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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. I am not going to bring biscuits until the Friday either since it is easier to cook them Thursday afternoon than Wednesday night! And RubyStar, I think we can fit you in without an extra cabanna
  2. I can bring a crate that Lincoln will fit into Oh and OzJen, do you have a Cabana?
  3. I have one, J has at least one, don't know about OzJen or Amanda (who has Mini Poodles) or vCBR I know that we can easily fit 4 dogs under a normal cabana (not your mini one) with space left over, particularly if cars are back up to them with dogs in the back of cars... Maybe we do need 4 though so that we can have room too
  4. Yep, and then you can be closer for me to get Mars Bar slice from you How many gazebos are we going to set up between us? From my understanding we will have OzJen, J and I with 4 dogs, you with 1 (unless Trixie is coming for a visit ), vCBR with 1 (or is Lincoln coming too?), and another one of my friends with 2. So between 8 and 10 dogs. So do you think we only need 3 cabanas or should we set up 4?
  5. Look at the number of obstacles being set up And if Novice Agility is before Excellent there won't be a seesaw
  6. The rings for the Nationals will be set up before anyone is allowed to set up their cabanas Will have to remind Ozjen to set up well away from Jenna's rings
  7. I have had it happen quite a lot but have learnt to fix up back legs if needed while the judge is going over the dog's head. I don't mind it with my kelpie but with my Lappy boy it can make him back off from the judge big time if they rush up on him. But we cope. ETA: we have actually had a string of judges who don't even wait for the dog to stop before they have their hands on them Table breeds have it much easier in that respect ROFL.
  8. Horse show for me I couldn't be bothered doing 8 trials in 2 weeks!
  9. I am since my horse got ridden last night for the first time in over 2 weeks and um Saturday could be interesting! By the way... you can collect numbers from 3-5pm on Wed for the Nationals I am sending OzJen and J down on Wed evening to set up cabanas There is also a goody bag for competitiors But it seems to be per handler not dog owner
  10. We actually did check before we cut them down that Synergy overrides the Shire And the trees will be replaced with bushes that can't grow tall enough to impact on the powerlines ;) Although why the silly people that we bought the property off planted Eucalypts under powerlines I will never know (and yes they are planted not natural) Mundaring don't want any trees cut down. FESA recommends a 20m buffer around houses but in Mundaring Shire you can get pinged if you cut down trees more than 4m away from a house Even if the tree is dead and dangerous you have to fight to get permission to get rid of it I have lots of interesting stories about the Shire and "red tape" that is just a waste of time and money (like what does it matter exactly what my horses are fed if I have said they are being hard fed in an application that we didn't even need to put in according to their written rules, but were told to put in anyway?) ETA: I love whinging about the Shire
  11. Actually we are waiting for fallout from the Shire for cutting down some trees on our property ;) But Synergy told us to Oh I so love Mundaring Shire who want a lovely bushland without any animals
  12. RubyStar, I don't like most councils (and that isn't the people that work there but the policies for the most part) but money hungry aren't the words I generally use to describe them ;) And since I don't want to get kicked off DOL I won't be writing what I do say
  13. I wonder when City of Swan changed it? It was definitely 3 dogs allowed on 5+ acre properties a year ago. And your parents can have up to 6 dogs if they apply for a permit in Shire of Mundaring :D
  14. Yep The stupid thing is, if they subdivided our block to residential size, even allowing for roads etc you could have well over 100 dogs in the same area Neighbours are no where near so really it isn't an issue how many dogs we have as long as they are looked after ;)
  15. Northam Shire or the Shire of Chittering are meant to be fairly good Swan has a better reputation than Mundaring for animal owners.
  16. Not actually a wise move :D They are good if you just want 4 dogs. But if you are planning on breeding at all, even if you only have one dog, then you require a kennel license Which is interesting since kennel licenses are not given in the Shire ;) As we found out after they sent us the paperwork and we bought our 100 acre property - although we can pay about $6000 to get them to consider it
  17. I am reasonably sure City of Swan allows 3 dogs on 5+ acres. Mundaring Shire allows 4 on 5+ acres. That is without a permit
  18. I can see the photos now They are great Except the one of Abbey shows her missing the last weaver ETA: and also that she missed one earlier since she is coming out the wrong way! She was so over it LOL
  19. No, I think she just know that I want a red/tan show kelpie and I am spoilt Only problem is that we will probably all have new puppies at around the same time so will be competing against each other for group I know that T is planning on breeding Suvi and she is due in any time now, J has already bred P and is still thinking of breeding A so I am sure will end up with a pup from at least one of those litters, you are planning on breeding Jenna when she comes in in June or so (if she behaves this time ) and mother of my pup to be (hopefully) is due in around June as well!
  20. Mum already told J that if I get a new pup I won't have time to run your dogs I think J decided that running your dogs was a better idea but that since all our show dogs are now titled I need still need another pup so I would just have to sleep less. I think Mum is just hoping that no red/tan bitches are born
  21. LOL I wouldn't even suggest anyone without experience try and run Jenna Abbey is a different story though and for jumping she could pretty well run with anyone... agility is another matter... although maybe a new handler would help with that And hey if I get someone else to run Jenna and Abbey I will have lots of time for my new pup when I get her *quietly slinks away to hide before seeing what reaction that statement gets*
  22. I don't think J would mind it just depends on if she is going to breed her next season... at the moment we are keeping everything crossed that she doesn't decide to come in season in the next two weeks Abbey is pretty easy to run but does take lots of cues from the handler so will stuff up if you do You will have to have a play with her at ACWA after the nationals (and pending girly stuff on her part )
  23. I could always ask J if you can do a NFC Novice jumping round with Abbey Although she may be preggers then...
  24. I can't see photos at work And knowing Winpara they are good ones :D Rubystar, remember you are doing Novice Jumping in June
  25. Second page :D Was a fairly good weekend for me Abbey managed her second Excellent Agility pass since the states last year for 4th place in the first heat And did a brilliant JDM round but just knocked one bar. Was then feral in the ADX on Sat and lacking drive in the JDM! She bombed the finals in ADX but that wasn't suprising since it was a course that required her weaknesses to be strengths in order to do it Varda did the whole JD course except took three bars on Fri night Very happy given her lack of drive at Cloverdale. But then decided it was too hot during the day yesterday so we did the first three obstacles and then the last jump. Oh, and she was pulled out of AD each day before we started to try and keep her motivation. Banjo was a good boy since he still doesn't really know what he is doing :D Only stuffed up the hard bits on Fri night when he got distracted and aside from trying to get into the tunnel via the middle not the end ;) and then running into a bee which made him miss a jump (and me stop and check him) he then had a great time around the rest of the course yesterday OzJen's Jenna wasn't as bad as she would tell you either... well in jumping One fault in JDX on friday night when she got distracted by something in the shadows and turned to bark at it thus running past a jump, and clear on Sat morning for first place :D Finals were better than expected since she was barking and bouncing from the beginning but she managed to go clear until I was in the wrong spot then she decided to let the blonde bits take over Agility on the other hand wasn't so good since the ring was right next to where we were camped and she kept thinking that if we were heading for our camp we must be meant to run there not keep doing agility So we will try and figure out where her rings are for Nationals and set up somewhere else
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