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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Brilliant work Do you have any photos to share?
  2. I am not talking about a multi-vitamin but a specific oral vitamin B supplement. There is less chance of adverse reactions using an oral supplement. Saying that most are usually B1 (Thiamine) as that tends to be the main deficiency unless the animal is actually anaemic. All the symptoms the OP listed can be caused by B1 deficiency. So first stop would be the vet to run bloods to check for anaemia and discuss options :)
  3. My stress head kelpie is on daily vitamin B supplements. So are a few other show dogs I know. We all just use a horse product at the appropriate dosage. I would try that first before going the injection route and definitely talk to your vet!
  4. If a dog is going to eat a poison ratsack is probably the best one for them to choose! I had an incident a couple of years ago when my father rang and asked me to bring the ratsack he had accidently left on my table after the pest controller had been. Unfortunately there was no ratsack to be seen courtesy of a counter surfing kelpie! Since we had no idea which of 3 dogs had eaten any they were all taken to the vet but not made to vomit as it was probably 6+ hours later that we discovered it. They were on Vitamin K for 2 weeks and that was all :)
  5. Well done! He is a stunner though so not unexpected
  6. Not good Tassie I will share on FB once I am home.
  7. Road trip to Geraldton for us and our Lappies (and Kelpie) this weekend Now if only it isn't too wet :laugh: Varda is entered in the obedience but if it is too wet she won't drop so I will pull her They have also now changed the start time of the show on the Sunday so that will now clash with the obedience which means she will pretty well definitely get pulled then as my back up handlers aren't coming up :laugh: Abbey is also making the trip with OzJen and her papillons (she has the cutest baby girl atm!) so we will see if we can do agility after no practice since I injured myself before the States I am just hoping there will be room to set up on Saturday morning as we won't get in until late Friday evening...
  8. Hmm, given the age of the pup if the wife is "about to have a baby" why did they get her in the first place? Hopefully she doesn't go somewhere who just sees purebred + undesexed bitch
  9. I do wonder how much of a difference having whiskers removed really makes. In the horse world it is the "done" thing for the show ring. Yet I had a mare who hated having her whiskers removed and worked badly every time I did so I stopped - she still won at Royal show level in the breed ring! I honestly don't notice if a dog has whiskers on or not (not that I am a judge)
  10. I can't believe how much trimming goes into some short coat breeds Love my Kelpies who just get pulled out of the crate and my Lappies who only get a paw neaten up as needed Washing is an interesting one. Having a breed who is meant to have a harsh outer coat washing definitely stuffs that up. So our Lappies don't get washed for every show - they just get a warm towel rub if needed. Like most Spitz breeds they aren't designed for constant washing. Saying that though I would bath if they were filthy!
  11. Since all owners of a bitch have to be joint owners of the prefix used when pups are registered I would say yes :) Bit hard for dogs co-owned with an interstate breeder otherwise unless they expect you to transfer the dog to one of the other for the litter.
  12. Our entire male has been used a few times in JH now... interestingly enough usually in the younger age group :laugh: It has always been the child doing the requesting and I have never seen the parent of the child come to check if the dog is suitable. As the dogs owners we make sure one of us is with the dog outside the ring as he can get a bit strong at times - in the ring he is fine although the handler does have to work if they want him to really shine :D He was a bit confused by the exercises to begin with but quickly adapted :) My neuter on the other hand would probably look at the children wondering what they are doing as they are doing it "wrong" (she is an obedience dog as well as showing so likes to be on the "correct" side). I actually take exception to it only being sheer luck that people are welcomed. In WA we pride ourselves on welcoming and encouraging anyone with our breed who wants to give showing a go - regardless of where they sourced their dog from :) A lot of others in the Working Dog group (can't comment on any other Groups) are the same both within and without their own breeds. Sure not all, but that is a reflection on the individuals involved in showing NOT the showing itself.
