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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. You must drive slow Took us around 30 to 35 min (depending on traffic) when we were about a minute or so further down your road
  2. My local shows are an hour away. It isn't unusual for me to do the drive 2 or 3 times a week (or more ) since it is also where I go for agility training. Furtherest I have gone is about 4 or so hours drive, or flying Perth to Brisbane. I was entered in an Open show about 2.5-3hours from home last weekend but ended up with other committments so didn't go.
  3. Banjo has always been the boss Robi is a woossy dog who backs down to Banjo if he even looks at him the wrong way. So I think it is more Banjo saying bugger off, she is mine. Although Varda tells both boys to wrack off - however that doesn't result in a scrap! Well unless Banjo then takes it out on Robi On another note though it is interesting to watch the byplay between the dogs when Banjo has a go at Robi... Kinta (who is boss dog) goes and jumps on Banjo and starts humping him...
  4. I am just stunned that there are dogs that competed in over 70 shows in a year I don't think we even have that many shows in WA over the year even if we go to every one on offer!
  5. Anyone want a black kelpie? At this point in time he is available to ANY new home! I brought Varda, my Finnish Lapphund bitch, back home yesterday after her spending the last few weeks at my parent's house. Both Banjo and Robi keep acting like she is in season (she is sterilised!) and so Banjo keeps beating up on Robi Not that Robi helps since as soon as I split them up Robs starts barking at Banjo! So Banjo has been locked in the house today while I am at work. Please tell me they will settle down soon!
  6. For those who have said they have pedigree/purebred horses I am actually interested in what you consider purebred. There aren't that many closed studbooks for horses. Warmblood studbooks are not closed - therefore they are not "purebred". Welsh allow interbreeding between their registries (A, B, C and D). Quarter Horses are not a closed studbook (3/4 thoroughbreds can be shown as "purebred" QH) Arabs, Friesians, Thoroughbred and Cleveland Bay are all closed studbooks, but I don't know of many others. I have thoroughbreds, warmbloods and arab derivatives. The only ones of those that are "purebred" are the thoroughbreds (that then get crossed to produce the others :D )
  7. I have pedigree dogs but my other animals don't tend to be. Both cats were feral kittens that we rescued and the majority of my horses are crossbreds. Saying that all of my horses have breed registrations and are bred for performance (as well as looking pretty ) It is certainly a lot more taboo to have a cross bred dog rather than horse. But then dogs have more offspring and more people own them. Horses seem to be judged a lot more on their own individual merits.
  8. Just coz I am not a noob handler doesn't mean it is going to be any less pretty And yes, you can bypass the weavers. In fact you can make up your own course if you really want to
  9. Amypie, depending on the Novice jumping course Banjo might have a go
  10. CnR, I got that Was just commenting on how many dog aggressive dogs there actually are running around off lead at dog training/trials Of course they are all ones that are only aggressive when their personal space is invaded. The Show'n'Go is on Saturday night with start time down as 6.30pm. Given the sun is in competely the wrong spot around 7pm though in order to do agility I would imagine the agility side of it might start a bit later though - or start then stop for a bit. However aim for 6.30pm <G> And yep, just rock up and pay your $2. You are generally given a ticket and there are also usually lists to put your dog's name down on.
  11. Ptolomy, from memory Cider loves cuddles... or maybe I am just special She could have definitely come home with me (although I would not be handing her back fully trained ROFL). In terms of dog aggressive dogs at agility training you would probably be suprised how many are! I could name probably 5 or 6 dogs who are aggressive if another dog gets too close and that is without thinking hard. One of "my" girls can be, but she is never put in a situation to test it out. We are always (usually) aware of exactly where she is and what other dogs are doing around her. Some dogs do like doing zoomies and visiting. Banjo went and visited another dog last night (I think he decided it was sexy coz it looked a bit like him ) He usually has a good recall but went into "I can't hear you" mode. Luckily he doesn't rush up and the other dog was fine and I quickly got him and apologised. If the other dog did snap at him though or the owner intervened to make sure he couldn't get to her dog I would except full responsibility.
