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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. I wonder how the blind go about spotting that sticker.... Legally blind does not meant that you can't see anything :p I know lots of people who are legally blind (I work doing specialised vision testing LOL) who can read better than "average"! They just have very restricted visual fields. So don't assume that just because someone is "blind" that they can't see (and yes that does make sense ) Oh, and I often see a whippet wandering around the hospital with his owner Nice to see other breeds being used as assistance dogs And I saw a Guide Dog Goldy in harness the other day too :p
  2. Congratulations She looks lovely ;) And of course with her name whe will have no choice but to do super well in everything she tries
  3. I need to look at show entries so will look at agility entries too... but June is pretty well a write off for me as Diva has shows on the 13th (her Newcomer debut with Joh Bailey as one of the judges :p ), team penning on the 19th, probably another show on the 20th, then possibly something the next weekend too! Just looked though... CCC agility is the 4th July - if we enter Jenna do you think she will come into season? ;) I also won't get to training again tomorrow night Ric has asked us to go and access his puppies so we can help him decide which girl to keep. Wants it done asap so the others can go to their new homes this coming weekend. Of course he only rang and asked last night Oh and Diva did well yesterday, although not much competition was there! She also coped with frieght trains going past less than 50m away I think there were about 6 throughout the day!
  4. I went to an official hack show (Diva is a show hunter - 2 weeks until Newcomers Judged by Joh Bailey :rolleyes: Well, and another guy LOL) Up in Northam Also did an unofficial dressage test and Diva's first showjumping round (and 4th time jumping :D) I can deal with plaiting - takes me about 3 hours to get a horse fully ready though so I prefer it when I only have one to do! Amypie, you will be fine I don't know when our next comp will be. I have so much on with the ponies and Jenna will hopefully put OzJen out of her suspense and come into season at the end of June :D
  5. Sleeping Actually I should be getting stuff ready for a horse show tomorrow
  6. That is a huge amount! Even when I have had dogs shaved for a needle it is only about 1 by at max 2 inches!
  7. Oh no! Did you ask them not to? I always make a point of reminding my vets when they have one of my show dogs in and except where unavoidable (like the grass seed in Robi's side ) they have always not shaven! But if you don't say anything they will shave.
  8. Having space is great ;) Not having the money to do all the upkeep that is needed isn't So unless something happens in the next year we will probably be putting our place on the market But if we sell we will move a bit closer to Canine ;)
  9. It is all good It started raining around 11.30pm and bucketed down all night Big puddles in the morning OzJen, Sorry that is all I can say Poor Jenna The "new" Gizmo looks brilliant though Now lets see if you can make a Kelpie and a Lappy vCBR, poor Lincoln... oh well he will be much happier once it is pulled (and given a bit of a chance to heal)
  10. What weather? Up here we would be lucky if we have had 1mm of rain all day (yet it was pouring in the city when I left!) And as vCBR said, it is meant to be sunny all weekend. However, on saying that, if there is lots of rain before the weekend the outside area can flood... so it is probably 50/50 on where it is going to be held.
  11. Brilliant OzJen And definitely looks like Jenna Unfortunately the dates for the upcoming AA comps are out for me But I am sure I will get to one eventually
  12. Oh and LabRat it is definitely a spectator sport, although rug up and remember to take a chair The competitors are all nice and made sure that we knew what was going on and where we could be in order to see the most without disturbing the dogs I am sure OzJen will agree with me as she and her sister came up as did another friend (and they did manage to meet my foal... as it was getting dark!)
  13. Sorry guys, I don't think either is high drive enough for me Seriously though I have never seen a Goldy with that much drive before Even the other goldies there seemed a lot more sedate And no way do I have time to do the training required for retrieving ;) I might have to find out when the next All Age trial is on though to watch the highest level dogs at work
  14. Your boy is cute Whiz is lovely too and a brilliant worker but your "little" boy is so very handsome. I tell you what though, if I could get a dog like the "pick up" goldy you could nearly convert me to gundogs, what brilliant drive she has and so devoted to her owner And yes, we saw the sign when we left this morning. When do you need it for next? We could probably organise to get it to Lynne or Zoe if that would help, since they aren't that far away We will take it down and bring it to the front of the house this evening though just to make sure it doesn't go walk-about.
