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Everything posted by mirawee

  1. Scary times Weisnjac! Glad he is ok and is back doing well in the ring. There have been a lot of dogs getting bitten by snakes this year Well done JessicaM, what little cuties you have! Love Papillons LisaCC, well done on your BOB wins as well :D Rebanne, have the ears unwonked yet?
  2. Juniors are allowed to handle any age dog in breed classes in WA but cannot handle a dog under 12 months of age for Junior handler classes. Given that many of the older Juniors are better handlers than a lot of adults there is no reason they can't handle a younger dog in normal classes.
  3. You won't be the first or the last person to do that... I tripped over the dog I was handling at WA Puppy of the Year final once! And I claim to know what I am doing ROFL. Just aim to have fun and you will be fine :)
  4. This young girl handled our Finnish Lapphund as her swap dog in the Final and I would give her another dog to show without hesitation ???? A great young handler who also makes it FUN for the dog!
  5. Gorgeous baby Weisnjac! If I ever got a Jack Russell it would have to be a rough coat
  6. Well done Kirslin Reija has continued to be a star with 2/4 Puppy in Show awards at the WDC of WA shows over September and October as well as rBCC from a big entry (40+) of Finnish Lapphunds at Melbourne Royal and BCC/rBOB from a good entry (12 dogs) at Perth Royal However she has now decided since the sun is rising earlier we should be up and active by 5.30am
  7. I will have to see if I can find them :D I don't have any specific breeds to watch on the Friday :) RS, sorry to hear your holiday can't go ahead
  8. Good luck RS, we have organised a friend to house sit to look after 4 of the dogs plus the horses (including his own) then Reija has gone back to her breeder and Liss to my aunt so that none of the conflicting personalities remain at home. It is so much easier when I either take the dogs with me or Mum stays at home :laugh: 4 more sleeps and I board a plane to go and see World Dog Show! with around 22,000 dogs entered over 3 days- so 100 or so rings per day!
  9. Well done to all the DOLer rising stars, particularly Dotdashdot on Nala's first points and a fringey Looks like we have some real cuties due to hit the ring soon as well :) I have been blown away with how well my girl has done so far in the ring. Reija (or Rat as she is more commonly known :laugh: ) achieved her title at 8 months and 6 days old with a 15 point Best of Breed under an international judge which then meant we didn't have to use the 2x 6 point challenges she earnt along the way to apply for her title so all her points were gained against older competition Then this weekend she went into her last show in Minor with me handling and won MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW!!! Reija now gets to stay with her breeder for the next 7 weeks as I run away to Europe (where I will get to meet my Rising Star for next year :D ) and she has her last show in Minor this weekend then on to Puppy :)
  10. Find a junior handler :) That is what a lot of people seem to do LOL. Sarah Griffiths is the Junior Handler co-ordinator and would know which handlers are in the Gundog group or may be interested in more dogs to show
  11. Well done Pointers Rule! That is a fantastic way to finish a title :D Go Alex
  12. I actually think that correcting the term from "straight back" to "level topline" IS constructive help :) When talking to breeders it is best to use the correct terminology for what you want so there is no misunderstandings :) As said do lots of research into what is out and about. Also have a look at lines doing obedience and agility (particularly agility) as they are less likely to be extreme.
  13. Dotdashdot, Nala is gorgeous! No wonder she is getting group wins! Inevitablue, what a lovely balanced ACD! Congratulations on her great wins against older competition :) Asalei, well done on your first home bred champion It is always a fantastic feeling :) Lots of other gorgeous babies in this thread too :D Long time since I have checked in here... we ended up picking our girl and she has been following in her mother's footsteps brilliantly :D Reija (aka Ukkonen Sirius Impact) picked up 2x Baby in Show and another 3x Baby in Group All Breeds as well as 1x Baby in Show Working Dog Specialty. Then in her first week into Minor this weekend she picked up 3 for 3 Minor in Groups one of which she went on to get Minor in Show :D And to top it off she managed an 11 point Best of Breed and an 8 point BCC (& runner up BOB) :D Best of all she is an awesome little snuggle puppy :D
  14. That is not a new method - well not that new anyway as a vet in WA has been doing it for well over 12 months (which was our first experience with chilled). A friend had a successful chilled litter (TCI) in November with 5 pups. Her prog levels were carefully tracked every couple of days though to make sure it was timed correctly. I personally would not have waited until day 8 to do the first prog test as all of the prog testing is the cheapest part of the experience. Good luck and wishing you a nice size litter :)
  15. We stayed at King Villa at Airport West last year http://www.stayz.com.au/accommodation/vic/melbourne/essendon/31754 Dogs allowed downstairs in the house and there is a small fully enclosed backyard. The one we stayed in (there are 3) also had an attached garage which we set the dogs up to sleep in. However if anyone leave it in such a state that dogs are no longer allowed I will hunt you down and make you regret it
  16. Yep, Lappy babies :) I am good friends with the breeder so have been going for weekly visits - at this stage I really don't know which girl will come home for me at New Year!
  17. Nala looks gorgeous :) Have fun and good luck for Australia Day! I have to choose between these 2 for my 2014 rising star, final decision is to be made just after Christmas as they are 5 weeks old tomorrow :)
  18. I wish some judges would remember that. I actually wish that baby puppies didn't have to be mouthed at all... their teeth can be all over the place - if they have any at all! And they are usually sore in their mouth more often than not. Also what a baby puppy has for a bite is often not an indication of whether they will have a correct bite as an adult anyway. If it was beneficial in teaching them to be mouthed when older that is one thing but often rough judges just make it harder! I love the friendly quiet judges who just slip a quick finger into the baby's mouth to make sure there is nothing really bad going on
  19. I have the owners details in the dog section then my details in the confirmation and payment page as the numbers are sent to me :) I wouldn't put the breeders details in the confirmation page as they probably have their own account and wouldn't want you to change the address :laugh:
  20. I haven't read the whole thread yet but wanted to address this - as of 1 November it is compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped in WA. Came in with the new cat laws and hasn't been given much attention because of this.
  21. There is no award for Best In Group Neuter where all the Best of Breed Neuters compete except that at the moment most (all?) clubs only offer Open Neuter which means that those competing of Open Neuter in Group/Show were the BOB Neuter winners. Once more of the Neuter classes are offered (Puppy, Junior and Intermediate Neuter are available) then you will no longer necessarily have a run off between the BOB Neuters :)
  22. A friend has recently had a succesful mating with chilled (5 puppies on the 4 week scan). Bitch in WA and stud dog in NSW :) Semen was collected Friday am, arrived late Friday pm and used Saturday and Sunday :) Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes well and we will have some cute babies to play with in just over 3 weeks :D The hardest thing was the timing and having the stud dog owner ready to collect with little notice despite regular prog testing. While the stud dog owner was on standby they were asked the night before if they could collect the next day because that was all the notice the bitch gave with her prog levels :laugh: Sending on the Saturday probably would have actually been ok except that weekend flights are just that little bit harder to arrange. Facebook messaging certainly made our life that bit easier too as we could include 3 people in the organising and everyone was kept up to speed on what was going on :D
  23. Definitely not an overreaction RosieFT! I would be reporting it to the ranger as well.
  24. Thanks for the feedback :) At this stage DogsWest shows (Building and Amenities shows and the Western Classic) are the main ones who DON'T offer it in WA and we would like to change that as they make up about half our shows LOL. Most of the individual Clubs have been great :)
  25. Welcome Ranger00 :) I look forward to seeing photos of your new boy :) It has been quiet on here lately. I think because most of us who talked a lot are either busy or chat on FB now :laugh:
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