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Everything posted by indigirl

  1. No, i dont like it and it leaves you feeling gross. However my young boxer pup has the tounge from hell that cant be stopped lol. Little turd licks me all the time heh.
  2. I have a golden who is high maintenance. She likes to please me to a certain extent but shes also a princess and very demanding. She is totally totally into affection, exercise, playing etc. She has a bomb proof temp with pups, smalls, cats and kids. She has just turned 6years old and is not the easiest dog to live with. Having said that she loves water, loves other dogs, has a reliable recall, and loves being with me. She loves all ppl and has the softest mouth. She is intelligent but bores easily. So obedience bored her to tears altho she knew all the commands. She knows a lot of commands/phrases, and learned commands easily but that doenst mean she is always obedient. Just because she knows what shes menat to do doenst mean she will do it. As i said she is a princess lol. She still digs like she is possessed and will destroy things in the house on a semi regular basis. Its just her. I think she enjoys tormenting me. My old golden was a male and much easier to manage. He was very eager to please and lived for affection and exercise. HE did well at obedience and was very easy to train. He was also very well behaved.
  3. 2 of my cats play fetch, and 3 come running soon as I call their names. The other 3 come too.. when they are ready lol. Devon rex cats are the best to sleep with, they make lovely hot water bottles plus very very minimal shedding if any. I have 2 devons, 2 bengals and 2 LaPerms, all indoor cats. The devons and laperms are just ppl in little furry bodies lol.
  4. For many years I was not a cat person. Then 3 years ago when I lsot a pup in tragic circumstances i needed another baby so i bought 2 bengal kittens. I know have 6 cats and love them to bits!
  5. Did the flea have a little noose around his neck? maybe he was depressed ...
  6. Maybe your dog has been swimming in toxic waste?
  7. If you domt want a yapper i suggest you dont get a sheltie. There is a reason so many of them are debarked. Beautiful dogs but the barking drove me insane. I had an older sheltie foster for a year i swear he didnt shut up the entire time. Unbelievable.
  8. I live on my own and have 10 dogs and 6 cats. Which sounds insane but 6 of the dogs are italian greyhounds, small eccentric little beasts who i would never take to obedience. They cant be let offlead unless in a fully fenced area so they dont get daily walks, instead they go to fenced dog park for a good run at least once a week. The 4 bigger dogs are more work. I exercise them in groups of 2. I do obedience with them while young and one i showed for about 3yrs. I breed/show the italians thats why there's so many of them lol. The bigger dogs are aged 7, 6, 3 and 5 months. So mostly spread out so I can spend enough time with each dog training them etc while young. The oldest dog was the easiest pup ive ever owned. Luckily for me the 5 month old boxer pup is also a very easy dog. The cats all live indoors and are purebred and low shedding. So no grooming etc required. They have access to an outdoor enclosure and i have a dedicated cat room so i can have cat free time when i want it. Six is def my limit cat wise. Feeding and vet bills are costly, but i dont smoke, rarely drink, and have a good job so I can afford it. I also live out in the stix so very easy to find open places to let bigger dogs run free. I also work 5 mins from home so can come home for an hour for lunch everyday which also helps. I found the jump from 2 to 3 dogs was really noticeable, but now one more doesnt make a huge amount of difference. I think 4 active larger dogs is my limit, would be different if one was really old and quiet. I have a kelpie x curly, a golden, a wolfie x bullmastiff and a boxer. With the iggies I think 8 is prolly my limit, as the oldest has just turned 6 yrs old, so they are also young and 'busy'. If i wasnt actively breeding i would only have a few of them, but living where I do and breeding means i keep my own stud dogs to reduce travel time/costs at least some of the time, even though i only have 3 entire females at this point. My dogs are my lifestyle and I really enjoy them all. I would be lost without them.
