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Everything posted by he'smyhero

  1. If hero's been running around and then skulls water he vomits.
  2. There you go! She doesn't eat the boring food- she gets something better! Once she learns that she eats what is given to her or she'll go hungry she'll start eating properly- simple as I said she won't let herslef starve. Of cause rule out a medical problem first. Maybe a quick trip to the vet but I'd be pretty confident that it's because she's loving the treatment and the better foods she's getting.
  3. I used to feed my two Scotty's roll (which is like VIP) and heated it in the microwave once to soften it, I put it in for 5secs and when I pulled it out it was sizzling and the smell.... !!!! I haven't been able to bring myself to feeding it to them since!
  4. Try mixing in some raw chicken mince or chunks of steaks or sardines. Also when my dogs won't eat their biscuits I grate some cheese over the top and mix it through- works every time. Your girl won't starve herself to death, don't worry if she gets hungry enough she will eat what ever it is you put in front of her! Also don't feed her any treats or snacks during the day (unless of cause it's during training) if she thinks by not eating what you give her she'll get something better (like your left overs) then she'll never eat her food.
  5. I have a staffy and he plays like this all the time. I really wouldn't worry about it unless he starts to hurt the other dog- which he probably isn't or it seems frightened. ETA Sorry just read your next post. Maybe keep her on lead for a while and let her play with others like that this way you can correct her when she gets over excited. It shouldn't take long for her to realise whats acceptable in play in whats not.
  6. My two love it- but its too expensive to feed as a staple diet for us so I buy a pack and cut the meat balls up to treat size and freeze in seperate bags for training treats. I works great!
  7. In regards to the allergies - they will probably leasen as you change her diet as I'm sure they are the result of her being fed things she shouldn't, but a trip to the vets may be worth while any way just to be sure. My girl has sensitive skin is doing wonderfully on the Nutro lamb I also occasionally add a flax seed oil capsule to her mince. You seem to be on the right path and I bet she'll come good with a countinued diet plan but, as you are already aware, your biggest hurdle is going to be you Nan. Old habits die hard and old people tend to get set in their way of doing things. I'm sure she is really doing what she thinks is best for Genie. Maybe if you could take your nan to the vet with Genie and get them to explain that what she is doing is hurting Genie and have them give her a new diet plan.
  8. Oh god how scary the poor little thing must be feeling very sorry for her self I hope it passes with out causing any problems for her..
  9. I use dried liver, cheese, cabanosi, left over meat, chopped apple (odd but my dogs LOVE it) and I also mix in their dry food but shhhh they don't know that :wink:
  10. The other day he vomitted on my bed and he's spewed on my BF's leather jacket. We have wooden floor boards but still not a joy to clean up!!
  11. Hero vomits a fair bit. Usually after alot of exercise or if he gets over excited. It's just clear with foam and sometimes grass or bits of food if he's just eaten. It doesn't smell or anything. Is this something I should talk to my vet about? Or am I just being over paranoid? My sister has started calling him Spewy Spewington!
  12. I don't know anything about lupus but I hope it is managable if not treatable. Goodluck to you both I hope things start looking better soon. Please keep us posted on her progress.
  13. So sorry to hear this! Sending lots of good vibes your way. I really hope she's ok.
  14. It sounds good to me. But maybe change the garlic to every second day.
  15. Hi he'smy hero, parcel is waiting at the front door ;) Anyway,i used these guys when i was in Dubbo,they came out there a few times i think,wasn't over wrapped in there products but that was probably 18 months or so ago. I've been getting chicken carcasses and mince from South Coast chickens since i'vevbeen here,really good quality and cheap.Box of carcasses which had over 40 carcasses in it was only $6 and the mince is good quality and the same price for a big box Thanks Julie Where abouts is South Coast chickens? That's a whole lot cheaper then what I'm getting them for now!! GDG- Is delivery expenso or is it included in the price? I may get some beef mince and bones off them. ETA- A reply
  16. I am getting a deep freezer on the weekend and want to buy some meat/bones/etc in bulk for the dogs. I don't usually buy dog grade mince as I find its usually crap and full of odd looking bits and pieces that make me feel ill So I'm just wondering if anyone has bought the mince or bones from this company and what they thought. The Fresh Meat Store
  17. I would give him a marrow bone- one sliced down the middle so he can get to the marrow. These are great recreational bones, not too much meat attached but it will take him a while to get it off and to get all the marrow out. He also won't be able to try and swallow it whole!
  18. Hope the pups are feeling better soon and they make a speedy recovery.
  19. We got ours last week and after two short play sessions with Hero the poor thing can wobble no more Hero loves it though- I can never get it back off him he hides behind the only bush in the yard and runs away when I try to get it back!
  20. I went to Illawarra a few years ago when it was on Saturdays. The trainer was great and the people were very friendly and helpful. Where abouts is it held or through which club? I'd love to check it out!
  21. They do obedience training on Saturdays. We haven't started that yet though so I'm not sure if it's the same price as agility but I would assume so.
  22. I *think* its $25 for membership (one time fee) then $3 a lesson. Well that's what it is for agility. It's cheaper then JJ Kelly park. There phone no# is 42612255.
  23. Hi Ben I took both Hero and my mums old rottie bitch (when she was a pup) to the puppy training classes at JJ Kelly. They were good all though I think the classes have become over crowded lately and you just don't get the personal attention you some times need. I take Hero to South Coast Dog Training Club at dapto showground and find them so much better, the classes easier to follow and the trainers more helpful. We are doing agility there and absolutely love it. We will be taking up further obdience classes when the weather heats up - they are on saturday morning and Hero and I aren't morning people at the best of times! They are a bit further away but definately worth the drive.
  24. What are the chances of a vaccinated dog catching Parvo??
  25. I personally think that agility training, or at least the relationship/foundation training we do at my club is more benefical to improving off lead reliability then what we were doing at my old obedience club. At agility there are dogs every where hyped up, barking, owners yelling etc the dogs are distracted and in a high energy situation. Perfecting a recall in a setting like this is more effective then in a obedience situation where they are sitting there waiting to be released or recalled. With Hero I can now recall him from any situation regardless of what he may be doing (99% of the time anyway). The dogs are taught to be more focused on they're handler so aren't as supseptable to distractions as in obedience. One instructor actually noted that too much formal obedience training can hinder dogs because it trains the drive/the play out of dogs which is necessary for agility.
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