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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Sounds like a great idea to me too I also wish they would make the Grand Ch title a bit fairer and get rid of the 25 point CC bit... I don't see why breeds with higher numbers only have to beat their own breed for the title yet everyone else has to get BIG (beating the dogs with large breed numbers!)
  2. That they say that dogs usually eat meat exclusively automatically tells me they don't know what they are talking about... Dogs are omnivores like humans, not carnivores.
  3. First up, do not book direct through AAE! They give a quote which sounds good (cheaper than through an agent) then you rock up and it is suddenly double! Or at least that is what happened with a pup we had to fly. Dogtainers and JetPets are both good in my experience. Both deal with both Qantas and Virgin and check which flights are most convenient and cheapest. In a lot of cases for us that has been Qantas, although are picking up a pup from Virgin next week
  4. ST, at Naval Base there is no dog and horse section... it is just one section. As I said though the majority of dogs belong to the people with horses and so are well behaved around them. Plus I think the last time I went there would have been at least 50 horses - probably more - and maybe 10 dogs I haven't been to the other beaches down that way as it is out of my neck of the woods (I am in the Hills - Gidgegannup!) so I just go where my friends from down that way told me to go At Hillaries you used to get dogs in the horse section all the time, both onlead being taken for a walk (which was fine) and offlead and allowed to run up to the horses
  5. My dogs can occasionally bark at night. But we are on a rural property and they are generally barking coz kangaroos have come visiting! If they start barking again after they have been told to be quiet they are locked in the house though coz even though it doesn't bother the neighbours (they are too far away) it disturbs MY sleep I don't know how anyone can sleep thorough a dog barking right outside their window!
  6. RubyStar, Naval Base has quite a few dogs there as well, but nearly all are owned by horse people and have someone without a horse keeping an eye on them so they aren't a problem Hillaries, who knows how many dogs in the horse section came with a horse. The main reason I won't take my horses there now are because of the dogs on the horse beach... plus how small the horse section is now, when I used to go it was 2 or 3 times bigger! The problem is with the people who think that horses are just big dogs and of course their dog is "friendly" so it won't be an issue... same as with letting off lead dogs run up to other dogs because they are "friendly" Oh, and I never said all horse owners think dog owners are stupid... just that some are and if you have a dog that isn't used to stock don't go to horse beaches and let them off lead... on Sunday there was even a goat at the horse beach
  7. Anyone considering taking dogs down to Naval Base (the horse beach in Kwinana) please don't if you dog is not horse Savvy! Last Sunday there were 78 horses down there and the last thing we need is a dog running around that doesn't know what they are! It isn't uncommon for horses to attack dogs that get in their faces either. It is the main reason I now take my horses to Naval Base rather than Hillaries Horse Beach. Too many dog people don't seem to think that the rule that dogs must be on lead in the horse area doesn't apply to them. Have had a couple of bad incidents although luckily noone was hurt, however one dog nearly drowned itself (twice) trying to follow us into the water when it couldn't swim!
  8. In WA, the RSPCA has made it so that the Police will not involve themselves with anything to do with animals after they were sued! Yes, the cops made a bad judgement, but in doing so they removed a threat that was endangering the lives of people (Very large kangaroo playing chicken on a very busy road). I haven't heard of any cases about wrongful seizures of animals in WA. It is hard enough to get inspectors out to very obvious cases of neglect even with multiple complaits from several people. Saying that, we did have an RSPCA inspector our to our property many years ago after our neighbour complained we (or at least my grandparents at that stage) weren't feeding our sheep enough. Inspector came out and told my grandparents to put the sheep on a diet... So I do think it is the people in the RSPCA that are the problem. But it does seem wrong that such a large area of governance is left to a charity rather than a government organisation.
  9. Banjo (my only Kelpie that is shown) will be at the Classic, possibly also doing his first Jumping rounds as well :D Same days as you. Plus we will have 3-4 Lappies in the show as well Banjo will still get to do the NYE show too, unless he decides to do something to make sure he can't be shown either :D
  10. Well I have come to the conclusion that Robi (Finnish Lapphund) doesn't want to be a show dog He is booked in tomorrow to get a grass seed removed that I can't do myself, so will have a nice shaved patch on his side - show side of course :D While there we will take advantage of the General to get his hips and elbows done :D Hopefully his coat will have grown out enough for the Classic (the Finnish judge has judged Lappies at some of the bigger shows in Finland!) but NYE is definitely out for him.
