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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Federico is a lovely type of Dobe! If I ignore his ears, I dislike the look of cropped ears on Dobes I prefer their ears a la natural Unforutunately I have to agree that the initial Dobe isn't my cup of tea but if everyone preferred the same thing we wouldn't have so many different types of dogs And yes, I have seen dogs that I would love to jump on a plane and smuggle back to Australia!
  2. We are nearly on page 3 Not that I have anything of importance to say
  3. My first thought was Shiba Inu too Very definitely a spitz breed that has been around for a long time... it is considered one of the oldest dog breeds (according to Wiki, which we all know is a very reliable source , Shiba's or something similar have been around since 3rd century BC! They are one of the original dog breeds from Japan!
  4. "the dam water is dirty" That made my day I like the water photo too And I think you need to try for really nice head shot of him
  5. Lyndsay, the most full on dog I have ever met is an Aussie Shepherd bitch The energy can be channelled though Corvus, I do compete with my Lappy in agility... I just never expect anything Although it is very frustrating when I know what brilliant work she can give me, particularly in obedience, but then she can look at me as if to say I have never taught her to heel So I tell all would be Lappy owners that they can do it, but are not the breed if you want to win. Particularly in agility - I have yet to meet a Lappy with enough drive to beat a switched on BC, even if they can run faster than the BC when just playing!
  6. I don't share food deliberately... although I have a dog who is very good at finding chocolate even when it is on high shelves Luckily she seems to be fine with it! However we have often stopped off at a local icecream place (they make their own icecreams ) after a show and the dogs get one to share between them
  7. I have a fair bit to do with quite a few Aussie Shepherds even though I don't own any myself, and the females of the breed can be feral Very full on and playful. The males in my experience are much more laid back. In fact I would go as far as to say that many Border Collies are more consistently laid back than the majority of Aussie Shepherd females I know But that is only my experience with about 6 or 7 Aussie bitches (mostly from different lines). Lappies are lovely but you have to be aware that they are a Spitz breed and so have their "I can't hear you" moments. They are good for a snuggle though and in my experience have been great with kids even when they rarely see them But they need to be trained from day 1 and even then will decide that they don't always want to do something even if they know perfectly well what is being asked of them. I would never recommend them as a serious agility or obedience dog as they have the capacity to let you down too often coz they aren't in the mood
  8. vCBR, online entries are great as you get confirmation as soon as you enter that it has been received You don't get numbers until the week before usually though (ie during the week before!) The Royal may be online entries this year... I know you can enter online for the horses anyway so would think the dogs would follow suit RS, time that gates open is always weird. Ie you have night trials on a weeknight and it says gates open 5pm... yet you can access the grounds all day as the gates have to be open for you to visit the office
  9. Oh and Lab_Rat... when were you going to come and visit me? I keep forgetting
  10. There hasn't been much rain here during the day at all (Nedlands though, not home) I was so excited about the thought of at least a week of rain and now there is no rain due until Tuesday and that is only a "few" showers. You guys are lucky having any grass... we had a small bit of green which died off again within a week :D Lab_Rat, Diva goes team penning She does everything :p She is doing show horse/hunter, dressage and led classes on Saturday, probably more show hunter on Sunday (she was naughty last week ) then gets to chase cows the weekend after, then do her first official dressage test the weekend after that :rolleyes: I also have a go on a friend's experienced campdraft horse at Team Penning (both horses do 3 goes, each go is for 2 minutes unless you pen the cattle quicker) so that I can have a go without frying Diva since she is so young... it is so fun to have a horse turn after a cow without you having to tell them
  11. 12mm for us According to BOM anyway.... lots according to me coz our puddles are reforming and the ground is wet for more than 5mm depth I woke up to thunder around 5am... got up and shut the bedroom door before the dogs decided to go out an bark at it. Although they must be getting used to being locked in during thunder storms as they didn't run straight out. You are coming next weekend aren't you? I will be chasing cows on Sat arvo (on my horse ) Well assuming that we don't get so much rain that it is cancelled (cattle truck can't get in to the grounds if it is too wet). Although looking at the latest forecast not as much rain is expected in the next week as it was yesterday Ie not much rain now until Monday and even then not much I hate showing in the rain and have a big horse show this weekend and possibly another on Sunday so it just shows how desperate we are for rain that I am willing to show in the wet!
