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Posts posted by indigirl

  1. I know where I live when we were in drought the bitch's seasons were all out of whack and a lot of breeders had probs getting their bitch in whelp.

    ETA my golden bitch spontaneously reabsorbed her litter a week before the biggest dust storm in 50 yrs came through here. That dust storm caused widespread outbreak of parvo and entire litters were lost. Seems the huge volumes of dirt that were dumped across the place often had parvo in them.

    Always felt that was a case of nature knowing best when my girl lost her litter.

  2. The whole situation is intolerable to me. These poor dogs have been in that horrid environment for so long. My number one priority is getting them out of the shelter. Any legal response is going to take weeks or months and these guys need out ASAP. IGs are so sensitive and I cat begin to imagine what these two little dogs have been through.

    I feel for the breeder too, I would be enraged and so stressed and upset if it was one of my dogs.

    It smacks of breeder hating tactics to me, that's just my gut feeling.

    My personal belief is that they DID scan the chip but when they saw the dogs were owned by a reg breeder they chose not to contact her. On their profiles it says the dogs are microchipped. Unless they have chipped them again they must have found and read their chips.

    Can't get my head around the woman sending happy dog pics as recently as 2 weeks ago to the breeder.. Yet the dogs were already dumped by the. On this persons Facebook page there's a huge pics of both dogs etc. it's just bizarre.

  3. Firstly, does she have confirmation in writing from the rspca that they failed to scan? If she does would she consider legal action because I'm positive she'd win. Sounds like the typical blackmail from breeder hating staff. They clearly were negligent so why should she pay for their incompetence.

    They admitted it to her, plus they have never contacted her to let her know they were there.

    I'm sure it's very much breeder hating stuff

  4. The RSPCA now knows she is the legal ower so they won't let her adopt them like joe public.

    A friend could do it if they are willing to have a yard check and they don't currently own any dogs as you are only allowed to have 2 dogs in SA. However RSPCA is setting criteria for anyone adopting the dogs, they have to be retired with no young kids at the house. Trying to find someone who fits the criteria who does not currently own any dogs and is local to the RSPCA is a very big ask.

    It's Is why in over 2 months they have had NO interest.

    The breeder doesn't have to meet those criteria but she has to pay an astronomical adoption fee.

    RSPCA will also not work with rescue so can't get another rescue to get them either.

  5. Hiyas, iggy rescue has become aware of a situation where 2 Italian greyhounds were surrendered to the RSPCA by a third party although they legally belonged to someone else. The RSPCA has had these dogs for over 2 months now and they didnt check the chip details so they didnt know the dogs were not legally owned by the woman who surrendered them.

    The owner (a breeder) was still being sent photo updates on these dogs as recently as 2 weeks ago saying how well they were doing by the third party. The owner discovered the dogs were in the RSPCA 2 days ago and is understandably very worried about them.

    The RSPCA have told the owner that there will be a huge fee for her to get them back as they have spent 2 months having a behaviorist work with the dogs die to them being timid, and the owner would have to pay for all the time the behaviorist has spent working with them.

    Now IGs are a timid breed and are always totally overwhelmed on a shelter environment, it's normal for them as a breed to respond with extreme fear to this kind of situation. The RSPCA never even scanned the dogs for a chip, if they had they would have seen the person who surrendered them was not the owner and they could have contacted the owner and she would have immediately collected both dogs.

    So as I see it the RSPCA is responsible for the 2 months of work the behaviorist has put in, as they neglected to check the chip.

    I called the RSPCA and made an enquiry on the dogs and was told they would cost $400 Asa pair to adopt. Yet they re telling the owner her fee to purchase them back will be much much higher. Both dogs were vaccinated, desexed and had recent dentals before they left the owners house so the RSPCA has not had to do any vetwork.

    Can the RSPCA do this? When it's their fault for not checking the chip details?

    Is it legal to have two different adoption fees? One for the owner and one for everyone else? The RSPCA has acknowledged the dogs were never scanned.

    I'm gobsmacked to say the least. The breeder is keen to work with rescue to get these dogs to safety however the RSPCA will not let rescue adopt a dog, nor will they allow interstate adoptions and these dogs are in SA, and our carer who is able to take them is in Vic. The breeder has proved ownership but god knows what kind of adoption fee they will ask her to pay.

    Advice/input would be greatly appreciated :)

  6. 2 days ago my bitch Luna spiked a high fever and had to be rushed t the vet. She has an infection and was dehydrating (it was40 deg here that day). So a, now bottle feeding the pups as she doesn't have enough milk plus syringing electrolytes and beef liver broth into Luna every few hrs. However I am grateful pups are thriving and Luna is slowly improving, she has eaten small amounts voluntarily several times.

    day 5


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