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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. I agree Lappies are one to look into :) Working breed so they do like to interact with people. Spitz breed so they look like a "mushing dog" - note that this also means they have an independent streak which should be taken into consideration. They are fairly average size... similar to a small BC in height. All the Lappies I know are great with kids even when they don't see them very often. More laid back than a BC (generally), still easy enough to train although you need to put the effort in early and their independent streak can kick in at times :laugh: Happy to go for as long a walk as you want but can miss a day (or two) without an issue :)
  2. We managed to qualify a Finnish Lapphund for Puppy but she is also out of coat and it is a long way to go for one show :) Plus she will likely be in season LOL I am quite impressed that they accept interstate dogs who have qualified!
  3. How many people did you have though :p I get to do it all on my own Including a yearling for his first show, Diva who has been on maternity leave for nearly 2 years now and Nova hasn't been to a show in a year either :p Plus I have Diva's foal Dare to prep for a show on the Sunday so will probably wash him on Friday and hope he stays clean in the paddock while the others are at the Saturday show. RS, I have to admit I like the idea of testing your dog out in lots of areas (which is why Ani would be the Lappy of choice ;) ) but am a bit worried about how they would be portrayed...
  4. Nothing exciting on the dog front happening here... Although I am tempted to do this with Miss Anikka http://www.dogswest.com/dogswest/News-Attention_Dog_Owners_and_Judges.htm. Only problem is she is likely to be in season and I am meant to be prepping 3 horses for a show the day after
  5. As DtDO said, just have dog people for friends! They understand :D Plus once it has been in the heat of the oven it is fine anyway ;)
  6. Most council poo bags in WA are yellow so lots of people would have a yellow "ribbon" tied on their lead with absolutely know idea what it means.
  7. Same Showdog. None of ours have had an issue flying and all except 1 flew as puppies :) Friends with adult dogs which can be prone to separation anxiety coped as well flying with other dogs they knew :)
  8. My crate hire alone was $85 Then another $75 for Virgin Freight as excess baggage. The pup would have weighed about 6kg...
  9. All I can offer is do not hire a crate from Jetpets! We did recently and were charged more than the cost of the crate to buy However we were in a rush so just paid. It ended up costing us only about $50 less to send the pup accompanied than it does to send them unaccompanied...
  10. Yeah it is Jive and Alice... although she is called Liss now Works well as both short for Alice and "Little Miss" which is is often called
  11. I would have liked to go to the Ian Dunbar seminar but needed a weekend off. To make you smile :). Top link is for mobile devices and this one for desktops http://www.youtube.com/watchnomobile=1&v=2jpdegmALrA
  12. What does BSL have to do with tail docking If this was to go through it would effect every single breed of dog if it happened to injure it's tail and require amputation, regardless of if it is a traditionally docked breed or not.
  13. I have never had trouble moving my trolley around - but then we don't tend to get muddy conditions here in Perth The grounds we use generally are either manicured,lawn when dry or undercover on concrete when wet :)
  14. Hmm, one dose is a bit of a worry... don't like your neighbour's dog? Throw a treat over the fence I also wonder what other side effects a drug which can sterilise in one dose would have.
  15. Puppies are always too cute :p Liss (as we have decided to shorten Alice :laugh: ) is settling in well :) She has an awesome outgoing temperament and is very people orientated - much more than Jive It is going to be hard to let her go in a year I think as she will be a super sports dog Meeting Jive Practising being a show puppy With my ponies, Diva is a palomino but her son is actually a buckskin :) He just has lots of "frosting" in his mane and tail... particularly his tail which is more frosting than black I do have "normal" coloured ponies as well though :) Gatsby is my other foal and is now 4 months old
  16. My new rising star is here :D Alice or Lissy as she will probably end up being called (Korpi Desert Enchantress) is a 3 month old Finnish Lapphund who will have her debut show on the 23rd February :)
  17. So many good looking young dogs in this thread I am picking up my new rising star on Saturday :)
  18. I am just curious about the breeders competition. In most cases it isn't an issue but what happens if the current owner of the prefix is not the breeder of dogs who then gain points towards that competition? I am not talking about co-bred dogs but ones where the prefix was transferred into a totally different name? I have seen a couple of breeds where a situation like this is the case.
  19. Hehe I don't think I have any secrets about the litters I am waiting for :) The only reason this was kept a "secret" for less than 24 hours was waiting until it was 100% organised (well 99% as we still have to sign the lease agreement) :) If you have a secret does that mean you are getting into showing? The only time I know people having secrets about what dogs they are getting/breeding is when they are trying to one-up a show ring rival :laugh:
  20. Is the breed one which is prone to being timid (which many toy breeds can be)? If so then that wouldn't necessarily affect the price. However the purchaser would need to decide if they want to work through and with the timidity. A small misalignment of the jaw wouldn't make me drop pet price particularly as you can't always tell how the jaw will end up anyway. A 1cm misalignment of the jaw is a huge amount though and could affect the pups quality of life so I would be discussing it with my vet before I made any decisions.
  21. Only since yesterday morning :laugh: The litters we are waiting for won't happen until closer to the end of the year :) This girl's breeder wants to run her and her sister on so asked yesterday if we wanted her to show instead of them competing against each other :D Want another one FP? She has another sister who requires a new home too :p
  22. Particularly since it is my week to work Friday
  23. The only problem is I want it to be next weekend already But that would mean the 4 day (for me) weekend that starts tomorrow would be over Why can't she arrive tomorrow?
  24. Third page! Come on, someone must have some gossip! Does anyone want some puppy cuddles? She won't be quite as cute as this as she will be 7 weeks older when she arrives next weekend but still a little bundle of fluffy goodness :D As long as things go to plan she will be coming to WA for 6-12 months to be shown :) Her current name is Alice but we are thinking of shortening it to Lissy (can't be Ally)
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