  12. At least we finally have rain Although my guys actually aren't a big fan of going out in it... unless they can run outside and bark at thunder
  13. Poor Beans and Lincoln Hope they are both all better soon! vCBR, Lincoln is a good show puppy weight He isn't too fat but is covered. If not showing you possibly could drop a couple of kilos from him but seriously you don't look at him and think he needs to lose weight Can someone make sure the forecast rain happens please? I am getting depressed looking at paddocks with no grass when they should be green by now Although it is making up think about moving again...
  14. This thread is very interesting reading What is very interesting is that the majority of people who want a blanket wide ban on CCs are from the states that are most likely to, or are closest to, where the Nationals are likely to be held ;) The other interesting thing is that people keep saying that the only thing you miss out on with no CC being awarded are points. Personally I couldn't care less about points ( ) However I am not going to bother attending a show where my dog can't be awarded BOB (no CC=no BOB) and so can't represent the breed competing for BIG. Yes, you can get a class in Group - if you don't get knocked out by the BIG/rBIG winners (who you may have beaten if you could have competed!). Finally, I would be fine with a blanket ban on CCs only if Nationals were rotated between all States and so everyone had to occasionally make the decision about paying several thousands of dollars and take time off from the rest of their life in order to compete at a dog show. Oh and Kelpiesrule, with a breed of dog originating in Australia an international judge actually has little appeal for me, I would much rather compete under an Australian specialist judge. What is the point in going to the expense to compete under someone who has never even judged the breed before (well except in my case where it means I actually get a decent amount of competition )? And yes, that has happened at "Specialities" (and not talking about Kelpies there :D )
  15. We held onto the papers of our limit registered pup... the dog was to be sterilised before it would have been ready to compete in dog sports (not that they wanted to compete anyway). By holding onto the papers they couldn't "accidently" breed with the dog and show a copy of his paperwork to say the parents were registered. They got the papers and a $300 refund once they sent the sterilisation certificate :D And they certainly didn't have any problems with it as unless you want to breed or are ready to compete the papers don't mean anything anyway. If the dog is show quality and you may want to try showing ask the breeder if you can transfer her to the Neuter register as well. Not many Clubs run neuter events but they are bringing in a neuter championship title ;)
  16. Doesn't matter if SFE is broken for dog showing ;) As long as they stand enough for the judge to go over them it is all good... otherwise I would be stuffed with my boy who thinks most judges are Lappy eating monsters Actually even Banjo, who is pretty rock steady, moves when some judges go over him :D It is just the different styles that judges use (and if any judge makes a kissing sound at him they are liable to get Kelpie Kisses ;) )
  17. Then I won't bother going ;) Actually haven't entered anything coming up Might do Winter Festival but that isn't until July ;)
  18. I am also confused as to why a Pom would need an extra coat. And from what I have seen their coats are very similar to a Lappies and ours can go outside in the rain and not get soaked unless they are out for quite a while... so a quick towel off if they go outside to toilet means they are pretty well dry again One of the advantages of the harsh outer coat
  19. I havne't seen any pugs do agility. Don't see why they couldn't as long as their breathing is ok
  20. vCBR, you need to organise to be able to get to the retrieving on the 23rd May :D
  21. Very nice vCBR... he doesn't look that impressed though Measured Banjo (although it was hard as he didn't want to stand still :D) and he is 60cm :D I wouldn't have thought her was that much longer than Toby though!
  22. Have fixed link now.... silly right click didn't work He would look very sexy in that
  23. Just found out that the green coat can be made to measure So I think Banjo will be getting one of them And anyone want some beer for their dog? http://pawspoint.com.au/dog-beer-69/
  24. Hmm, didn't think Banjo was that much bigger than Toby Will have to measure him tonight
  25. Just saw this coat: http://www.passionpets.com.au/catalog/prod...;products_id=62 which would be perfect for Banjo... except they only do 55cm and I am sure he was a 65cm last year vCBR, what size did you get Toby? ETA: can you imaginge the look if I got one of these for him: http://pawspoint.com.au/clothing-3/pyjamas-117/
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