  9. I have a houseful of iggies which are eccentric and strange little dogs. Sultan freezes as hes about to walk into his crate. He wont budge til i pat him them its ok to go in? He does this EVERY time. Capri sits on his wrists if its cold so his feet dont get chilled Dali screams continually while im getting their dinner ready, like someone has stuck a knife thru him. He stops the moment i feed him. Nyx has to do 2 laps of the backyard at high speed every morning before she pees Venus wont go to bed until shes run over and annoyed Chilli (kelpie x) and been growled at, then she happily runs into her crate. Luna likes her crate to be covered before she eats? Otherwise she will sit and look at the food for hrs without eating Yep they're a weird breed
  10. My 2 bitches who had been best friends for 5yrs had a horrible fight which nearly killed one of them. They were 5 & 6yrs old. I love both and would not consider parting with either dog. So i keep them separate using toddler gates and crates when indoors, and if one is outside the other is inside. Ive gotten used to it and while its a hassle its better than the alternative. I exercise them separately too. Its now over a year later and there's been no further incidents as they have never been together without some kind of barrier between them. The golden stays inside while im at work, the kelpie cross is outside unless its too hot, then shes crated indoors in the aircon or in the bathroom behind a toddler gate. I know they miss each other but i cant risk them having another fight. The next fight might kill the kelpie. I have 2 large male dogs too that get along with both girls so they each still have a playmate and someone to go on walks with.
  11. Italian greyhounds - def blue. Blue blue and more blue. Tho ppl are starting to want black or seal. I would LOVE a true black, but they arent easy to breed. Goldens - mid gold I would have to say is the fav. My personal fav is a mid gold on top with cream underneath, looks very striking. ETA My golden bitch also has Stanroph lines behind her so is a very light gold colour. I wouldnt want a dog any lighter in colour than she is. I dont like the very dark dogs from the american lines either though.
  12. I like lots of breeds but not to own. If I had to choose breeds I would own or consider owning then the list would be: Toys IG ETT Chinese crested Terriers none Gundogs Golden retriever Curly coat Hounds saluki dachshund mini long haired greyhound Working dogs Kelpie Aussie shepherd Utility boxer bullmastiff Non sporting boston Poodle (as a pet only)
  13. Two of my italian greyhounds: Venus 6 weeks old Nyx 10 weeks Nyx 2 years, and Venus 9 months
  14. I don't think irbid avail in oz , no one will insure for whelping related issues. I make sure I have money set aside for possible c-section etc before I mate my Bitch. My vet also let's me run a tab.
  15. Italian greyhound zoomies are amazing to watch. Such small dogs and soo fast They use their tails like a rudder and go zoomie mad!
  16. BP the blue bitch puppy comment was meant literally. For some reason everyone wants blue pups, usually bitches. As blue is a recessive colour they are often not readily available. Not many ppl in my breed are producing blues. There has been lots of threads over the years here on ppl's perception of blue dogs as being rare, and therefore joe public is often willing to pay a much higher price for a 'rare blue' pup. Approx 80% of my puppy enquiries are from ppl wanting a blue pup, usually a bitch.
  17. But see I would not want someone to think they can easily get one of my puppies. I dont WANT to sell them to jsut anyone. I am looking for a specific type of home and a specific type of owner. That is my choice as the breeder, and its a positive thing for the breed I feel as they are much likely to end up in the wrong hands. So what if a puppy isnt easy to buy? I am subject to the same issues if I choose to buy a puppy and I accept and respect it may take me several years or more to get a pup of my choosing. Having to wait for something is not always a bad thing. I mean what is the alternative?? To have puppies available constantly to anyone who wants one? How does that make us any different from a puppy farmer? I am not a nazi at all, and I welcome newbies with open arms but I need to be convinced that the owner without prior breed experience has studied up on the breed and that they will provide the right type of home. I need to feel some kind of connection with the new owners as I hope they will remain in touch with me for many years to come. I need to know they have an understanding of the breed and its specific needs. I dont think its criticism between breeders of different lines that makes it difificult to get a pup. Its about supply and demand, plus how fussy/particular the breeder is about who gets a pup. Also everyone always wants a blue bitch puppy, and there are only so many of them to go around lol.
