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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. If sent more than a week before we should be fine :) We don't leave until the Friday. But if it is getting close to a week it is probably safer to hold on to them thanks :)
  2. I sent my entries last week - am taking my baby kelpie over just for this show Oh and as a mascot for the fluffies at the Lappy Champ show :D
  3. AP, Jive tried to tell me she couldn't go out in the rain to toilet - I looked at her and remembered how much fun she had in the paddle pool and told her to get over it She will go out now :p Varda on the other hand...
  4. So sorry there is no more news on Buster Hopefully he is found soon! You can it up on the Dogswest website now :D (It is Anne L-H...) This little chipmunk had her first show yesterday :D She was such a good girl :) Did everything right although did sit for teeth but only when the judge started checking full dentition :laugh: Anikka was the star of the weekend though winning BOB and Puppy in Show at the Working Dog Club Specialty :) Judge said he looked at her in the main line up as well :D Jive is happy though coz Anikka gets to spend another week with us as Arlo had no brain around her at all yesterday so even though her season should be finished we will play it safe.
  5. On to page 2 Keep bragging people :lol: Nazrelle, Face looks lovely :) I think the dogs who "own" the ring are the ones who are a bit harder to live with at home Well my little Kelpie girl had her very first show yesterday and I couldn't be happier with her! Beaten by a GSD baby but I don't care :D And I can't believe how many babies are around at the moment! She had fun playing with a few of them :) Jive is about 3.5 months old now :) Anikka also had a great day with her first time in Puppy class winning BOB and Puppy in Show (Working Dog Show)! Talking to the judge later he said he looked at her in the main line up as well :) Really bad picture of me but it was the best one of her :lol: I should get her owner to take her in for photos :p
  6. I can't access FB at work... Emery or Tiggy, can you do a lost dog notice on FB with his photo and tag me in it? I have a lot of FB friends who live around that way or who will be at the State Equestrian Centre this weekend!
  7. Kja, and EnglishIvy who actually wrote the post, live in WA so it is doubtful that a Victorian company will have a branch close by ;)
  8. In regards to shows at your level do both Open and Champ shows if you can fit them in :) Particularly in the baby class there is no real difference between the two - and depending on the Club running it you can get better prizes in Open shows as well My new pup has her first show this Sunday :) She will be about 3.5 months old. She then has the two shows the weekend after before a month break with her 4th show being in Victoria! Then another month break before she has her last shows in baby with another 3 shows over 2 weekends. I think there are only 3 shows she misses out on that she is eligible for (including this weekend just gone) but I have other things on :) As showdog said, you can table any breed of dog and I have seen several baby puppies tabled for examination in breeds which are stacked on the ground usually :) In terms of training I put a fair bit of effort into my girl initially because unlike every other one of my dogs she has immediately sat or dropped the moment she stops moving from the day I got her! Even now her default position when she is "excited" or wants to work is to drop and stare :p Stupid sheepdog instincts But now she rarely gets any specific show training unless I am having a practise run of someone going over her and that is fairly rare :)
  9. Where were you yesterday AP?? I didn't look on FB to see if there was a reason for your absence... Isn't the website pretty? :D I will have to spend some time investigating it :D
  10. Wow, I went on the Dogswest website this morning to print the title application form and it was the same old website. Went back this afternoon as I forgot to write down the fee and it was pretty and new! http://dogswest.com/dogswest/Home.htm There are now schedules online too
  11. Banjo got his Jumping Dog title today 1st place on the morning trial and 3rd in the afternoon :D Although the afternoon round was the better one as he actually looked like he was having fun and I had to run to keep up :D Yay!
  12. Great news MG :) Emery, I have been bad and haven't biked Banjo in ages 6-8k is a long ride though!
  13. Fingers crossed the surgeons new is good MG :) Ptolomy, they are so cute... is the really like colour common in tollers? All of yours seem to be pretty well the same shade to me! So who is agility trialling this weekend? This is my last trial for a little while LOL
  14. Oh and do the girls have names yet? :D Why not continue on the Cleanrun toy theme.... Songbird, Cuz, Doggles, Babble, Wubba...
