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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. It won't be out for a couple more months I will let you know when it is There is agility on the Saturday and Monday as well
  2. vCBR, I would fly over andprobably take 2 dogs We will have to figure things out before close of entries if we both decide to go Hmm, I wonder when the Agility is... Working Group for Perth Royal is the Sunday :D (So you can't really do Melbourne Royal first - probably coz I had thought about going to Melbourne this year too!)
  3. Abbey got her AD title in her first three runs, but took about 6 or so runs to get her JD title. She is now in masters jumping but still needs two more passes for excellent agility I will look out for both of you on Wednesday I didn't enter Banjo, forgot about it until the day entries closed So will just have the two Aussies in :D
  4. The quote is direct from the website. I am about to email them now coz I would prefer to keep my Lappies in Group 5 I am thinking of going, days aren't too bad (Thurs for Kelpies and Fri for Lappies if that stays the same) so not too much time off work
  5. Naughty WA people! I had to go to page 3 to find this Tiggy, I know a few people who go to Eden Hill for agility (including the founders ) and they enjoy it, but don't know about the obedience side of things.
  6. RubyStar, with teams agility you enter a team of 4 and then run the course individually. The team that wins is the one with the lowest number of faults (and if equal on faults, the fastest time). However if you DQ you get 50 points (and you can DQ several times on course ) and if you fail to finish you get 200 points. Was happy with my guys. Varda was a star and went clear in the jumping Not bad for a dog who has had stuff all training and needs to lose weight and get fit! Banjo was a good boy although was a bit distracted... and he needs to learn that judges don't require Kelpie Kisses Then my two more experienced dogs had lots of fun Although it didn't help that I was so hot I was a bit out of it ;)
  7. I loved it too Was having a conversation last night and if we got critiqued like our dogs do sometimes we would probably never show again! And even funnier are some of the comments at the end! Some people take things way too seriously
  8. Yes, I had the Finnish judge :D Banjo still got BOB kelpie. She just said he was skinny, to which I replied that he does agility as well. He is a working breed after all... and is probably body scale of 4 so in the "ideal" weight range according to most body score systems I will be back tonight for teams agility Hope my dogs behave
  9. Interesting night for me last night. I was told by the judge my Kelpie was too skinny :D Which is very amusing since half of my agility friends keep telling me he needs to lose more weight for agility So it is probably a good thing she didn't go down and see any agility dogs ;) Boots was dog CC and ruBOB Lappy - and needs his teeth cleaned according to the judge (as did quite a few dogs of other breeds)! I didn't think they were that bad... he is a 7yo LOL. Robi (who was BOB Saturday) was not even awarded his class, but then our minor bitch was awarded her class and she is weaker in the areas that the judge gave as reasons for Robi's non award I have to admit I was expecting it though after her comment to one of the Chow people on Friday night. Robi also hated the fact that the judge had her hands on him before he even stopped moving First time Robs has backed off a judge in a long time and given he had moved towards the Sat night judge I had hoped I was over that with him Oh, and it was very fun when the lights went out, although I think there was enough moonlight that they could have kept judging
  10. Well I had a good night last night... although am very tired atm after getting to bed around 1am then having to get up this morning in order to have a lesson on my horse Banjo was a good boy and Robi was a star, taking out BOB Lappy and first time for him to beat his father Even better, my woosy dog actually went UP to the judge to say hello when we finished our triangle Was good to meet valleyCBR, although I do find it funny that we both recognised each other's dog! So another night showing for me and I want to try and watch some agility. I didn't enter since the owners of my Aussies are at a wedding tonight and I don't want Banjo's first trial to be running back and forward between the show and agility.
  11. Or even after Kelpie! Poor Banjo, maybe everyone is too in awe to compete against him ;) I had planned on taking Banjo to agility tomorrow night as well... but am now wondering if it is even going to be on due ot the weather
  12. You should just type out the whole list to save people asking about individual breeds
  13. Bugger about your mare Although I am not talking to my horses at the moment since I have two with bandaged legs - one of which was done yesterday so I was at the vet last night so I didn't get home until 11pm! We are about 5 minutes off Toodyay Road. You would pass our turnoff road on the way to Toodyay, so let me know when you are coming up that way * I might even make double choc chip cookies so you don't have to bring cake
  14. Yeah, will have to dig out the cool coat LOL. Two of the others we are showing are black AND coated ;) However my Kelpies usually are worse with the heat than the Lappies - gotta love the fact that the snow dogs do the heat better than the Aussie outback dogs The worst bit will actually be that they will probably delay the start, but then they rarely give warning that they are going to start (5 minute warning would be nice) so you have to be ready to get to the ring quickly. Although at least I don't exactly have to worry about grooming!
  15. The current forecast for this current weekend is high 30s ;) Which is going to be really fun with a black dog who has to be in the ring pretty well straight up (there actually are Australian Cattle Dogs entered!)
  16. Will you have plates of cake in your hand on Saturday too? Banjo will give you kelpie kisses Only 1 kelpie entered Oh well hopefully more will be back in the ring soon!
  17. Most judges don't expect babies to be pros As long as they stay still enough for the judge to vaguely go over them you are fine
  18. Yes, you should have gotten a number to wear while showing your dog... did you only get the list of breeds and numbers for each? ST, do you put both names on the envelope? That is what I do since Banjo is in joint names with his co-owner being his breeder from NSW. So I put all three names that are owners of our dogs on the envelope and have never had an issue with any show except the Royal.
  19. I have 6 dogs (well 4 at my house 2 at my parent's - same property) in a rural outer suburb of Perth
  20. :D if that is the noise an I-Squeak makes I might have to rethink my order I have to admit I was laughing at your girl on Wed night :p At least she didn't keep it up for long each time
  21. I might have to try these with my kids too... and get one each as presents for my agility "kids" So um... 3 x small and 5 x medium please oh, and maybe 1 x large just so I have a whole set
  22. At present there are 3 horse beaches in Perth and about 9 or so dog beaches. If this goes ahead the number of horse beaches is down to 2 and both are SOR. So yeah, it is great that the council listens to dog owners but it is a big shame that dog owners seem to be a selfish bunch who don't care that it inconveniences other people Admittedly I haven't been to Hillarys in years after having too many dogs have a go at our horses (owners don't seem to think the "dogs on lead only" signs apply to them). But I know plenty of people who do go.
  23. Why wouldn't you get them in one envelope?
  24. I forgot that they usually send numbers out And yes, I did send a SSAE
  25. Yep Heard the offer on the radio and even though we recently bought some it will get used quickly enough 50% off dog food - what more can you ask for
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