  13. I have shown in season bitches and I have withdrawn them depending on how they are acting and how big the show is :) At a recent show we showed the bitch but scratched the dog as all he could think about was his girl LOL He is fine if any other bitch is in season ;)
  14. Yes, but in the end, the judge must decide if the exhibit is worthy of challenge points...the SAME as in the regular classes. We see MANY substandard dogs (entire) shown in the regular classes by newbies...why would this be considered any different than showing a neuter? In the end, the judges give the points...the people either accept their dog isn't up to snuff, or they don't. Agreed! Me too Personally I would prefer to see people showing a "substandard" dog as a neuter than showing it as an entire and then breeding from it... It is the judge's choice to award and if it doesn't meet the standard then it shouldn't be. There are entire dogs who are titled who have highly undesirable faults - that is the fault of the judges not of the person showing.
  15. Why does promoting responsible ownership imply pet quality dogs being shown? Or do you mean that showing neuters = pet quality dogs are shown? There are more "pet quality" dogs shown entire than in the neuter ring ;) Aren't those pet quality dogs better off being neutered regardless of whether they are shown or not? In terms of promoting responsible ownership the number of people who are shocked when you say that at most shows only entire dogs can be shown is actually quite high :)
  16. A Neuter IG or IS should get the same prize as any other Class IG or IS. There is no such thing as a Neuter BIS so it should not be compared to a BIS win in terms of prizes :) At the moment with the majority (all?) Clubs only offering Open Neuter, an Open Neuter in Show award is the equivalent of a Neuter BIS but if the other neuter classes were offered there would be no competition between neuters from different classes except at breed level :) Saying that I can't remember the last time in WA where we have gotten a prize for a Class in Group - we are usually thankful when we get sashes as even they aren't given out at many shows :laugh: A few Clubs have started giving out BOB prizes though :D I have got a few nice engraved pens and even a small calculator Except if you were taking horses not dogs you would be looking at around $10,000 - for 1 horse!
  17. I agree completely that there should be neuter classes at the Royals The Royals are usually the biggest opportunity to promote purebred dogs and showing to the general public but the current message being sent is that if the dog is sterilised it is "second rate" and not worth a mention in the purebred dog world! Oh and I was told off by the steward at Perth Royal for having my 9yo veteran (sterilised) in the Veterans class as she hadn't been entered in a normal breed class! Apparently he hadn't read the rules and seen that being in a normal breed class wasn't a prerequisite but it isn't nice to be confronted by that in the ring when he tried to say my dog didn't need to re see the judge as the veterans judge had judged our breed and he wasn't re going over dogs he had already judged
  18. Well done on all the weekend results :) RS, Bobo is such a cutey :) I am sure she will enjoy every minute in her new family
  19. I am sure you will find someone to video :) Maureen will be there with Jasper in JD so she and Jeanette might be willing? I was thinking of coming down to watch. Not sure if I will get time now though as I advertised a couple of horses and have people wanting to come for a look
  20. *Covers ears* I don't want to hear how fun the State Agility trial is going to be I am glad I didn't enter though as I still don't think I could manage to run a Masters course
  21. Mim, I will keep my ear out :) Ptolomy, how did the test drive go? I am car shopping in the near future but am really undecided which way to go Don't know whether to get a Landcruiser or whether to get a van and a small truck (small truck would also be used for the farm). The pain of needing something to fit the dogs in that can also tow 3500kg+ :laugh:
  22. OOh, fingers crossed for little Brittany babies :D I am counting down waiting until Anikka is old enough (next season) then fingers crossed she can have a stunning little girl for us full of attitude but without her Mum's squeaky bark Then I can stop asking for her ;)
  23. Everyone decided to have a break - at the same time Well I am annoyed No State Agility Trial for me this year thanks to my stupid naming of Diva... Why doesn't she have to live up to her name???? I currently have a nice dark purple swollen foot which hurts No breaks though!
  24. Not always from my experience :) Although it does often seem to be the youngest first which is silly particularly in baby puppy :laugh: Some shows do it by owners surname and others seem random. No idea if you can request where to be though.
  25. Is your dog older? :D I would have turned around and said that they obviously name their dog after yours :laugh: How stupid assuming that all dogs are named after theirs when he isn't even that old (1-2 years?)... I will admit that while I know the PMs partner bought her a DD I had no idea what his name is (of either the partner or the dog for that matter )
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