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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Unfortunately the answer to that is a politician vCBR, I wouldn't stress about not bringing anything... it isn't like we are going to be there all week
  2. Well we got a little bit Sounded like it was pouring down but didn't last long :p First lot of double choc chip cookies are in the oven now
  3. The sun probably will be out all day at my place and we desperately need the rain Wonder who I can bribe so that it buckets down with rain all day at mine but is fine at Canine? Has happened before today and also the opposite
  4. Yay go Millie and RS Hopefully it won't be raining at the trial tomorrow... we haven't had any here today!
  5. Not that I can remember him... had too many Estate kids come and visit ;) The development was always going to happen, and it has been the 5 years they thought it would take. Are you guys still looking to move or have you shelved that idea?
  6. I can't go as I have a horse show But an early happy birthday to Miss Ella Is that oval the one they do all the medieval reenactments on? It is always amusing to go to a show at Wandi and see people dressed up like they live in Camelot I am always tempted to go and have a closer look
  7. I think there are a few guys in the singles thread - but the few times I have been bored and had a look in there most of the people seem to not be single Well learn something new every day - we do have a guy who visits this thread
  8. Do we even have any guys in the WA thread?
  9. Is he here yet? Come on Ptolomy - we are all hanging out for "Strauss Freedom Day" Photos! Lab_Rat, don't look at me for motivation This weekend is the first trial for me since the Nationals, and in that time I have managed to get to about 3 training sessions So it could be an interesting day
  10. Must be in the name... my Banjo couldn't care less about the i-squeaks either. In fact none of mine but I have only attempted to play with them indoors! They like their fluffy and tuggy toys better
  11. How very exciting for you Ptolomy! And of course we expect photos of the spunky little man in his new home asap!
  12. Mim, Corgi puppies are just off the puppy cuteness scale Maybe RS should put those photos up against the puppy Aussie and Lab ones
  13. I can't believe they want to forward your email to the breeder concerned What is that going to do except tell the person that you have put a complaint in about the advert soliciting for non-main registered bitches. I would give them a call and find out what they have done and made sure they have not forwarded on your email to anyone, which would be a breach of privacy ETA: I have heard on this forum of the same thing happening all too often when a breach of conduct is brought to the attention of an ANKC state branch
  14. Came home tonight to the corner block on our road on fire 200m down one road, 100m down the other, fire right up to the road! No fire fighting equpment in sight. Saw a guy walking down the road (in darkish clothing at twilight) and asked if the firies had been called... His reply was "they better not have been, I am lighting it"! Now sure, we have had some rain although hasn't rained up here since last night and everything dries off quickly up here and there is still brown grass around. How can people be so stupid? If a breeze starts up he is stuffed!
  15. Too cute! WX, your boy looks good * Do they still have the horrible fixed mesh in front of the benches?
  16. Members can use the grounds whenever they are unlocked as long as they don't interfere with any organised event Good to hear CC that your first session went well :D
  17. Yeah but these are new patients so they don't realise they are going to get tortured Actually I have had on the tests done on myself, multiple times, and the only bad thing is the eye drops which can sting for up to about a minute. But I have had a few guys (it is always guys who are the wussy complainers) who tell me that I just do my job coz I like torturing people, but as I tell them that is only a side benefit :D
  18. Would be tempting if I didn't have the meetings LOL. Unfortunately the meeting are important as we only have them every 6 months I do visual electrophysiology :D Or in plain English I torture people in order to find out what part of their visual pathway is working as it should and what isn't
  19. Would love to but have to work - including meetings all afternoon. :D I am a bit the same though... so far this week out of 9 patients booked all up 4 have been no-shows And of my specific patients I have had 3 of 5 no-show And then one of my morning patients tomorrow has cancelled too Maybe I should be starting to think there is something wrong with me :D I wonder if my remaining 2 patients for the week will rock up?
  20. OK, so not breeds you were looking at but I have to put puppy photos up now too :D Two little Lappy babies and a baby Banjo... I can't believe Banjo ever looked that innocent
  21. Personally Lab puppies are cuter than Aussie puppies But for me I wouldn't own a Lab but would consider an Aussie Will show you in person next time I see you... since neither pups nor videos are mine I won't upload them
  22. So very cute RS Oh, and if we had all gone to training I have about a minutes video on my phone of 4 week old Aussie pups I need to go and organise a visit soon I think
  23. What regular lightning flashes don't give you enough light to see to do UD? Sorry couldn't help myself I can't believe I have my first agility trial since the Nationals this weekend... and I didn't get to train the Tuesday before Hopefully OzJen and J are good owners and give their dogs a big run on Saturday (but NOT Sunday morning!)
  24. I am definitely glad I didn't go then! I would have been a bit annoyed if I had driven an hour and it had been totally cancelled LOL
  25. I don't tend to teach my dogs tricks LOL. Varda knows a couple and none of the others have been taught any! Another one I have seen and like though is the owner sneezing and the dog grabbing a tissue/hanky and bringing it to the owner I couldn't teach Varda that one as she thinks tissues are the best treat and can eat one in about 2 seconds - and a hanky wouldn't last much longer How wet did it end up being at Canine last night? I got a call just as I was about to leave saying it had started raining so not much point in making the effort to drive down.
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