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Everything posted by indigirl
I had two girls desexed today $300 total. One was a 12 week old pup, one was a 8 month old.. that stung until I came in here again.. perspective is a funny thing
Dog crates are man second best friend
A link for the toy i mentioned http://www.vetstop.com.au/info/homealone.asp
I have a foster Tully who is a ridgie and is almsot the same age. She barks too! I think she barks cos shes over stimulated outside with all the dogs. Everytime one of them (theres 6 other adult dogs and 3 puppies here) starts playign she barks her head off. I suspect shes not used to living in a multi dog household. I have resorted to crating her while Im at work and then playing and exercising her before and after. I have very intolerant neighbours and cant afford to have her barking. She goes on trial this weekend but her new family commented they hope she isnt a barker. I've told them she barks here but in a different environment she may be a lot calmer. Ive also found that in the evening when all the dogs are in crates and they are let out one at a time for a cuddle on the lounge with me shes calm and quiet and usually goes to sleep. Fingers crossed for me (and also for you) that its jsut a 'phase' and wont last long. Ive met adult ridgies and they dont appear to bark excessively. Is there some noise outsode thats keeping your boy in hyper mode? For her its the other dogs playing. Can you keep him inside and allow him access to the yard via a doggy door? If Tully's new home doesnt work out and she is returned I think I will have to look at putting her in a yard on her own where she cannot see the other dogs and there is much less stimulation. Having Tully in a yard on her own also means I can use kongs, and other mental stimulation toys to keep her occupied and wear her little mind out! Theres one called 'Home Alone' that would prolly be good for a ridgie. I also have treat balls they have to roll around to get the food to drop out of, and I would bury treat filled kongs in a sandpit for her. Will also have to start exercising her a LOT more cos a tired dog is a good dog How much exercise does your boy get? Ridgies need a LOT of exercise im told. Tully has only been here a few weeks and has been desexed and I am supposed to 'keep her quiet' post desexing so a lot of exercise hasnt been an option. My bet is that your boy is not getting enough exercise and is barking cos hes bored. Doing obedience with him on lead will also wear him out and give him plenty of mental stimulation. I feel your pain tho cos Tully is a handfull! edited for spelling
ROFL! bloody dogs! Ive seen mine creep to my bedroom doorway at night to spy on me.. if they see im awake they are absolute shits and demand to go out etc.. if they think im asleep they trot off back to bed! So now if im awake i make a moaning nosie like im mumbling in my sleep and lay there pretending to be asleep.. how sad is that LOL
Let her cuddle up to your male chi.. or buy another puppy to keep her company! Im heartless when it comes to crying puppies at night, if I know they are fed warm etc and jsut sooking i ignore them, and make sure they are in the room furthest away from my bedroom! I jsut cannot afford to be sleep deprived when i work fulltime - end of story.
Gee, that sounds pretty reasonable newnewf. My Chi girl's desex was about $250 from memory. Perhaps there is a "search fee" for such littlies! Must be damn fiddly :D Unfortunately she developed a small hernia AFTER the surgery, where the mid-line incision was done Different vets all think it's just a "fatty" hernia, but doesn't seem quite right to me. Cheers, Helen LOL @ search fee
I sourced cheap plentiful chicken frames.. and bought them 10kgs at a time but alas they did not agree with 2 of my dogs.. they lost condition and weight so had to stop feeding them.
What Do You Use For Quick Clean Ups?
indigirl replied to Norskgra's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I use a product from Plush Puppy called wonder wash on my goldie, its saved my life many a time LOL -
I love the idea of a raw diet.. its just so labour intensive, i tried it and found i was so over it by the time Id prepared the dogs food that I was buying takeaway or just eating toast for dinner myself! Why cant they invent a raw diet that comes in a tin or a box LOL
The going rate from the vet who desexes my rescues is $105 for a male dog regardless of age/size as long as it in umcomplicated. Females are $150 assuming they arent in season etc. Seems this is a pretty good price and its less than the rspca vet charges!
if they are the collars in thinking of farmers swear by them for thier working dogs.. so they must be good!
Worm Tablets From Wollies Versus Sentimol
indigirl replied to fletcher&murphy's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Uh..i use panacure.. buy it from stock feed places TONS cheaper when you got a lot fo dogs to do! theres no fleas or heartwrom out thsi way tho.. too dry! -
I got my bullmastiff cross girl the C3 year vacc and she was fine! She is now almost 2 yrs old so i doubt i will ever need to vacc her again as she had her puppy vacs! The vacc for KC is bloody useless, its like us getting a flu vacc every year. from now on i will vacc my own dogs as pups with parvac at 8 weeks, then get a C3 4 weeks later from the vet. A C3 booster 12 months after the 2nd vacc and they should have lifelong immunity.
Buy the KC vacc and give it yourself! http://www.vetproductsdirect.com.au/items....amp;Tp=&Bc= costs $9:41 and its not given up the nose its a subcut injection!
