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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. I have a lake Maybe I need to make a jetty for the dogs... off to find a picture
  2. Congratulations Moosepup And have fun waiting for your new puppy Although does a Chi really count as a third dog? BB, have fun camping I like "camping" in a nice comfortable bed when I go away
  3. Welcome Pommy Lhasa What info would you like about showing in Australia? OzJen, Diva is a light palomino and Xavi is a dark palomino You can't get too much different in colour between the two though!
  4. So does that mean I need to organise a Perth meet at my house?
  5. We didn't even get a sprinkle of rain :D Um, photos of the fillies... I have some at home but they are from a little while ago... they didn't get their photos taken yesterday
  6. She is only Associate registered so she can do agility As said, parti coloured poodles can not be registered on the main or limit registries. But they do exist
  7. I am sure Banjo would be up for that ;)
  8. You can always come for a visit... in fact Aeryn will be your BFF if you stand there and give her scratches ;) Particularly if you scratch between her bum cheeks or boobies
  9. In a dog forum? ;) OK... The palomino is my yearling Quarter Horse x Thoroughbred gelding, Xavi, who is unfortunately for sale since I have two Anglo Arab yearling fillies who are keepers And yes I do cross breed horses But they are all bred for performance/showing The naughty foal is Aeryn who is jumping on her mother Abbey... took that shot today as well and if you want horsey photos I figure you will enjoy it Abbey is a Holsteiner and Aeryn's dad is a KWPN warmblood... hopefully she will be a brilliant showjumper when older!
  10. Have you shown Jenna that whip?? We have a trial on Friday night remember Hope you have been working her hard since you got home from holidays The obedience in Vic Park is at Raphael Park (Or Rafael I can never remember how to spell it :p) And it was way too hot today It was only meant to be around 30C! However I did manage to wash one of my yearling horses for the first time and take some nice photos of him
  11. OK, pups were born 4th December so they won't quite be 3 months at the Classic.
  12. Jumping is basically agility without the contact equipment and weavers So jumps and tunnels only I was trying to figure out how old Trinity's pups are as well... will go check the Suthernskyes website But I doubt they or Trinity will be at the Classic since she was in season at the Royal (much to Banjo's delight although he wasn't allowed to say hello) so they can't be that old. Rommi n Lewis, I was there 1993-7. And I think the boarders liked us "daybugs" I know the ones that came to dinner or stayed for the weekend certainly weren't complaining
  13. Me too. We do occasionally, but my dogs seem to like getting in group awards at shows that don't even have fringies Best would have to be my Advance jacket for BOB at Perth Royal. Have also got an Advance bag for BIG at the Western Classic but it died fairly quickly. Oh, and cash is nice too - I always go and buy the dogs a toy if we get cash
  14. Lab_Rat, Banjo will be there Saturday, Sunday and Monday for the Classic He would be happy to give you some Kelpie Kisses I really need to get my act together with him as he is entered in the teams jumping as well Only in a very non-competitive team but I just realised he has never done a collapsible tunnel I wonder if I should put an entry in for him for novice jumping... only thing is it could clash with the show side of things. @ Amypie... you make me feel old though, coz I graduated in 1997
  15. to Christine ValleyWA, you are still going to do agility this year aren't you? I am planning on taking Banjo down to Perth again this year, although will probably only get to every second week LOL. Oh and to all the Swanleigh boarders I wasn't a boarder but had to put up with you since I went to Govo
  16. For hip scoring and repro work I have gone to Applecross and more recently Toodyay vet (since that is closer to me LOL). I use Mundaring Vet for general stuff and did even when living in Helena Valley after having issues with Swan (great if you can get Dr Huber, but last time I went and asked for him I got a newby vet who tried to convince me that my dog had OCD because there was nothing on the xrays to show why she was lame Needless to say she was wrong) and also Midland - actually I don't think Midland would let us come back since they had to refund all money paid to them after they stuffed up big time Saying that it has been a while since I have used either so hopefully they both have great vets there now Oh, and Mundaring Shire are bad to deal with in terms of dogs (and horses!). They told us we could get a kennel license before we got our new property (100 acres) and sent out all paperwork, in fact we were told if we wanted to have puppies even if we only owned one dog we required a kennel license. We then misplaced the paperwork when moving and when we called 3 months later to get it sent out again we were told that they don't do kennel licenses and haven't for years! (Oh but we still need one if we want to breed - just pay $6000+ to get us to consider it!) We are only allowed to have 4 dogs on the 100 acres, but can apply for up to 6. Of course you have to own the extra dogs before you apply though And that is even with two houses on the property with their own individual enclosed yards.
  17. One thing has come up on this thread that I have to query... Are dogs allowed off lead into vet surgeries in other states? In WA it is a big no-no and I have not seen an offlead dog in a vet clinic in many many years, and I have gone to quite a few different clinics depending on the issue. All have large signs saying dogs must be on lead or in crates and cats must be in crates. I have to admit it has been a long time since I have seen a patient cat brought in not in a crate as well
  18. Maybe my vet's cat is just very well behaved As I said, she is less of an issue for any dogs than patient cats as they are a lot closer to the dog. Or maybe I am just lucky coz my dogs only care about cats if the cat is running I have to admit my dogs are kept as far away from other dogs as possible in the waiting room and they are friendly. But since I have no idea what the other dog is in for I don't want them getting up close and personal! My pet hate is people letting their dogs come up and say hello in the waiting room - particularly since they generally don't ask first!
  19. My vet has a cat and I have to admit I have never even thought about it since I haven't ever had one of my dogs react to her- but then I have only ever seen her up on the counter too high for the dogs to get or outside. They don't react to the cats that come in for appointments either. So if you have a really cat unfriendly dog what do you do about the cat patients that come in? They are generally closer to your dog than a resident cat even if they are in crates?
  20. I have dogs entered at the Bunbury Open show and am slightly concerned about going. Particularly as we have a dog over from Queenland for a couple of months to show. Will decide closer to the time I think Edited for spelling!
  21. Bugger Donna. I had a slight scare as my mother suddenly realised she had something already booked on a Saturday night in Feb... and she had a feeling it was the WC weekend I was trying to figure out how I was going to cope with 5 dogs on my own (2 of which hate each other!) but luckily her thing is on the first weekend in Feb not the last
  22. I am entered in the Open Show at Bunbury and am now wondering if it is worth going Although by the sounds of it there is a fair bit around in Perth Suburbs as well.
  23. I will be there showing on Saturday and Sunday night for the working dogs. Have entered an Intermediate Kelpie and then Minor, Intermediate, Austbred and Open Finnish Lapphunds! Will skip the individual agility but will be running 4 dogs in the teams
  24. How would you treat it if the pup had two testes at 8 weeks was sent to a new home, and then they weren't seen again until the pup was 20 weeks or so?!
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