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Everything posted by Newfymum

  1. Ok again the frames are minced there are no sharp pieces in it. Also yes most dogs can cope with bacteria but she can't I am going to start trying her on a grain free dry food soon as I'm not liking how hard her stools are and she is still starving although she is eating 3kgs a day mince , veggies, eggs and sardines
  2. also to clarify they are minced frames not full ones
  3. Really just because Im worried about bacteria at this stage.
  4. Just an update we have been on homecooked minced chicken frames and vegies for a week and I think im noticing a slight improvement. she is managing 2.5kgs of this split over the day but she is still hungry so im trying to increase it but normally. Im hoping once she has put some weight back on she wont be as ravenous. Im also noticing her gas now stinks but I think that maybe just her body getting used to the change in diet. So hopefully this is working. Thank you all for your advice and keep your fingers crossed that this could be the answer.
  5. I have spoken to most of the breeders in Australia no one else has experienced anything like it
  6. Yes her breeder knows I've also posted on a national Newfoundland group on Facebook . Breeder told me to try thrive d but that made her sick
  7. Thanks everyone has given me lots to think about... We have tried losec and 2 other meds on advise from the specialist in Melbourne who my vet has been in contact with throughout this. I believe he said they don't do scopes anymore but ill double check that on Monday
  8. Yup totally get where your coming from... if I don't feed her though she carries on a treat jumps all over everyone and runs back and forth to the kitchen and yes this activity causes bloating... have tried crating her but she just gets herself all upset and breaks out... if she comes to work with me (at vet) she doesn't bloat as she is in a cage all day and I can feed her all day... another reason I think its activity based...Or anxiety... originally she would only do it when I got home from work 2 hours after feeding. there are so many little things but just cant find the answer so we can help. She had a barium xray and that all went through normally the only odd part was that her stomach was already full of gas before she was fed.. she wasn't bloated at the time.
  9. I haven't tried it but I believe she would.... I wouldn't want to try it at this stage either not when she is finally getting some weight on.
  10. yes.... even if I stop feeding at 11 she will still bloat all afternoon and night until about 9:30 long after her stomach is emty... she isn't running around either she is very quiet.
  11. Tried it ... the reason I do it that way is she copes better with food in the morning... if she eats later she bloats badly and then I obviously cant feed her again while she is bloating. only a month ago she could have thew first 2 meals without any gas but now its only the first one.... I have to get food into her when I can as she went from 51kg in January to 38 only a month or so ago so I have to take the opportunity when I can. She has finally started putting weight back on enough that I can play around a bit more with her food
  12. Thanks everyone... its very frustrating.. I have tried most of your ideas... I am going to give home made food a try again though. She isn't a gulper she eats very slowly she is on 4 small meals a day and we have worked our way up to that it doesn't seem to be food related though as she gets fed 4:30 in the morning she copes ok with that then again at 7:30 and again at 11 then she gasses up and releases all day until around 9:30pm depending on how badly she will get another feed at about 4:30 ive tried all different variations on this and different foods from plain chicken alone to premium holistic food and nothing has changed... she doesn't get anything other than the food she is on.
  13. She is on probiotics as that does seem to be something that is often overlooked.
  14. Shes been on hills ID but im in the process of slowly changing her over to Blackhawk (soaked)... considering trying just chicken mince and vegies but as I say I have tried so many different foods I honestly don't think it is the food. She does get uncomfortable but not like with true bloat... she will go outside and have a poo or just lie down and it releases.
  15. Hi Everyone... im desperately searching for a clue or someone else who has experienced this... My 3.5 year old Newfy has reoccurring bloat she has the vets stumped. History She filled with gas around September last year but was not uncomfortable at all and just burped it out.. she was then fine until she came into season in January and started doing it every few days and again burping it out. We decided to do gastroplexy about March and while in there found a plastic sherbet container which could only have been in there since Christmas... but thinking great we found the problem... unfortunately not... again she was bloating every few days. About a month later she had what I call true bloat we had to release the gas via needle to her stomach and she stayed at the vet 2 days and came home... we made the decision to spey her and do a bit more of an exploratory surgery. We found a bit of scarring in the intestines which is probably not helping but I don't think its the cause I think its more of a result of the constant bloating. We have tried all the methods of reducing the risk as well as several medications, natural therapies, foods and routines but unfortunately nothing is helping. She now bloats every day for most of the day still burps or farts it out but I fear there is only so long she will be able to do this for. She has learnt if she relaxes and goes to sleep the gas will release which is good I just wish I could figure out what is causing it or someway of helping. We have spoken about going in to remove the scar tissue but I really don't like the idea of another surgery especially as there are no guarantees it will work. Thanks everyone Sam
  16. Hi Everyone ... i need some help My 3 year old Newfy bitch started having normal seasons ie 6 months apart then 4 months and now 3 months (last 4 have been 3 months apart).... she I originally thought she was having split seasons but prog test at day 17 was under 2 and day 24 was 49.... so she is ovulating just much later than normal and then coming back in season 3 months from the start of her previous one. we have tried natural mating and surgical AI with fresh semen... but have had no luck... Im almost ready to give up.... is there anyone else who has experienced this and has some success with getting their girl pregnant? Oh and she has had full blood work done... nothing wrong there.
  17. Hi Guys Im looking for a spot for a grey we took in last year....I did have her booked with GAP for January but due to a communication error I cant get her in until June now and since NFF is closing she is the last of the animals we have. She is a lovely girl very quiet, good with kids, cats and other dogs... her only problem is she is food aggressive with other dogs.... I believe someone with some more experience with greys will be able to work on this. She is desexed, vaccinated and chipped so all that needs to be done is work with her behavior. Happy to hand her over to another reputable rescue please contact me on here or email [email protected] if you can help. Oh she is currently in foster care in Ararat Victoria Thanks in advance Sam
  18. I have had a fair bit to do with them.... haven't had any issues. From what I've seen everything above board and what you see is what you get :)
  19. Ralphy would be ideal... is in foster care with 2 borders at the moment :) or even Neddy who we think may have some Kelpie in him very high energy but very intelligent too :)
  20. We have a couple that might suit www.newfoundfriends.com.au :)
  21. This is the exact same thing thing that is happening to us... i sent and email and it came through. But we have had no inquiries at all
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