  15. Yay for triplets! Maybe all Cider's isqueaking before they were born made little "iSqueak" confused about what sounds he should make? :D
  16. LOL that is our next issue... finding a car which can fit 3 people and 3 crates! Oh and the suitcases... Luckily our dogs aren't quite as big as yours :p I need to go see a Kia Grand Carnival in person but at this stage that is looking like our best option. Or maybe a Hyundai Iload and we can just get up close and personal up front ROFL
  17. Thanks Showdog :) Their info pack is not very clear LOL
  18. Yeah but Showdog you weren't flying a baby puppy for a very minor show Oh well it will be better for my peace of mind I guess. Although reading the Qantas guidelines at the moment is doing my head in... 1) It says you must have a water container attached? Is this true as I am sure Jive's crate didn't when she arrived and personally I have never had problems with my dogs flying without water (when you weren't allowed to!) 2) Spill trays... where can you get them from? Again it has never been a problem as they don't travel with water and they can hold on for more than 6 hours! Ahhh! It used to be so much simplier I can't believe it is nearly 5 years since we did an interstate show!
  19. OK, I need someone to tell me I am not crazy We are going to Melbourne in June for the inaugral Finnish Lapphund Club of Vic Champ show and there is now a Working Dog Club show on the Saturday of that weekend so I have just booked Jive onto the flight... So I am taking my pup who will be not quite 5 months old at the time to a single interstate show at the cost of $160 return (or $220 if she puts on lots of weight in the next 6 weeks ) and it is a fundraising (amenities) show - although they do have Cash and Sash for all in show prizes... Am I mad??? So the Lappies will have either 2 or 3 shows each but poor Jive will have 1 :p Oh well, it will mean she and Anikka will have a few days to play together again
  20. Cute photo :D I would say that Pippa was Jive's favourite playmate from Saturday :) With Scoota and Brookie being the "nicest" big dogs coz they didn't get into her face but were happy to chill and let her get used to them :) Oh, and Jenna was cool too except I don't think Jive appreciated having her toy stolen
  21. Jive is a laid back puppy most of the time :p I do have a few new sores on my hands from the weekend though - I really need to remember not to raz her up without a toy in my hand although a couple are from her missing the toy and getting my hand The States were certainly an interesting experience this year LOL. I loved how it was run but I wasn't with it and neither were my dogs mostly! Morning trial I stuffed up two of Abbey's runs by being in the slightly wrong spot and she decided in the third that sniffing was fun Jenna didn't want to do anything at all running out of the ring before the first jump in one class and only getting over 2 jumps in the second so she was scratched from the afternoon. And poor Banjo was bitten by a black ant less than 10 mins before his class - although he didn't go onto 3 legs he was limping a bit A bit of stingoes (must get some for my car!) and we did compete but he took down one rail on a turn. Afternoon trial Abbey was off with the fairies in ADM and I pulled her after she jumped over the contact on the A-frame - well after I put her back on it : But then she did an absolutely SUPER run in JDO... she just needs a better handler as stupid me turned the wrong way, realised but not quickly enough to call her off a wrong jump She then did get a pass in JDM but it was slow as she was tired by then. Banjo had the last run for me for the day in JD and managed to get a refusal at the tunnel after going wide so he had a bad angle, oh and he went an visited Richard since he thought that Richard standing in a direct line in front of the jump was an invitation :laugh: I have to admit I was very happy with him though as he went into the ring a bit riled after someone let their BC pull towards him trying to stare him down and then the stupid Mr Whippy van started up just when our run was on ROFL So the fact that he did the course with few faults was an achievement :D
  22. Emery... go online and find a gunshot sound to play... even just look on Youtube :p Oh, and I have been asked if our place can be used for retrieving again at the end of May...
  23. We have been very lucky with the current crop of Lappies in WA :) It will certainly be interesting to see how they do in Victoria in June.
  24. Thanks Pockets :) It will certainly be interesting to see how the judges cope with a two tone in the ring over here :D Leo is looking great :) His ears aren't quite so wonky any more :D I had the pleasure in handling a young GSD in the challenge line up on the weekend... was interesting having to stack differently than what I am used to LOL
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