  15. Had a great time watching yesterday until the drama which we feel very bad about A dog got caught in a rope that we didn't know was there - the rope was knocked loose when a novice dog broke a float earlier in the day and when we fixed the float we didn't know we had to reattach the anchor rope (which when attached is half a metre below the water surface and taut so dogs have no way of getting caught, which is why my guys have never had an issue). Luckily dog and rescuers are all fine and hopefully won't end up with colds! Fetchingdawg, well done on your wins Love your Goldy
  16. Except they don't leave much room on the couch :D And the OP would prefer a smaller dog so I would think a Mini would be a good compromise (bigger than toy but not too big )
  17. All those breeds she has suggested are Spitz breeds and therefore have a definite independant streak. Basenji's and Shiba's in my experience are not dogs that like cuddling up. In terms of allergies, do you know if you son is allergic to dogs? I would recommend Mini Poodles if you want bigger (love my good friend's two ) or also if she wants a bit more solid have a look at a Lagotto.
  18. I just noticed it too! M1981 is harder to type than MM And to parvo in Midland Edited for spelling...
  19. All our terms of sale were in the contract which was signed by the new owner, I think it said something to the effect of "the pup is sold with limited registration and the rego papers and $300 refund would be forwarded on receipt of a sterilisation certificate before the pup was 12 months of age, as long as the dog was not used at stud prior to sterilisation". I couldn't remember if you wanted a Lab or not LOL. But I don't envy anyone who tries to get a show Lab! Would you consider co-ownership? For me to get Banjo on Main it had to be a co-ownership. Although I am his "owner" and responsible for all expenses, Marie's name is just on the papers so I can't use him at stud without permission I know a lot of breeders are going that way to. I didn't care since he is a male It is a little more difficult with a female but will probably do the same thing again for my next Kelpie although she would probably be on breeder's terms as well so will go back for a litter. However I will make sure it is in writing when the litter can be had as I know dogs that were on breeders terms and sterilised at around 6 years of age (due to vet suggestions) and the breeder got shirty coz she hadn't used her yet! Our co-own contracts for our two males pups that are being kept entire in case we want to use them at stud specify that the dogs must remain entire until they are 3yo however can be sterilised before that time if we are consulted first and there is a good reason, or if it is an emergency (in which case we would not expect to be contacted).
  20. RS, if you want to show or trial then it is a different kettle of fish - particularly if the person already competes However, I don't envy you trying to find a Lab breeder who will sell you a show pup, from what I hear it is near impossible for a first show dog if you go to the "good" breeders You will also rarely get them at time of picking up pup anyway as it is pretty rare to have them returned by Canine at that time, and will get worse once they bring in that pups must be microchipped prior to rego. Ncarter, having papers means some people will be more likely to breed. Many people don't understand the difference between limited and main (even if explained to them by the breeder) and then if they have friends/family saying "why not breed, she is a nice dog and has papers" it could tip them over the edge. So while it won't stop all it might stop some It is just another example of few spoiling it for everyone
  21. RubyStar, absolutely it is up to the individual what they will do and what they won't do regarding papers However just don't be upset if you are knocked back by a breeder if you insist on papers straight away as most will think it strange as they are worthless unless you want to show, trial or breed ETA: All I was trying to say is that papers do not override a receipt in terms of legal ownership. I am hoping it does rain and lots and lots! Tomorrow anyway My horse event has been cancelled due to the forecast and I will be very annoyed if the rain doesn't eventuate. Plus we need it so badly
  22. Whose name is on the papers has nothing to do with who owns the dog. If someone has a receipt for the dog that dates after the papers were processed then they would be the owner in the eyes of the law. We have one dog who is in co-ownership, but because they aren't (or weren't) interested in showing the dog is registered in our names and will remain so until such a time as they decide to join the CAWA, which could be never But they own the dog legally... Our contract stated the dog must be desexed by 12 months of age, so plenty of time to have a season for girl dogs Of course the contract is void if a bitch gets pregnant (and that is written in the contract) In our case the owners chose to sterilise at 6 months, but that was fully their choice. If the dog wasn't sterilised by the time a dog was ready to compete and the dog was less than 12 months then we would negotiate with the owner about having the papers transferred but they would need to have a good reason for why the deed hadn't been done. Yes, it is probably overkill, but I have no desire to see any crossbred Lappies around the place.
  23. Kahlua, as LR said bitches in most breeds are a bit lighter. They are meant to look feminine Although you would probably have some dogs that are lighter than some bitches but that would be the exception. In terms of agility I have no idea why there are so many more Border Collies than Kelpies. However, in my experience BCs cope with repititious training a lot better. Plus it is much easier to find a BC of either show or working lines than it is to find a Kelpie of either, particularly in WA
  24. But you will get the papers Just as soon as a sterilisation certificate is sent to the breeder Well in my case anyway In fact we got the sterilisation certificate with a nice photo of the dog with his new "parents" and a thank you card However I can see how people more in the know would be more put off by it than regular pet owners ;)
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