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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Agreed I will be the blonde trying to get some sleep while running 2 Australian Shepherds, a black Kelpie and a Finnish Lapphund (who may or may not run depending on her mood )
  2. If I get into trouble for breaching copyright it is all your fault Ness ETA: And sorry Ptolomy and Bedazzled, it is too good not to share
  3. Are you in that group? I need my sleep (should be in bed now but have just brushed a bagful of fur from my Lappy girl and she still needs heaps more removed ) so I guess I will need to remember to bring ear plugs
  4. I don't know who it is (but could probably find out). However, haven't the new rules for WA come in to take us in line with the other states now? Ptolomy and Bedazzled, brilliant photo
  5. That's ok, I might just curl up with Varda in her crate
  6. I will feel well enough to run them... just might sleep in between runs Last night I was actually more concerned with having to drive home rather than the actual training Although I was in bed before I would have left for home ;) Actually, scrap that... what would you do if I said I wasn't well enough and you had to run Jenna yourself?
  7. Not quite Agility and jumping qualifiers are held in the morning from 9am until probably lunch time Games classes are held in the afternoon. The morning is probably better to watch as it makes a bit more sense than watching games Although Strategic Pairs are great to watch ;)
  8. OK I will go straight home then. Was nearly not going to go to work today but knew it was a patient that needed two people this morning. Am better than last night but will have another early night today... particularly as I just realised I have to leave home at 6.30am tomorrow! Can you post on here which side of the arenas you have set up please
  9. You can just buy the Canine News Either subscription or just a single magazine. VCBR and Ozjen, what time are you planning on going to Canine? I am thinking of leaving work around 1.30pm and going up to Canine since I didn't drop my cabana off last night. Means I should be there sometime between 3 and 3.30
  10. RosieFT, scribing for agility is much easier than dressage pencilling (it is pretty well the same as showjumping pencilling) No comments to write and the judge confirms the number of faults at the end of the round I really want to go and watch the puppies tomorrow night But am feeling crap tonight so am skipping training and going to bed early instead and I think the same thing will happen tomorrow I will NOT be sick for the National! Although I didn't feel sick until I ate a Magnum Gold icecream... do you think that could cause a bad headache, sore throat and tight chest?
  11. So you got charged a dispensing fee for new medications (or old ones that were again discussed) that were issued at a consult? I have to admit that I have never paid a dispensing fee, but I have never had an animal on a long term course that required reissuing meds.
  12. I'm sorry, are you West Australian? No? Then your scribing opinion isn't valid here I agree with Ness ;) I have actually only ever scribed when helping out I think And then you had the days when you got to scribe and backup time! I am not sure about going out to dinner tomorrow. I could leave work early but just don't know if I have enough time to get everything ready for Thursday if I go out to training tonight then have to rush out tomorrow as well
  13. Happy birthday Banjo, Lilly, Amypie's Dad and my Mum Seems to be the day for it
  14. :D Amypie, that tactic definitely seems to work for you RubyStar, I just use a martingale collar with a nice tuggy lead for my guys Definitely easier than clipping a lead on and off
  15. I was meant to be going to see Cats tomorrow But got much better tickets for the wekeend after the Nationals (Row A)
  16. You forgot Amanda and Cassie too And hey, Abbey and I got 3 passes in Novice agility at our first three trials... and it has taken 2 years since then to get 4 passes in Excellent agility :D
  17. Yeah, handlers can be our dogs' own worst enemy I think Abbey and I are fairly even on her stuffing up and me stuffing up So looking good for Thursday then?
  18. Starts at 9am in the morning with games starting not before 1pm. It is a day trial only
  19. I torture people Well that is the short answer Really, I do electrophysiological eye testing Which involves putting electrodes on different positions of the head and face and getting people to watch certain stimulus in order to figure out which part of their visual pathway isn't working as it should be. But we use eye drops that sting (I think most eyedrops sting :D) and I can guarantee that even the most laid back baby ends up crying at some stage as they just get fed up with all the poking and prodding we do... not that anything we do (except the drops) hurts at all Luckily we only get one baby or so a month. Although my last 5yo screamed when I put the drops in, but I think that was as much because we "won" than them actually hurting Adults are generally better (except the blokes that look big and tough aren't always )
  20. Baby will still be tortured even if I am not there I just won't be the one to do the torturing Hmm, will chat to Mum and see if she will do ponies on Thursday morning. Can't really confirm until Tuesday though as need to make sure I can leave early from work And what does Banjo being a boy dog have to do with anything?? He didn't eat Gizzy did he Banjo is fine with any dog as long as they don't start something. Well and Robi who he thinks is his own personal punching bag
  21. Hmm, maybe I should leave work early Then I don't have to torture a baby Was talking to my supervisor yesterday and said I should have taken Tues and Wed off next week too and she asked why I don't? Um, we have patients booked Maybe I should just do a half day Wed though
  22. It actually just says cloudy now So probably will be thunderstorms
  23. Sounds good So we should be set for shade And forecast is no longer for rain on Thursday
  24. Monday is already booked off work ;) I am not doing games in any of the afternoons as the plan is to go home and work horses And if I don't get through to the finals I will probably go to a horse show on Sunday Will decide on Saturday
  25. Welcome Marmite and good luck with Moe vCBR... it is NOT going to rain Although current forecast for Thurs is a few showers Can you imagine the bottom oval with 6 rings set up if we do get a fair amount of rain? Retrieving training with jumps anyone?
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