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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Southern River train at the CAWA grounds Just checked... OK Northern Suburbs do, so I stand corrected, but I don't know that I would want to take a puppy who is not fully vaccinated to a heavily utilised dog park. It is also nearly an hour drive away... I always thought that CAWA affiliated clubs couldn't take unvaccinated dogs due to the insurance issues, but you live and learn
  2. Thanks guys Have a couple of leads to follow up now. StaceyB, no obedience club in WA runs puppy preschool classes as they will not take dogs before they have had their second vaccination. Puppy preschool is for pups under 12 weeks usually and is about socialisation, not obedience.
  3. There is a big grass area at Brisbane AAE that you can take them for a walk on Bring bags as they don't provide them (they do in Perth!)... and be careful where you walk for this reason Don't introduce through a fence. I have dogs who are more than happy to welcome a new dog into their back yard, but one of them would get "protective" through a fence (she does the same if in a crate or tied up - but is fine if on lead with me or off lead)! Good luck and we expect photos
  4. I had planned on never taking a puppy to puppy preschool again after a bad experience where all pups were let off lead at the same time... which meant 12 week old bull terrier and goldy pups off lead with 8 week old small and medium breed pups. However, my first litter ended up being a singleton litter and I am wanting my pup to get some playtime with other pups of similar age, and no one I know has appropriate pups to set up our own play group. So I am looking a a decent puppy school. Any suggestions? Preferably close to the Perth Eastern Hills, but will travel for a good set up :cool:
  5. I know of dogs who have shown signs of HD between 6 and 12 months who have then had very good hip scores when over 12 months. I am not sure whether they were initially diagnosed with xrays or just through the symptoms.
  6. It could also be a grass seed! My kelpie managed to get one up her vagina I don't want to know what she was doing to achieve that :D
  7. Depends on the dog. With my current girl she does agility because I ask her not because she really wants to. Since she isn't that motivated I only do 2 runs in a day. I have just taken over the handling of an Aussie Shepherd though who would have no problems doing 4 runs on a day. I don't think I would ever enter a dog in all eligible classes at a double header though!
  8. Forgot to say... the person who runs Rocket trains at ACWA so they would be able to help you with any size/breed specific problems :D
  9. You will be taught how to do those things in class (don't know why they are prerequisites!) :D ACWA is a good club. I would suggest having at least weave poles and a jump to practise with in between lessons though :D To find more information do a search (google) for "dog targeting", it would take me too long to type it. The directional commands are taught by getting the dog to do a spin in the correct direction on command :D I use "back" for my dog to turn left and "turn" for my dog to turn right. Start with luring the spin until you can get it consistently, then add the command while luring and then try and phase out the luring. The last thing is just to get your dog used to working on either side (as apposed to obedience when they are only on the left hand side). Start with just a few steps and then reward You use the hand closest to the dog to indicate which side and to treat when they are doing things correctly. Good luck.
  10. I don't on my dogs as they don't have white muzzles. However I use either White Healer or Filtabac on my horses ;) Both are liable to get everywhere though but they aren't as thick as human zinc cream :rolleyes:
  11. Oh, and Tiggy, Midland is my closest club but their obedience classes with ACWA agility training My good friend goes there with her miniature poodle and I know quite a few others as they come to agility training with me on Friday nights
  12. Please don't use Bark Busters! Choose someone who does positive training. There is obedience training at the CAWA grounds in Canning Vale on Monday nights and Gosnells (don't know which nights) If you want private lessons there are a number of people who do positive training such as Sue Hogben. Have you looked at the CAWA site to see what other clubs are nearby?
  13. To get a list of clubs and contact details have a look at the clubs link at www.cawa.asn.au. The closest club to Perth City is Perth Training and Obedience Dog Club. They train in Vic Park on Wednesday nights for obedience. They are more geared to "pet" training atm, although most of the instructors have trialled ;) It is just that the membership atm doesn't (except for me and a couple of others) Otherwise, as Chicko asked, what area are you interested in :D
  14. I am a member of ACWA and I highly recommend it :D I think there are other clubs that do allow dogs to start before they are 12 months, but ACWA is the only club I know that actually has equipment made to suit puppies! I am doing the Adult Foundation with my girl at the moment. I did think about doing the puppy foundation, but since I have a similar distance to travel as you do (I am in Helena Valley) and also go to obedience on Wednesdays and agility (teaching) on Fridays (plus horse commitments ) I decided to wait until she was over 12 months and could do a bit more... plus I could teach her a lot of the basic handling at home anyway If I didn't have the other commitments I would definitely have gone though!
  15. My desexed kelpie will do this to her bowls and everyone else's She also marks when out for walks etc so I figure it is just another part of that. I have to admit that I just make sure I pick the bowls up when they have finished.
  16. I have private obedience lessons with my kids. Definitely get more out of them than a group lesson :D But I am the same... I come from a horsey background so private lessons are normal for me :LOL:
  17. Your memory is getting lots better And yes, we do need to work on speed now...yours! Spencer can be fast as long as you don't slow him down
  18. He was a very good boy last night. His last attempt that I saw was very confident. But who would have guessed that a BC would be scared of heights Good job for persevering with him Sorry I missed Maddy's go at agility.
  19. Has anyone used this on a long/double coated breed? If so, was there any change in coat? I would consider using it on my male, particularly as our female pup is 6 months now, but would be very worried about change of coat for the show ring.
  20. See I knew I could spark a debate. I have talked to vets at 3 different clinics in WA...all have said they will not be moving into 3 yearly vaccinations until more information/feedback comes from it. All have said/indicated that it is a completely different vaccine with increased levels of whatever they have in vaccines to make them effective So either they have it wrong/are not well informed/or Australia is once again doing something different to America (Thanks for the link to the American info though...I would be interested in knowing if a similar appraisal has been done in Australia.) Interestingly, of my 6 dogs, 3 are vaccinated yearly (the 3 that go out and about regularly, although one is only 6 months old) We had kennel cough come through starting with the 6 month old...hers was very light over in 36 hours, then another of the vaccinated dogs got it, worse cough but was over it in 2 days, the other vaccinated dog coughed for a total of 6 hours! Two of the unvaccinated got it with a bad cough and it hung around for over a week for both! The other unvaccinated dog, who happens to be the oldest with other health/respiratory issues didn't get it at all So my "study" shows that unvaccinated dogs could have KC worse or not get it at all compared to vaccinated dogs. What does this prove...absolutely nothing
  21. I did originally think it was just the normal one extended to 3 years too but from everything I have heard the vaccine is a stronger version of the yearly one....off to do a google search now.
  22. In light of the yearly heartworm vaccine debate and most peoples statements that they wouldn't give them because if the dogs do have a reaction it will be in their system for longer I started to wonder...will everyone boycott the 3 year vaccine for the same reason? I have talked to several vets and none of them recommend the 3 year vaccine...now is this purely because of money or is it because they are not convince it is worthwhile (which is their reason :rolleyes: )
  23. With my pup if I tried luring moving the treat across her shoulder she just didn't understand what I wanted. I instead lured her so that she was lieing flat on her side and then from that position lured her to roll over
  24. I thought the incubation period was 3-5 days! My girl certainly didn't get coughed on by anyone. Of course after she got it I expected the rest of them too
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