  11. By Gazette I am guessing you mean the Canine News Cloverdale Teams on the 16th Jan - vetting 6.15-6.45pm start time 7.00pm Hills KC isn't in this issue. Western Classic gundogs are on Saturday 6pm (unless you want to see the Labs or Goldies and then it is Friday 7pm) and Sunday 6pm.
  12. Geez, I stop checking up on DOL for a while due to getting busy and what do I miss out on I will be at Canine on Saturday and Sunday evenings for agility - hopefully it won't be too hot! And I have finally entered another show So I will be at the NYE show with my 2 boys
  13. Can anyone suggest a vet in the Perth Metro area who is good on canine heart issues? Either a general practise vet or specialist cardiologist. Thank you in advance
  14. We have Finnish Lapphunds and I can't remember any strange comments about them. Most people just ask what breed they are and then give them heaps of pats and cuddles However last year, some people had obviously seen our guys first, then went further on and saw some of my friends' Australian Shepherds. Their comment was "here are some more of those Finnish Lapphunds" That made my year last year :D Of course my friends weren't so impressed ;)
  15. I used to go to Liz with my Kelpie, however got sick of trying to get time off to go and see her (it was a bit of a hike!) so tried Bowen Therapy and have had as good a results with my girl as I did with Acupuncture if not better Added benefit was that it costs less... well, it does if I don't also get myself, and a couple of horses done as well
  16. I know where you train Gotta love Tom's cues I use Back for left and Turn for light. I figured I will remember them better than Left and Right ETA: The Kelpie in my profile picture is Banjo as well... he has started his agility training as well, but at only 15 months we are in no rush
  17. Lovely babies You can send the blue girls here
  18. This thread has really confused me. After the Nationals last year a circular was sent out saying that after a meeting of ANKC agility reps after the incident at the Nationals the tyre IS BANNED from ANKC competition until further investigations are carried out. It certainly hasn't been used in WA since then. I have not ever seen anything saying that the tyre has been reinstated so why are other states using them again? Have they received some information the WA hasn't? In regards to the event at the Nationals I wasn't there but know the dog in question. He is a super fast dog and from what I have been told by his owner the damage was done when the unpegged tyre landed on his back The damage is permanent but he is getting around ok now. I have never seen an accident with a tyre in WA - however have seen accidents with dog walks, bendy tunnels (the wrong type of sand bag was used), collapsible tunnels and even dogs just turning incorrectly after jumps But nothing in life is without risk...
  19. Given she is 6 months old, unless you have just gotten her I would think that she would have been to the vet for vaccinations etc. Have you discussed your concerns with your normal vet? If not, what area are you in as I am guessing you don't want to drive an hour or mor for a vet ETA: In terms of overdosing all dogs should be weighed, they don't just guess the weight. Or I would be very annoyed at them if they did! My dogs get weighed everytime they go to the vet
  20. I would highly recommend Laura Bird for Bowen therapy as well She is based in Serpentine but will come to you... she travels to Gidgegannup to see my crew!
  21. Definitely a pity about the split. I would love to have gone to the puppy one but can't afford the extra time off to get to Sydney
  22. Unfortunately I don't know any breeders with pups around his age. I am actually thinking to just not bother as I still haven't found a puppy preschool that I am happy with (and keep hearing more horror stories). So I think it will be a case of him playing with my other dogs until he is old enough which he loves - it is amusing watching a fluffy 6 week old pup eat a 5 month old kelpies tail. Although the other dogs have crashed and he still wants to play Anyone know where to find the off switch on a puppy? :D
  23. I am in the Hills Pup I am interested in socialising is not quite 6 weeks old yet. Although he has lots of fun eating/beating up my 20 week old Kelpie and the 3 older girls
  24. Thanks guys have looked at the website but it didn't give any of this information Doesn't sound like what I want anyway. I don't need obedience training as I can do that myself (and don't want auto sits quite yet ) only the socialisation so it doesn't sound suitable anyway. I think I am just at the stage that I will just not worry about puppy preschool and let him socialise with older dogs that I know are good with pups
  25. Drumbeat, do they do off lead socialisation or is it just obedience training for puppies? If they do off lead socialise do they have a secure area to do it of is it just in the middle of the park?
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