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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. hope you have fun at Cannington, i race dogs there (not that successfully) some of mine may be racing when you go. Welcome to the dark side Turf Lab_Rats initial post was actually in November last year - so she has been and gone to the greyhounds (and I don't think she ever told us if she did any good betting wise ) However let us know next time you have a dog racing and we might need to organise a DOL meet at the races and cheer them on Would be nice to have a "connection" to a dog that is racing ;)
  2. Are you setting up a Noah's doggy ark or something RS??? Pairs of all the different breeds ;)
  3. To the first question - yes a 15 week old pup can be truly dog aggressive. My kelpie learnt to be DA when contained after a young pup owned by a friend ripped into my girl when she was tied up. The pup was only about 3-4 months old and my girl was about a year old! And it was definitely the pup that started it as we were there to quickly break it up just too far away to stop it occuring. From what you are saying though it sounds like your girl was playing like a typical pup not being DA. To the second question - not necessarily. You did the right thing by stopping your dog playing. I probably would have been quite vocal to the other person if they didn't then control their own dog, rather than feeling a need to apologise ;)
  4. Either Armahani or Lappiesmum could help for Lappy info in Melbourne ;) Or check out the Lappy Club of Vic website: http://www.flcv.org/ Most Lappy breeders will and have sent puppies interstate as well so you don't have to limit yourself to one state :p I can't help with Finnish Spitz or Eurasiers though sorry.
  5. Sorry but Lappies would not be suitable for someone who wants a BC type dog! Or one who will happily chase balls. All Lappies I know will only return a ball a couple of times before looking at you as if to say "if you want it stop throwing it away or get it yourself" While there are exceptions that is their nature generally. They also have typical spitz moments of "don't feel like it today".
  6. LR, I have never been 100% on getting another puppy since I have 4 dogs in the house already! However since we have made the decision to rehome Robi to someone who will spoil him rotten and somewhere that he won't be beaten up by a jealous kelpie room probably isn't an issue anymore. However, timing is since they would be 8 weeks mid October - and I have a week long work conference in the beginning of November then a week long holiday in Melbourne towards the end of November! So at this stage we will just wait and see what pups there are first then see who I can snag for babysitting duties at least for the 2nd holiday or just leave pup with the breeder until after the holiday So that is my dilemma! Vaccinations depend on what the pup had at 6-8 weeks. Our pups get C3 at 7 weeks. Then usually we give C5 at 11 and 15 weeks just in case we ever need to put them into kennels when we go interstate. If you don't need the KC part you can just give another C3 4 weeks after the initial shot and then they would be covered until the yearly booster.
  7. Congratulations! Sounds like you need to win lotto to pay for it all
  8. Maybe a Lab on speed And the first throw I saw was good even if you thought I was being sarcastic lol
  9. No Jenna really isn't feral! In fact in terms of feralness Abbey is probably worse - but Abbey behaves better coz Jenna is a mummys girl (she knows if she is naughty her Mum will give her more attention Hopefully our training programme for OzJen is working ) vCBR... have you met Asha? Actually RS, have you met Asha? You may rethink your last statement if you have. Although she is a very very smart dog - she just has the attention span of a gnat and is a social butterfly Not the best mix in a trialling dog ;) Still love her though
  10. Actually I am not sure I want a red/tan bitch pup to be born or not! Timing isn't that great but if there is s how quality girl it will be hard to say no AP, he does want a Manchester - they help him slip his martingale collar so he can go investigate a nice smell! That is the first (and hopefully only) time he has managed that trick Red merles are the most feral. Not sure whether blue merles or solid reds are more feral as I haven't met enough of either! Most blue merles I know are fairly cruisy though - but they have all been boys so that might have helped Oh and I am such and expert on Aussies of course ;)
  11. I always get confused about who wants what breed next She should still get a black one though ;) Red ones are feraller Am planning on sending another horse down for some work when pups are 4-6 weeks old just so I can get more Aussie puppy cuddles They will be much better than they were as just born pups vCBR I showed my Mum FCR photos this morning. For the pup I got "it's alright" for an adult male I got "very nice". But Banjo told me in no uncertain terms last night that he wants another Kelpie So will see what happens in 4 more weeks ;)
  12. I show, occasionally Although I might get to show some Aussie Shep puppies so that might make me do more ;) I also do agility (have even told OzJen and J to enter trials coming up since I managed to get to training last night for the first time since the Nationals! And the girls were very good ;) ) and may eventually enter an obedience competition RS, you should join us on the dark side and get a show lab If you can manage to get a decent one otherwise I would just look for working ability :D Oh and will need to be black of course ROFL.
  13. Tempting but I would want one as spunky as this boy and that could be hard to arrange
  14. Show hunter classes are show classes for horses that also have enough substance to cope with a full day hunting But basically what you said Hopefully we can have the manners bit We get a timetable about a week prior to the show so I will know exactly what time we are on :D
  15. It is actually pretty common forTAFE students (although you really should call it by it's correct name - TAFE is now Polytechnic West ) to come to dog shows and ask random people with the required breeds if they can take their dogs photo I think Banjo has been photographed a few times. And most people ended up taking photos of the Lappies as well
  16. Welcome Vaders mum! I also agree photos are needed once your new addition has arrived vCBR, Diva is competing in the show hunter classes... so she has two ridden classes
  17. The only one of my horses entered this year is on the Wednesday I can't believe I only have one horse in Although will be back on the Friday to show a friend's horse
  18. Just explain that you pressed the wrong key for the online entry I really don't see how they could not change it if it is before close of entries
  19. I have done my pony entries for the Royal Haven't even looked at the dogs. Although at this stage I think we will just have 3 in the show and I will only have the Aussies in the agility. vCBR, if you would prefer Toby in 500 send them an email or given them a call. As long as you change it prior to close of entries you will be fine
  20. He is lovely Looking at all the pretty Flat Coat Retrievers could nearly convert me from a Group 5 to a Group 3 person :D
  21. I can understand why people would get upset about their dogs being called a mongrel. But I know plenty of people who refer to their dogs as mongrels lovingly - both crossbreds and pures But are you telling me that we are no longer allowed to call our female dogs bitches? All in the name of political correctness, because "someone" might get offended :D
  22. I know this better as "Where they is a willy there is a way" Pup is quite cute in an accidental mating kind of way. Hopefully all pups will be sterilised and steps taken so that the mating can't be repeated
  23. Oops sorry, I forgot to check back in - got busy Not many GSD are entered in All breed shows Average is probably only around 4 dogs. Some times you get none entered and sometimes (ie if it is a "GSD" specialist judge) you get 20+. But mostly it is just a handful competing. Like all sports you get people who take things way to seriously and so can be unfriendly, but on the whole most people are quite welcoming
  24. Unfortunately something has come up so I will no longer be able to make it tomorrow I hope you all have a great time!
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