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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. I have to admit I would have thought Adelaide to Brisbane was further than Adelaide to Perth But then I have done Perth to Brisbane without an issue so I don't consider anywhere in Australia too far to go with the dogs :D
  2. 2 weeks to go And yep, silly me has 4 dogs entered each day :D But my young one is only in jumping and my other girl will probably only end up doing jumping as well as last trial she did she was very demotivated again But the two feral Aussies will be doing both jumping and agility :D No games for me as then I can go home each afternoon and work ponies :D
  3. I can't believe State Agility starts tomorrow night Hopefully the weather guys have it right and it will stop raining tomorrow after just a few showers in the morning
  4. I actually wouldn't recommend Studio Noah. Yes they take absolutely brilliant shots. But the cost of the photos is a rip off and they will not allow you to buy copyright so they cannot be used on websites How do I know? Coz my Mum got some done, bought over $1000 worth of photos (which was for a book of 10 photos and two enlargements- one of which was free with the $300 session fee) and they stuffed up the book that the photos came in and would not fix it and when asked if we could buy copyright they said no straight away
  5. That's ok, I don't want to put you to any trouble :cool: I don't get a chance to have Macca's breakfast very often and so you are not taking this opportunity away from me
  6. My guess is that the other states are getting a bit sick of WA dogs going over and showing them how WA people do it Congrats Brooky for UD and Winners as well
  7. Woohoo Go Brookie And Bedazzled of course
  8. So does one of mine and the other is sterilised (it is nice not having to worry about if they are coming in any more!) But you need to collect numbers by the end of vetting too :p I keep checking waclick to see if the catalogue has been posted I am sure it was last year! ETA: States isn't as early on Sat as I thought either. But will still stay down that way I think if I can scam a bed Just gives more time to go and get Maccas for breakfast :D
  9. Amypie, of course you can sit with us Just remember vetting is 6-6.30pm. To add to that list: States on Sat starts at 9.30am (late start!) Southern River am starts 9.30 (ok so it seems to be common ) and pm is 2pm GSDA trial starts at 1.30pm (can't start before 1pm due to ANZAC Day act for sporting events) Nationals start 9am and then not before 1pm in the afternoon And then there is nothing until June unless you are going country!
  10. Amypie, States are usually held up on the showing grassed area OzJen's sis was going to see if she could find out for sure where it is going to be held. We tend to set up on the far side from the clubroom... ie the area closest to the agility/obedience oval I had planned on leaving work at lunchtime on Friday... then looked on Monday and saw I have a patient until 2pm However will get someone to fill in for the last test so hopefully I can leave around 1pm With the aim to get to Canine by 5.30
  11. vCBR, are you not doing the States? Ozjen, I will contact you privately too, but in case I forget is it ok for Varda, Banjo and I to crash at your place on Friday? I was thinking of the weekend and getting home around midnight on Friday then having to be back around 7.30am on Saturday and thought I might just get Mum to do the ponies and stay down that way ;)
  12. I go south for dog events, horse events and visiting friends
  13. It used to take me 35 mins to get to Canine from Helena Valley and now takes me 55 mins from the other side of Gidge And I am there once or twice a week or more We did look at buying down that way but it is so boring and flat and flood prone Still keep saying I should have moved down that way though then look at our property
  14. So no need for me to rush :D Hopefully the girls will be good on the weekend without training! At least we did some on Sunday
  15. Yes but unfortunately they often post on the website after I have already had to leave Which is why when in doubt I often choose not to go as I have driven the hour before to find out that training had been cancelled :D
  16. Am currently trying to find out if it is going to be cancelled or not. I know that it is bucketing down in Mandurah atm... looking at the radar it will probably hit you in the next hour if it is going to. And do ACWA have a severe weather warning rule? I know that Perth training is cancelled if there is a severe weather warning regardless of what the weather actually is doing at the time of training. The girls need training though
  17. Agreed :D Ruby is lovely :p I love Dachies
  18. Welcome Longdog :D I look forward to seeing photos of your Ruby too :p
  19. I still think that RR and most other essenses work because they are generally in an alcohol base Particularly if you are meant to keep taking swigs every 15 minutes And it has been... about a week since I rode Was too busy this weekend and now my pony is covered in lumps several of which would be under the saddle/girth So she can have a couple more days off.
  20. You don't have to qualify for the agility Nationals :D I was made to take Rescue Remedy once at a horse show (not that I felt nervous ) and it did not a thing. But then I have other friends that swear by it So it certainly wouldn't hurt And give your dog a couple of drops too
  21. I probably wasn't paying much attention either But yep, if you don't have the "right" dog with you I would probably have been trying to place where I know you from Actually, got accosted by the guy who owns one of the feed stores we occasionally go to when I was at the Royal last year (in the horse stables at least :p) and it seriously took me a while to figure out who it was ;)
  22. Do you train during the day as well? Most of our clubs train at night under lights so our dogs are generally more used to that
  23. Amypie, I am not doing the trials on the ANZAC day weekend. I figure 8 trials in 3 weekends is too much for the dogs let alone me So I will go and show my ponies instead... including a first show for one of my yearlings... Hmm, I wonder if that is a good idea a week before the nationals Don't worry about the Nationals either... with all the trials before hand you will be an old hand by then Or alternatively, just start drinking the night before and don't stop I don't mind day trials but Varda isn't a fan ;) Hopefully it won't be too hot (or too wet!) ST, if you yelled out I would have stopped Or you could have stalked me and when I stopped to talk to anyone else just come and taken a biscuit
  24. Out of interest was it an international judge? I have only seen it happen with internationals Sort of happened to me this weekend. We got rDCC and then the dog got BOB, the judge then handed the reserve to the bitch without calling us back in (I was ready waiting). Didn't really fuss me as she had verbally critiqued the dogs when judging so I knew the bitch would be given it over my boy anyway so I just shrugged and went to walk away, but the steward eventually realised (or the other competitors told them there was another dog) so they did call me in and the judge still gave it to the bitch I would probably write a letter to the CC (and cc it to the club concerned) and ask what you are meant to do in that situation if it ever happens again
  25. I have my very novice Kelpie entered in the jumping (and my Lappy who can do very well... or decide she won't even move ) so I will hold your hand for that and you can hold mine. I am also in novice agility with two although will probably pull Varda (the Lappy) as she was very demotivated at Cloverdale again Saying that though, Banjo was the only one who behaved yesterday! Jenna and Abbey were having their blonde bits dominating
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