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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. And one more Photos aren't the best as they were taken with my phone in poor light.
  2. That Rat Terrier is cool WX, that is great news! Oh and the strawberries at the Ekka are brilliant if you are going yourself And now for the foal photos... he doesn't have a name yet!
  3. vCBR, I will put them up when I get home then
  4. Happy birthday Amypie! ETA: Do you guys want to see foal photos? A lot of you know Amanda (with her agility poodles) and her mare foaled yesterday
  5. There are only 2 people with breeding bitches in WA (and I am no longer one of them LOL). Ric had a litter recently and I have no idea if he is planning on rebreeding. Trudiann will be breeding her girl next season though so there will hopefully be Lappy puppies in WA in about 6 months. ETA: but I would be happy to help you organise to meet Lappies in the flesh if you want
  6. I guess that means my dog isn't a boy then since he is quite happy to show when there are in season bitches around, including right behind him in breed or group runoffs... in fact he shows off much more 10 weeks after whelping is harsh although obviously depending on the bitch. But with long coated bitches you usually get a few weeks after weaning that they look absolutely fabulous and then around 9 - 10 weeks after whelping they become naked :D And I know my girls certainly wouldn't have minded showing off post whelping.
  7. Thanks guys We think she is pretty special... but then we think all of our ponies are pretty special Emery, Raven is not quite 2yo yet so she isn't broken in (won't be for another 18 months). So she was just entered in led breed classes... similar to dog shows except that the judge doesn't put their hands on the horse Oh and dying to enhance colour is openly done (not that Raven has been dyed). And she was a loser at the show today (although at least she was beaten by a quality horse) She behaved well once she got over her initial shock of seeing so many other horses though so that was the main thing
  8. With the Behave paste it only works on animals that are lacking those animo acids, vitamins, etc in their diet And since someone the other day told me that the only one of my horses they knew the name of was Diva since she was the only one I talk about I thought I would introduce Raven as well She is a rising 2yo Anglo Arabian (Arab x Thoroughbred) who had her first show today
  9. The inquiry into EI getting out found that if they had done things as per protocol there wouldn't have been an issue. Does that meant that the small animal areas also weren't adhering to the correct level of decontamination procedures? Seriously maybe private is the way to go for quarantine facilities... if a private company stuffed up as much as the government did you can be sure they would be held much more accountable.
  10. Ptolomy your new boy is stunning! Hmm, maybe I should fight vCBR over who gets to show him And bugger that the conditions in quarantine aren't that great :D
  11. Girls we currently have: Asha Kinta Varda Girls we have previously had: Dawn Echo Shelley
  12. I am still tossing up whether to go to the Working dog show in Sept. Am going to an agility trial the day before and hopefully Team Penning the night before so don't know... plus I have my first foals due that week too The horses are good... although depending on Diva tonight there may be a palomino available to the first person who gets to our place with a float! I so hate having a show horse who hates having her legs trimmed Very stressful for Mum, myself and Diva! Ooh, baby Llamas are cute... although personally I prefer alpacas. I have an alpaca who sits on my desk at work OzJen can tell you how cute he is :p ETA: Emery I keep meaning to tell you what a cutey your girl is but then I get distracted Do you look at her and then the adults and wonder how she can be that small?
  13. The other thing to remember is that all exercises are done one after the other (well except the group exercises which are done once all individual runs are completed) and without being able to reward except at the end of each exercise and even then you can't use toys or food. So while a dog could do all exercises by 6 months of age they wouldn't necessarily have the attention span to string them all together in one go. And generally around that age they hit teenagerhood and forget everything they have ever been taught anyway for a few months
  14. (((hugs))) vCBR. You will have to keep us updated on his showing over there LR, when are you going to come to a show in Perth again? Oh, and at this stage it looks like I am unlikely to be getting another kelpie any time soon... but might early next year instead - which is probably better timing!
  15. I can't watch videos at work Will have to remember to watch tonight RS... and you didn't believe us?
  16. Thanks guys It will be hard to say goodby to Robi but it will be nice not to have to be constantly watching the two boys. Although I woke up this morning and Robi was lame On the leg that he has a cut/bite that is a week old and everything still looks fine, he doesn't mind me playing with his leg, but he is lame! What is going on with my animals atm? Ooh, vCBR will be very interesting to see how Lincoln goes up against the big guns in another state But hard to do without him for 2 months I am sure.
  17. My parent's yard is split in two so currently our inseason bitch is in one half and the male in the other. They take it in turns coming into the house. I have also had an in season bitch at my place and just left her in the house while I was at work and the male was outside then when indoors then would take it in turns being crated. A friend boards her boy when her girl is in season (the kennels she uses prefer to not have an in season bitch). And another friend who works from home just keeps them seperate via crating.
  18. Thanks guys vCBR, why is Lincoln going on a 2 month holiday?
  19. So sad I get to drop Robi off next Friday to go on a trial at a new home But at least then I won't have to worry about the two boys killing each other and he will get lots and lots of attention
  20. Terranik, Fable is absolutely adorable I want a new puppy now
  21. I knew someone who had an adult Eurasier in about 2007 in WA, pretty sure she was shown for a while until they realised she wanted to be a house dog not a show dog ;) ... but they are not a breed I know a lot about.
  22. I generally use martingale collars with my dogs. Or flat collars. My younger kelpie knows how to pull out on a flat collar if he gets bored when we are standing talking to someone, and it is easier to put a martingale on the fluffy lappies rather than trying to find the D to clip the leash onto ;) And definitely no retractable lead!
  23. Yeah I did pike... but then I do live a distance away and I am fairly sure something came up at home... Wouldn't this time if I organised it though Wed nights are harder for me since I don't get home from work until 6.30pm, then have the horses to do, and then would have to drive an hour to get to Cannington ;)
  24. You are not alone in that I can assure you But now that you have told us you have Greys that race in WA you do have to give us the heads up so we can organise to go and cheer them on Anyone up for dinner at Checkers? Since it is currently Christmas is July it is $53 for an adult including course entry and buffet dinner. After 7th Aug it is back down to $49. Saturday nights ;) ETA: What is everyone doing on the 21st Aug? Anyone up for dinner prior to the agility trial on Sunday? :p
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