be picking it up from somewhere.. are you on a route to a lead smelter? near a lead mine? Port Pirie andn Port Augusta also have high lead levels I belive, as do houses along thier regular truck routes. If you have a child under 5 yrs old here you can get the lead levels in your yard checked fro free, not sure of the cost elsewhere.