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Everything posted by indigirl

  1. I've had giardia here several times.best treatment is Panacur, dose the dogs 3 days running. Flagyl takes multiple courses and takes weed to treat it. You can buy Panacur from any stock feed type place, it's sold as sheep drench here but used as a dog wormer overseas.
  2. Thanks! I've owned a sheltie x kelpie in the past amd she had a long thick coat. This boys nervousness prolly comes from the kelpie side then. He's just too small for a kelpie I thought? And his coat is much longer amd softer than a kelpies. Maybe a kelpie mixed with something smaller.
  3. Hope not I have more than enough dogs .. But he's totally my kinda dog.. Lol. He needs work, needs to learn what's acceptable behavior and how to walk on lead etc. He also needs to be housetrained and needs more socialisation with pp, as he's very timid. So we will see how he goes.
  4. He weighs around 10-12kgs and vet thinks he's around 9 months old. He's extremely submissive and nervous poor thing I wa to,d he was a she so put a pretty pink collar on him and took these pics.. Then realised she was a he LOL so excise the collar. I'm thinking Sheltie x kelpie?
  5. I have basic accident insurance on all my Italian greyhounds until they are 18 mintns old. This is solely intended for leg breaks which the breed is prone to as puppies. A broken leg would set me back between $1200- $3000 so this is the cost I am insuring against. Once the dog reaches 18 months old I cancel the insurance. Thankfully I have not had yet to use it, but at least I know that if one of my young Iggies breaks a leg 80% of the cost will be covered by imsurance. Although I still have to pay it upfront and they reimburse me.
  6. Ask a breeder Luke, most of us have multitudes of them lol. I'm wayy too far away or I'd happily lend you one.
  7. Hahha you're terrible Muriel.
  8. Pity we can't say who we don't want to sit next to as well eh LOL
  9. None of my dogs, either pet or show wear collars at home. Not just because it marks the coat but because so many dogs die from collar accidents. I have multiple dogs and they could easily get a jaw caught under another dogs collar and accidents strangler heather dog whilst trying to free themselves. Whenever they leave my house they have collars on. But I have secure fencing and they are all microchipped. ETA ironically I think I have a collar fetish and my dogs have tons of collars LOL
  10. Owner says the dogs have never attacked anyone before - Linky and dogs have been PTS again no mention of breed,
  11. M-sass I just can't fathom what would make 3 dogs intent on killing and destroying ppl for no reason? it wasn't a bite it was a sustained attack. I've lived here for 8 yrs and never had a dog threaten me. I have had my dogs rushed at by other dogs when I've been walking them but that's about it. Every time I think about that poor couple I feel sick .. And also so grateful it wasn't a child.
  12. indigirl


    Teebs I only just saw this. End of an Era.. Atlas will always be the dog who could eat anything. RIP Atlas, ready easy now boy. Take care of yourself teebs xxx
  13. We had a terrible dog attack here on the weekend a couple were walking down a lane when 3 dogs who apparently dug out of their yard attacked them. Both pol were mauled but the man sustained awful injuries. The police use a taser and capsicum spray to stop the dogs, but the dogs then went for the paramedics so the police fired a shot to scare the dogs off. I believe the dogs have been PTS and ive not heard the breed or anything else. Those poor ppl had it been a child I imagine they would have died from the injuries. I can't imagine the horror of being mauled by 3 dogs.
  14. What a nightmare for you. I had 2 pups get into a potted plant and eat potting mix and fertilizer about 3 months ago. The fertilizer was full of nasties and my 2 were at the vets on a drip for a week. It completely stripped their intestines and the amount blood they passed was terrifying. Was touch and go with both dogs but both survived and 3 months later they are both going great. It's amazing what dogs can live through and how quickly they recover. Hope your 2 dogs come through this with flying colors.
  15. Years ago my bull mastiff x ruptured his cruiate, I had the surgery done and he recovered well. Five yrs later the other cruiate ruptured and hey had further surgery, the recovery the 2nd time was very slow. Weeks and weeks of rest. However it also healed well and he was 8 yrs old by then.
  16. My pups always sleep inside, I have an ex pen set up with a bed in it which they keep in once they are out of the whelping box. During the day though once they are 4-5 weeks old they go outside in a NFS pen I have set up with a roof on it. They stay in this pen for a few weeks during the day then at around 6 weeks I open the pen door, so they have the pen plus an area of yard. I fence off part of the yard for the pups, it's hard to see I'm the pics. I use a solid pen I bought of eBay it's about 6 panels, one ith a door and you can peg down each panel. I use it as a fence. In this pic ou can see the fence behind my boxer ith the door section is it. I like this setup because I can just remove the fence when I don't need it and it's very simple to set up and take down.
  17. Before - newspaper, blanket and vetbed During - newspaper and towells After - newspaper, blanket and vetbed
  18. RIP little Penny dog So glad she was in your arms at the end esky Thinking of you
  19. Maybe look for an adolescent/ young adult dog that's been in foster are so you know the temperament and suitability for your son? least that way you can be sure of the dogs temperament, activity levels, tolerance for children etc.
  20. Italian greyhound Is that a baby whippet? Why is he so skinny? Do you race them? Golden retriever Is that a long haired lab? Boxer Is he vicious? Boxers are really stupid and you can't train them
  21. Syringomyelia can't be tested for. It's terribly painful for the dog and its the reason I would never own a cav. Breeders trying to say its not a problem I think are in denial or just being naive. From what I've read online researchers say around 95% of cavs have the Chiari-like malformation in their skull that is part of SM however not all of them go on the develop the condition. They say it's widespread across all breeding lines. It's def more common o/seas than here but it's also in Australia. My suggestion is to purchase your pup from a reg breeder who is MRI screening ALL their breeding stock for the disease. Unfortunately 2 clears can still produce a pup with SM but if the parents have a Grade A result the pups are less likely to develop CM.
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