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Everything posted by Cala

  1. Last Sunday, we said a sad goodbye to our last Australian Cattle Dog, I have had them constantly for 27 years, bred and showed them. She will be sadly missed, your blue nose touching my hands whenever you thought you were not getting enough attention. Run free again sweetheart on new legs with strenght restored, arthritic joints, bad eyesight and incontinence now gone forever. Join up with you Mum, Tarna. your Dad, Hamish, and your sisters Dorothy and Stuffy. You as with all the others will remain in our hearts forever. Love You Dearly Sue, Kevin, Sandy & Nigel. Not forgetting Malcolm, who owned Stuffy (she died October of last year)
  2. I can relate to all of those remarks! Can recall years back very stuck up prim and proper lady came in to have her dear poodle clipped, he was a nice easy boy to clip and groom. no problems there. But as he was put in the bath his whole face was wriggling backwards and forwards absolutely covered in lice! Goodness only knows were he had been to get them! We all decided it was best not to say anything to the lady as she would probably of had a pink fit!!!!! Also saw a lot of the once a year types that came in for a 'clip before christmas' and the look on there faces when the poor dog appeared clipped to the max, as there was nothing else that could be done as it was matted to the skin! One had asked whether christmas bows could be put into his top knot, might of been feasable if there wasn't this massive great dreadlock instead of a topknot, the whole lot had to be shaved off. Woman called to pick it up and was devastated, where was she going to put the ribbons now????? Pet hate would have to be dogs that hate having there feet touch and are constantly pulling leg away or trying to lick the scissors! Sue
  3. Good that things are improving for you, some strange things can be seen in litters of pups, but it is usually dietary, when it's the joints that are affected like that, and don't forget also that the 'lumps' that can be seen on the front legs are growth plates, that start to flatten out to the same size of the rest of the leg once full size has been attained. In regards to big breed, yes well that is true in a way, they are a big strong dog in a medium size package and they grow quite quickly, too much exercise too early can cause damage. I like to keep the weight off my pups, prefering to have them a bit on the lean size, until about 9 months old, then I GRADUALLY start to feed them up. By the time they are mature, I have a dog of the right build and weight. Be careful with overcalcification it can happen. Stick to the recommended dosage, and don't be thinking more is going to be better! It doesn't work that way. I bred them for 20+ years. So I should have some idea! Hope you have many years of happiness with your new puppy.
  4. Hi everyone, Just a bit of an idea to pass on to you all especially those with long coated dogs, I have found it really good to use the hairdryer on cold cycle, parts the hair through to the skin and you can check really easy that way as to whether there is anything clinging to the skin. (helps is your dog is brushed and combed, and not full of mats! Use your fingers to check around the face, ears, nose and eye area. The throat must be checked too. Prevention is certainly better than humungus vet bills. Cala
  5. Cala


    May there be a million and one tennis balls in heaven for you to play with, and someone always near to tell you that your are special. Australian Cattle Dog......... GATEACRE BLUE EWOK CD. 12yrs and 3mths Thank you Malcolm and Louise for all the good years that she had with you both. Love Sue
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