Introducing A Mature Dog Into The Mix
indigirl replied to neatz's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
The same size thing is actually a good idea.. means if there are fights at least they are evenly matched.. in my house the fights are very unevenly matched and this is partly why they are so awful! I belive the bullmastiff girl could kill either of the other girls if she wasn't stopped! -
Introducing A Mature Dog Into The Mix
indigirl replied to neatz's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
My girl doesnt like other females much and I wouldnt ever bring another girl home she gets on great with my male but other girls no way, I wouldnt take the risk.When one of mine passes on Im wanting to get a purebred staffy to maybe show and all the breeders Ive spoke to say I should get one of the opposite sex coz they get on better. I have to say introducing an adult bitch into a house with 2 other adult bitches is not for the faint hearted.. the fights are terrifying! -
Introducing A Mature Dog Into The Mix
indigirl replied to neatz's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I introduced a 18 month old bullmastiff cross bitch (desexed) into my household 6 months ago. She belonged to a friend who was unable to keep her. At the time I had a 2 year old golden retriever (entire as i show her) and a 3 year old desexed kelpie cross bitch. Initially all was fine, then one day my kelpie attacked the bullmastiff.. and since that day its been fun fun fun! The bullmastiff has since attacked both the other dogs with no provacation and the fights are nasty! the only way to seperate them is with buckets of water and there is usually one or both dogs bleeding. The kelpie and the goldie have never fought and still dont. So now the bullmastiff is separated from the other two at all times. She has her own section of the backyard and they all have crates inside so i can have them all inside at night. I jsut let them out of thier crates in the evening in shifts. Its not perfect but its the only way i can safely have all 3 dogs in my home. I have since adopted a male staghound as a compnaion for the bullmastiff girl and they are the best of mates. So be aware when you bring this new dog into your household that altho things may appear fine initially.. that may well change. -
Your dog will come on heat at the exact time when you have : a holiday planned, visitors staying, a house inspection, are in bed sick with the flu... in short it will start at the time you least want it to! Well that has been my experience anyways
My Puppy Is Getting Desexed Today
indigirl replied to macka's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I got 2 dogs desexed yesterday, one 18month old male staghound, and a 6 month old female ridgeback. Last few weeks I have been getting a dog desexed every week (rescue dogs). They are all pretty dopey that night but the following morning they are almsot back to normal. I brought them home and put them both in crates. I always pick them up the same day, why is your vet keeping her overnight? -
Seven Months Old And Still Destroying Everything!
indigirl replied to IncrediJack's topic in Puppy Chat
Because the silly watering system cost me so much to have installed and i now actually have GRASS instead of a backyard that looks like the surface of the moon - red with craters - i jsut cant 'let go' of the silly watering system! She digs is up I have lawn man come and strut his stuff.. you know he prolly feeds her over the fence and coaxes her to dig it up.. "here karma here girl.. dig here.. look what i got for you? mm a nice big bone.. now dig girl!" -
Seven Months Old And Still Destroying Everything!
indigirl replied to IncrediJack's topic in Puppy Chat
haha thats jsut evil! Telling us to take heart cos when your dog got to 7 she stopped destroying stuff.. ye gods.. only four and a half years to go.. UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Seven Months Old And Still Destroying Everything!
indigirl replied to IncrediJack's topic in Puppy Chat
LOL.. its jsut the price we pay for having intelligent 'creative' dogs I think they are on a mission to show us how 'shallow' and 'materialistic' we are ! -
Seven Months Old And Still Destroying Everything!
indigirl replied to IncrediJack's topic in Puppy Chat
I've said it before and been flamed for it.. adolescent gundogs can be incredibly destructive.. if bored and under stimulated. Who told you GRs were mellow? They might be when fully mature but he's not the first demon child GR I've heard of. Where did you get him from? They can be demons but they shouldn't be constantly hyper. Do you still train him formally eg. at a dog training club? You may think you're giving him enough stimulation. He appears to be telling you otherwise. Obedience training at this stage is as much, if not more important than as a baby puppy IMO. Sounds like you need better boredom busters. I think you should also consider building a safe secure run. Ultimately, if you are unable to meet his needs and he to fit into your family, you may wish to discuss it with his breeder(?) but you're now at the stage with him that I consider the most trying in puppy raising. In the interim, if you don't want him ruining stuff, you have to keep him from accessing it. Jack is our second Golden. Our last one was very mellow and had a great temperment, always tried to please. I got Jack from a reputable breeder. He's a pedigree from a champion bloodline. I do still train him formally. We are just in between classes at the moment. I feel your pain! I have a 2.5yr old GR bitch called Karma and she's a world class digger! I sectioned off part of the yard, built fences, laid crusherdust and had it compacted down. Two days later she had dug thru the crusherdust and was tunneling underground like some possessed beast. So ordered in road base.. compacted that down.. less than a week later.. she had dug thru this and dug up a water pipe! Thanks for that Karma!!! After almost 24 hrs of No water, plumber has been and fixed said Pipe. So this time i go out and buy rolls of dog wire.. i lay this in dog yard, then cover this with 3 inches of compacted road base. she STILL gets thru the wire! The dog yard looks like a nuclear bomb site! She has dug up (and out) the computerised watering system i had installed shortly before she arrived I think 3 times now. Lawn man loves me Im one of his best cunstomers! Most people only have a watering system installed once! I have actually found her BELOW ground level several times she has dug so deep! I live in fear the ground above will cave in and smother her! At least i now know EXACTLY where my sewerage pipes are! yep she dug them up as well.. it was beyond gross.. the muck was overflowing.. and she was thrilled with her achievement "look what I did today mum!!". I would have the dog yard concreted but its hotter than the fires of hell here in summer and the dogs would blister their feet (I live in Broken Hill), also I don't think concreting over sewerage and water pipes is the best idea. She is walked, played with, has a wading pool and a yardful of toys, is never without the company of other dogs etc.. she jsut loves to dig. Apart from her digging obsession she is no longer destructive. She is just very intelligent and very determined to dig! But I live in hope that one day in the distant future she will outgrow her digging fetish! -
As someome who has paid thousands of dollars out for surgery on my dogs I should definitly get myself some pet insurance! I know i looked into it a while ago and one company offered cover for accident and illness for about $10 per week per dog.