  18. You know BP your 'prancing around the show ring" comment is quite insulting. No one is forcing you to show dogs, but belittling those of us who do is bloody rude. Showing is something I enjoy, I find it relaxing and nice chilled out way to spend a weekend. If I was contacted by someone about a puppy and they belittled the showing of dogs I would probably thank them and tel them I had nothing available. Not because I am obsessed with showing, but because i want the ppl who own my puppies to have a good r/ship with me. I want them to be able to contact me freely, and I want to know how and where my babies end up. If a potential buyer is ridiculing something Im passionate about, that doesnt bode well for our future relationship. This is a purebred dog forum, if you really dislike ppl who are into dog showing I wonder why you bother coming here? For what its worth I feel I am always answering enquiries as I also run a breed rescue. Sometimes the ppl who enquire sound like uneducated bogans... however I always reply politely and encourage more communication with them. I really do try not to judge a book by its cover. Just because someone sounds like a bogan it doesnt mean they wont make a fantastic owner. However if they then start to insult me and my dogs well sorry, thats a deal breaker. If these ppl who are making enquries to breeders are not able to refrain from sarcastic belittling comments (such as your prancing around the ring dig), then no wonder they arent getting positive responses. Basic social skills go a long way. Im a bit weary of the finger being pointed at breeders as being nasty uptight pigs - how about the rude arrogant uneducated puppy applicants start to accept some responsibility for their piss poor social skills?
  19. k9angel you are making a huge difference to this dogs chances of adoption, kudos to you.
  20. emgen you seem to be completly missing the point that this owner is not a responsible dog owner. Her dog has been declared dangerous yet she still does not contain it. I fail to see how you can see her as a victim?? If she cared for her dog and was responsible she would have contained her dog! Whether the dangerous dog ruling was fair it not is irrelevant - she risked her dogs life by nit containing it. In my opinion she has no business owning a dog. It is HER fault the dog was PTS all she had to do was contain it, if she was unable to contain it then it was her responsibility as the owner to make alternative arrangements to ensure the dog didn't break the dangerous dog order. If she can't/ won't provide afequate fencing she has no business owning a dog. If you can't afford a dog then don't own one! It's irresponsible and unfair to the dog. Pets are a luxury that not everyone is able to afford. Owning my dogs and cats means I choose to sacrifice other things in order to be able to afford them. It's a choice I make. My lounge needs replacing but my animals come first, so the new lounge has to wait. Owning pets is NOT a right.
  21. I would suggest to you that governments are already handing over quite a bit of OUR money to assist people who need financial assistance. And I would also suggest to you that no government is going to make a special case for this one and build a fence where the level of responsibility is so poor that the occupants would probably not bother to close the gate anyhow. The first and last rule of dog ownership is KEEP YOUR BLOODY DOG AT HOME! I don't want to see it chasing cars, I don't want it bailing up somebody's cat or some elderly person, fighting with other roaming dogs, I don't want it pooping all over the nature strip or outside the shops, and I don't want to hit it on the road with my car when I come around a corner on a dark night. If these people cannot safely keep their dog at home, then they should find another home for the dog, or surrender it to council. No government handouts of taxpayers money, no freebies, there are enough rorts already. Souff +1
  22. Hmm 25 yrs old with a 9 year old.. 5 kids... locks them all in a dog cage with her including a 5 month old baby... yep sjes got her priorities right.. NOT
  23. In my experience Wayrod beats Jetpets and Dogtainers hands down for value for money! And we fly a fair few dogs at iggy rescue. I think we are flying two this coming weekend. I wont use anyone else now. I have used Dogtainers extensively in the past, my main gripe has been the guy in Sydney forgets to book my dogs flight even though Ive paid for it. So its always lotsa of stress and a huge rush to get the dog on the flight as its all done at the last minute.
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