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Everything posted by indigirl

  1. My 3 iggy girls are all named after goddesses - Nyx, Luna and Venus My latest iggy boy is called Dali, after Salvador Dali the artist, as he looks like someone has painted spots on him lol My boxer pup I named Fluke cos I have a golden named Karma and the 2 names go together well
  2. Lol Kirty can just see you swimming out there after your dog hehe. Stevie looks great :) .. Is she a keeper or a foster?
  3. So sorry to read this jr-inoz, glad the mother will be ok
  4. Don't get an Italian greyhound if you cannot deal with a dog that refuses to toilet outside if it's too wet/cold/windy etc Don't get an Italian greyhound if you want a dog that greets strangers with affection Don't get an IG if you want to be able to walk your dog offlead Don't get an IG if you aren't willing to provide warm blankets/jumpers etc etc for your dog. These dogs are completely intolerant of the cold. Don't get an IG if you can't deal with ppl asking about your 'baby whippet' and/or telling you that your dog is too skinny and needs fattening up. Don't get an IG if personal space is an issue for ou, wherever you are your IG will want to be with you - right on top of you in fact. Lastly dont get an IG puppy unless you are prepared for the frenetic energy levels.
  5. teela I would rather my dog died from being hit by a car, than bein torn to pieces by two large dogs. What an agonizing slow death bein mauled to death would be
  6. Her first litter was 4 pups, but Nyx is from a litter of 8! Which is a BIG litter for an iggy. Im hoping for 5 or 6 :)
  7. 5 weeks in 2009 when I went to Europe, i found it really difficult to be away from them for that long. Next time I will only go for 3 weeks i think.
  8. On really hot days I get bags of ice from the servo, rip open the top of the bags and put them in the trailer with the dogs. The dogs also wear cool coats. I can travel with my dogs when it's 40deg+ and they ate fine, only prob is they won't want to get out of the trailer at the other end lol. The ice cools the temp in the trailer, they lick it as it melts and the cool coats keep them cool. It's so cool in there it takes hours for the ice to completely melt even when it's 40 deg. Dogs arrive unstressed and relaxed. I think they key is not letting the trailer get heated inside in the first place, rather than letting it get really hot then trying to cool it down.
  9. I would drop my smaller dogs leads too as I'm pretty sure they could outrun most big dogs apart from sight hounds. The bigger dogs I would try to defend, with whatever I could get hold of. It's almost too horrible to think about
  10. So sorry Jane, she was such a lucky lucky dog to have found you in the last year of her life. RIP Taz girl
  11. That poor woman how horrific. Considering the 2 dogs broke down a fence to get to them, i daresay the dogs have displayed aggressive behaviour in the past. What a nightmare for the woman and her dog. The advice about standing still and throwing food to fend off a serious dog attack is almost laughable. The only 'food' that would have satisfied them is the dog the woman was trying to protect!
  12. I left my 10 week old boxer pup Fluke in the yard with my italian greyhounds while I was at work. I am able to come home for an hour for lunch everyday and check on the dogs, plus the yard is very safe and secure - has to be to contain the IGs. Some days I would bring him inside at lunchtime and leave him in the laundry for the afternoon but he really wasnt happy, he wanted to be outside. The weather was nice and cool so no chance of him overheating. He loved having the company of the other dogs and playing with them. They have plenty of shelter, toys and soft bedding to lay around on. Fluke was a very easy going mellow pup, so I made the decision to leave him in the yard with the iggies. Had he been boisterous and rough I would not have done so. He stayed with the iggies until he was 4 months old, he then was slowly transitioned into the yard with the 2 bigger dogs over a period of about 3 weeks. My two younger iggies really enjoyed being able to play with Fluke and outrun him lol. Whilst he was in the iggy yard I made sure that at least 3 times a day Fluke had a play session with my gentle golden retriever. This was so Fluke could be as rough as he liked and expend as much energy as he needed to. I found this worked really well.
  13. Good luck! Thanks Trish, she had an easy whelp last time and 4 beautiful pups so fingers crossed it all goes well this time.
  14. Friends cav almost certainly had the disease, was a byb pup from Wagga area. They didnt have mri due to cost, plus the dog had a shocking heart. He was diagnosed with a grade 4 heart murmur at just under 4 months of age and by 8 months he was a grade 5. The dogs behaviour was bizaire to say the least and appeared to be preoccupied by whatever was going on internally for him. He was PTS at 10 months of age.
  15. I think the teeth are with all the single missing socks..
  16. missy I am very relieved to hear you are supervising the dogs when together. Im thankful you were so open to listening to that idea Im not a fan of pet shop puppies either, but whats done is done. I am more concerned that your 2 dogs get to know each other and a bond in a safe supervised way. The reason so many on DOL are so passionate about petshops and byb is because we are often the ones left to deal with the aftermath. Many ppl who posted in this thread (including myself) are involved in rescue. Hence is a very emotive issue for many here. Rescue isnt something you get involved in unless you are passionate about it Even though some comments may have been hard to read, i hope you will take some of the info on board and maybe next time you are in the market for a new dog/pup you will consider somewhere other than a petshop or byb. Hope it continues to go well with your two beautiful dogs.
  17. Hiya, I have a multiple dog household, I breed and do rescue and am used to having new dogs join my pack. I NEVER leave a new dog unsupervised with my current dogs until i know 100% they are ok together. I dont leave a baby puppy unsupervised with older dogs EVER. Its too easy for the puppy to get hurt, as you have found out today. You need to give the puppy and your dog short supervised sessions together. Say 15-45mins with you right there supervising, several times a day. You can slowly increase the time they are together. If you need to go out then use a laundry/Xpen etc to keep puppy separated. NEVER leave them alone unsupervised until you are 100% sure the puppy is safe with your dog. Im not sure how old your puppy is but as a general rule I would not be leaving a puppy under say 4 months old unsupervised with an adult dog under any circumstances (except if the other dog was the pups mother). Depending on the puppy and her size/temperament etc it may take until she is 5 months or older until i felt she was 100% safe with my adult dog. I have had one italian greyhound pup who was sturdy enough and had enough attitude and smarts, to be allowed to run free with my other IGs at 14 weeks. However he is the exception rather than the rule. Generally they are at least 4 months old. My young boxer was not allowed to run freely with my bigger dogs until he was 4.5 months old. Sure it was a hassle keeping an active boxer pup separated with only supervised play sessions with my older dogs. However by keeping him separate i KNEW he was safe. The puppy in my sig below, Ripley, was left unsupervised with older dogs for 30 mins while I was inside laying down. Ultimately this cost my puppy his life he was killed in a tragic freak accident in the backyard. Something im still trying to forgive myself for 3 years later. Rip was playing with a larger older foster dog, racing around madly and they crashed into the tap. The impact broke Ripley's rib and the rib pierced his heart killing him instantly. I did not witness the impact, however my belief is that the combined weight of both dogs is what caused the rib to snap as it did. So you can see I learned the hard way NEVER leave a young puppy unsupervised with an older dog EVER. Please learn from my mistake. You need to give both the dogs time to get used to each other and adjust to the change. It may take a little while but they should be fine and will be besties before you know it
  18. I also think iggies prefer their own kind. I have multiple dogs, including a number of iggies and while they like the other dogs they like each other best.
  19. Oh no. Was the dog ok, having been without his meds for so long? Yes we did this is him last week in his new foster home with a GAP greyhound Just to clarify the 2 dogs are never together unsupervised nor are they allowed to run together, just cuddle lol
  20. A week feels like a long time to you, but if the breeder has had a family crisis a week is no time at all. I would call again and maybe this time they will pick up.
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