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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. I am getting jealous of the Monday night crew too! I wouldn't get there in time though Tiggy, to get to Canine I go down Roe Hwy to Nicholson Road exit - turn left and continue straight at the round about (which becomes Garden St) - at the second traffic lights from there turn right (Warton Road) and then keep going until you get to Canine. With all my travel to Canine over the last few years I have found that the easiest way by far to get there and you have less peak hour traffic than Tonkin Hwy And it is lit up a lot better with better emergency stopping areas if necessary
  2. I don't even know what that is ETA: Just looked it up...I am happy for that to be your contribution
  3. Yes the joys of having boy dogs So what is everyone going to bring on Sunday? I can make choc chip biscuits... or con my Mum into making ANZAC biscuits ETA: Or muffins of many different varieties ;)
  4. Well it often rains there and not here We had enough rain (over about 30 mins) to reform our puddles Hopefully we will get more this week then a nice fine Sunday And I might even be nice and ask for Saturday morning to be nice for RS too
  5. LOL I wouldn't have expected you to get rain since a friend in Ascot didn't Amypie, I am looking forward to the scheduled 10am start
  6. vCBR, Toby is 4th on And JD is first up. Amypie, I look to have clashes on paper too... I am sort of used to it now though ROFL And what do you think the chance are of this storm hitting tomorrow? Last training before a trial! Although we had pouring rain here tonight too- for about 20 minutes ETA: What do you mean it starts late? It is a 9am start! That is normal time
  7. I have one of them too AD is after ADM (36 ADM dogs so low too). There is 1 x 200 dog and then you for AD (1st of 2x300 dogs) JDX (15) is after JDO (29 dogs). You are 1st in JDX (so get to show us how it is done ) and there are 3 x 300 dogs Since you are on second in each ring do you want us to get your numbers so you can have a slight sleep in?
  8. Catalogues are out for this weekend If you are not a member of WAClick and want one send me a message with your email address There are only 10 AD and 9 JD dogs entered
  9. Yay :D Well done to Kelari :p Mas1981, you can get turkey from Woolworths My guys get it occassionally.
  10. I imagine the agility and obedience will be using the bottom oval on the 21st and 22nd
  11. Woohoo! Toller puppy cuddles vCBR, and how do you assess working ability in the show ring? Just coz the standard says they have to have it doesn't mean it can be judged LOL. I wouldn't mind if all working bred dog had to have a working titles in order to get their show title :p Oh and lots of show bred kelpies have herding titles... that doesn't mean that if you want a serious sheepdog you get a showbred dog though!
  12. ST, that is the issue in most breeds isn't it. Dogs aren't bred for both looks and working ability. I wish I had time to do herding with Banjo though. His is show bred for generations yet is so very keen on herding sheep. He couldn't care less about the horses though for which I am very thankful!
  13. Who is going to be at the agility trial on the 22nd? Both the Aussie girls are in, Banjo was always coming along and Varda will now be coming as someone wants to meet a Lappy. Wonder if I should bring Kinta too or leave her at home alone Do we want to bring food supplies for humans?
  14. Free to good home... 9yo chocolate Kelpie bitch who keeps farting! Amypie, Banjo would be happy for Trixie to come and live here
  15. Woohoo! I've found myself a handler should I ever get an Aussie that I can show Or an ES :D Oi! I thought the Aussie pup was mine! ST can have the ES though since I am am group 5 snob
  16. Golden Rules you are going to make all the rest of us even more puppy clucky! How exciting for you
  17. Stanley is so cute CC, Daisy looks all proud of her new haircut Although isn't it a bit cold? I want a puppy... :p
  18. I know solid working lines kelpies and tan marked show lines kelpies so colour doesn't really make a difference as to what type it is likely to be. My ideal for my next kelpie is a red and tan show lines bitch :D I have found them easier to pick looking at a combination of colour and build
  19. Is that a yes then? Will get around to sending you a PM to see if you mean it soon. Or by the sounds of it we need a small group lesson :D Tiggy, yep that is my thinking... the two other people I would try and get lessons from (and who I know do private lessons) are both another 30 minutes drive away. Plus I know Bedazzled has good taste when it comes to dog breeds ;) vCBR, no agility trials for Banjo probably until next year. With our home problems between Robi and "His Highness" his dog reactiveness has increased so I am a bit wary about letting him offlead at agility training atm although that is probably just an overreaction on my part. Hopefully once Robi is back at his new home Banjo will settle. So instead of training he gets to have a walk, play with his "harem" of girls (he now also wants a couple of terriers and a lab to add to a new Kelpie baby ) and do some obedience and focus work Oh, but I am in the next couple of trials before the Royal with the Aussie girls, which means Banjo will most likely come for the ride RS, you could have said no ;) Then I would just have sulked Banjo and I do so need help LOL. I haven't actually ever done an obedience competition, and while I can train the stuff for CCD and CD (although not brilliantly), CDX or higher would leave me wanting. Plus poor Banjo has actually had very little formal obedience work! Mostly just stuff needed for agility and small amounts of heeling :p And what more could you want than Kelpie and Aussie kisses?
  20. Good night at training last night Jenna was a very good girl and Abbey was feral (I think she is starting to emulate her daughter or something!) :rolleyes: Thank you to RubyStar for attempting to see if Banjo can heel with anyone else (which was a big fat no ) and for a couple of hints of things to do with him - might need to get him ready to trial in obedience rather than agility Although I think I will have to see if Bedazzled gives private lessons first!
  21. (((Hugs))) Vaders Mum Give yourself time to think and grieve. Don't make any decisions on the spur of the moment when you are still in shock and grieving. There is no right or wrong way to deal with things as you have to do what is right for you.
  22. RIP Vader Accidents can happen way too quickly Condolenses to all involved Why are you less sorry for the new owners who have been eagerly awaiting their new arrival for the last 8 weeks... not including any time they most likely spent on a waiting list? Given the pups owner-to-be is also a DOLer can you imagine how she would feel reading your statement?
  23. Sounds like there are lots of WA DOLers planning on doing the ET next year ;) I am another one who wants to do it but will see what happens in 12 months CC, Yay to your furkids being home :D The all look lovely (love the commando jacket!). Your cat is probably more annoyed at your for deserting her rather than the change :p Siamese (well all cats really) are good at holding grudges!
  24. She is lovely CC Pinto is the one of the few colours Í don't have... might have to correct that one day
  25. I have another month to wait before I have any of my own for this season In the meantime I get to play with this little boy Lucky me gets to help his owner move him and his Mum from the vet (where the mare was sent to foal down) back to her agistment centre on the weekend
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