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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Thanks Pets1... I did try and look it up in ICON but it didn't like my keywords lol. Cleanrun stuff usually gets checked in my experience anyway. Thanks to everyone else as well - I will have to search in Australia instead.
  2. I saw this: http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=3189&ParentCat=449 on the Cleanrun free shipping and was wondering if anyone knows if it is ok to bring into Australia? Or if you can get anything similar in Australia :)
  3. Ahhh but the trains will be quieter, roads in peak hour quieter, no school kids to block the footpaths in the city. School holidays for me = BLISS :D Bliss :D No more being hit by teenagers' school bags for 2 whole weeks
  4. I am showing tomorrow as well :) First show for us in a month (when we were in Melbourne!) Then sleep in on Sunday before going to a committee meeting - need to ride ponies and train dogs as well. But may run out of time on Sunday as I am so tired as I have been staying up watching the Tour De France so am only getting about 5.5 hours of sleep a night 2 more weeks to go and then I will have the Olympics to keep me awake
  5. Flaves, your girl has a lovely head :) Sayly and LucyCharzie, well done on your wins :) We have our first show for a month this coming weekend and Taavi turned 1 this week! I can't believe how quickly time is going...
  6. Poor Rommi, hopefully she will keep improving. Ness we really need to have words with Kenz about upsetting you don't we! Hopefully she gets her "act together" and starts mending properly. Well done RS! That would be Bedazzled ;)
  7. Another vote for Savic crates :) Although I don't have quite as much of a problem folding mine up as Smisch seems to :laugh:
  8. Nevafollo, Neville is a spunky young man Well done on his Baby in Group :) Bjelkier, fluffy puppies are so cute I like Beowulf's head in those photos :) Salukibel, well done to Bella for your first points No shows for us for another 2 weeks! Long time between shows at the moment
  9. Good news MG Sorry can't help with walking spots Beezneez... I am lucky enough my guys have their own "park" ;)
  10. Well done Weasels with your herding titles Sounds like a good day at retrieving training as well :) I had a great day at the horse show yesterday and Jive got to come up later in the day with my Mum and she was a very good girl and had several people comment on that fact :D We have discovered she is racist though She barked and growled at the grey ponies but not the other ones! In the end I picked her up and went and pat a friend's little grey pony and then she got over it
  11. We stayed here: http://www.morningtonfarmstay.com.au/ a couple of week ago :) Fully enclosed yard (although the young dogs did get muddy when playing ), dogs allowed inside as long as you clean up afterwards, 20-30mins from KCC park but a very straightforward drive :)
  12. Probably too far out for you as it is in Northam. All day event with showing, jumping, novelties, handy pony and dressage :)
  13. Poor Rommi I am starting to think this thread is jinxed too! Well hopefully I will be going to my first horse show for the year on Sunday :laugh: Need to remember how to plait... and will be attempting it with frozen fingers which should be fun
  14. Nina is gorgeous While I love my Jive puppy I am getting clucky for a fluffy puppy now (and one more week to wait to see if we potentially will be on puppy watch for a Victorian puppy :D ) RnH, I did try and find you on the Monday in Melbourne but didn't see you Well done on your results though :)
  15. Brilliant run Amy and Trixie! I am hoping Jive will be ready for the next Nationals LOL
  16. I had a good day on Friday and Saturday but was sick yesterday so spent the day in bed Was feeling well enough to go to work this morning and am now sulking coz my nose has decided to start running
  17. So true! Or when they decide to dump in the ring even though they were taken for a toilet walk less than 15 minutes previously!
  18. I had to go in after a Mini Dachshund once for Puppy in Show runoffs. The steward noticed me standing (wich my fast moving Finnish Lapphund) not entering and repeated "all in together" I just looked at him, looked at the Dachy who had only gotten about 3m into the ring and looked back again and he laughed and said "ok go in as soon as you have room" :laugh: The stewards are often so busy organising everyone they don't have time to think how fast the dog in front is likely to move :) On the same note if I have GSD behind who are handled by people I don't know I tend to remind them that their dog will move much faster than mine and to leave a bit of room ;)
  19. Thanks Evolving :) I should also add that Anikka is 10.5 months old and had the spectators on the sidelines laughing as she tried to eat the bead on her lead while going around for BIS at the Lappy Show She was very over showing by that stage as it was her 7th time in the ring that day
  20. Happy Birthday Hudson! You are certainly a handsome boy :D Well my rising stars all did us all proud in Victoria :D Particularly as it is not the kind of weather they are used too Miss Jive (the only one I actually own) was a very good girl particularly on the day she wasn't showing - big ask for a 4.5 month old Kelpie to spend most of the day in a crate! I needed to keep her locked up so a few people didn't steal her :laugh: Mr Taavi won his class at all 3 shows and went Puppy of Breed at the Spitz Dog Club show and Junior in Show at the Finnish Lapphund Specialty Not bad for a boy who is only 11 months :) The star however was Miss Anikka who also won her class at all 3 shows, was rBCC at both the Working Dog and Spitz Show, Puppy in Show at the Working Dog Show, then topped it all off with BITCH CHALLENGE from around 30 bitches at the Lappy Specialty as well as another Puppy in Show Which also gained her 20 more points than needed for her title so she is now Australian Champion Kalevi Cheri Blossom :D
  21. Thanks for a good show guys :) It was certainly different conditions to what we are used to in WA I was very happy with how all my dogs coped with the grounds although my little kelpie girl got spooked by something in the Baby line up so didnt want to stand Oh well you get that :laugh: And very very happy with all "my" dogs (ie the ones I prep and show but don't necessarily own :laugh: )winning their initial class then Miss Anikka going on to get rBCC Lappy and Puppy in Show Lovely big sash for her owner to take home as well as the money (which bought more towels... )
  22. Geez, I go away for a few days and all the WA DOLer dogs break Good news about Gibbs though :)
  23. And the only Kelpies are from other states who have travelled as cheerleaders for their Lappy housemates I can't believe only 11 Shelties! It is so interesting comparing breed numbers across states :) We usually get no ACD and usually have 40+ Shelties in WA :) There are also a few other breeds we don't usually see in WA which will be great :D Thank you Kezziahgsd
  24. Or "geez she has paid me a lot of money so I had better be nice to her"
  25. Personally I would mention everything as you never know what the Vet (or Doctor...) might find relevant :laugh:
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