  12. And you will be welcomed with open arms Just ask Jacq
  13. Try training 3 dogs The girls were good and Banjo can now add spread and tyre jumps and collapsible tunnels to his list of obstacles he can do! So now to get a bit more focussed on training contacts and actually start to train weavers if I want him to be able to compete in Agility as well as Jumping at the State and National Champs
  14. ;) I did do a double take the first time I read your dog's name My Banjo came with his name and since he is co-owned with his breeder I didn't really feel I could change it And it does suit him Lab_Rat, I am sure Banjo would much prefer you to get a girly kelpie But I am glad that is still on the cards Oh, and um, Banjo greets everyone with a wag... and a black eye as he leaps up to kiss their face (please note that he can do this to anyone, regardless of height ;) ) The main time he is feral is for the first minute after we have visitors! He then settles down and doesn't care anymore even when we go out and come back in :p
  15. LabRat, what do you mean you are researching your next breed of dog? Banjo will be upset now as he was hoping you should get a pretty red/tan (show) kelpie bitch Amypie, you don't have to be a member of CAWA to enter the Show'n'Go. I am thinking of going down... am wondering whether to put Banjo in the Novice jumping, but it would depend on the course.
  16. RosieFT, membership for ACWA is yearly from the date that you join :D RubyStar, I will have to get OzJen to introduce us
  17. Holly's Mummy, as has been said, the only group to do puppy classes that I know are ACWA. If you are happy to wait until older then you can go to Midland or Perth Training (Ashfield). Midland on Tuesday nights is closest to you for obedience. Banjo had a very slack birthday as I wasn't feeling well so spent most of the day in bed He then did some jumping training since I have realised he is in a team for the WC and had never done a broad jump before :D He did that without an issue though so have a month to now get him used to collapsible tunnels and spread jumps :D Am starting to think that my other kelpie, Kinta, might end up on the team instead (she is the reserve)
  18. Welcome Where are you in WA? ACWA is at Canning Vale on Tuesday nights and has a puppy class If you google search "Agility Club of WA" you will find all the info on their website
  19. Lappiemum, in WA we have a lot less shows than Vic, and yet we generally have more Lappies being shown except at the really big shows (although that may be changing with more Vic Lappy owners now showing)! Reason is that we show regardless of the size of the show (and everyone keeps saying it is too far to come to WA to show ) so if it is show with over or under 750 we are likely to have the same numbers which is between 4 and 6 dogs depending on how many I am stupid enough to enter (other person showing has two dogs, we have 4). Oh, and since we are friends we are generally either both entered or neither unless one of us has another commitment and the other still wants to show dogs for some reason. Both my breeds have the same number of dogs entered regardless of size of shows, or maybe one or two dogs difference at the very most. But then there are only 2 show kelpies in WA (soon to be 3 ) and 8 Lappies that are able to be shown of which only 6 are.
  20. I think it was just over $200 to bring over an older Lappy pup in a PP40 crate a few weeks ago.
  21. A lot would start looking for accommodation during O week if they haven't already. How does having your details at Curtin help students from UWA? As far as I am aware all Uni's are independant of each other. I went to UWA and know quite a few people who rented in Vic Park.
  22. Belgium.blue, maybe put an advert up at UWA as that is actually the closest Uni to you. I don't actually know if I could share my house with anyone so have never looked for a house mate RubyStar, I train at ACWA and occasionally at Perth Training.
  23. Yes it is our property We have 100 acres up in Gidgegannup. We bought the property coz of it's brilliant water supply The place is actually set up for aquaculture so as well as our "lake" we have 10 or so large ponds for the fish and a large dam that supplies water to the houses. Oh, and they aren't ducks Banjo and Kinta are chasing (although we have lots of them too) they are geese Valleywa, you will get numbers sent out plus a list of breeds and number of entries for each breed. But don't be too worried if you don't get them until a week before the show - although you generally get it earlier than you do for the Royal
  24. The only problem is that the dogs might get distracted by these... or at least I know that Banjo will swim after them for hours
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