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Everything posted by Riles

  1. Thanks chook ;) You poor bugger :D Nah the photos were from last weekend, we were back down to three sheep, below are a couple from Saturday and the girl getting her PT... First gate pass.... Heading back to the pen.... She was ABSOLUTELY knackered yesterday and didn't move off the couch We'll still see you at the ASC trial, seeing as we are already entered we are going to do the PT again just as a practice, NO WAY are we ready to play with the big kids in Started
  2. Today a lovely lady gave me some pics of last weekend, here they are...... I'm also a pretty proud mummy at the mo Rosie got her PT title this weekend She passed every test at every trial except for when I retired her last week when she went silly, so 7 out of 8 is just fantastic (basically she passed two today when she only needed one) Riles (one very proud Mumma)
  3. Get a new vet!!! Your definately on track with your own train of thought ie. get her desexed Riles
  4. Its always us isn't it the bloody dog knows EXACTLY what its doing and if us Mummies just didn't interfere then they would probably pass every time I think we will be leaving the HS until next year though, I need more training (not Rosie) :D Ahhh the joys of a new baby Then again maybe its me that has it wrong :rofl: See you there chooka Kate is great but don't tell her I said that ;)
  5. Oh almost forgot, make sure you complete two seperate ones for the same day in the one envelope, there are two test with two different judges so if you enter both you could get your HIC on the day. Same for HT and PT
  6. ;) Then after all that fun the next challenge is working out the Gazette Just give the VCA a bell today and ask them to post you the obedience one, DO NOT let them talk you into the fact they think you need the showing one, that happened to me and it was the wrong one *sigh* They generally post them same day so you should get it in the mail tomorrow. I'm as lazy as you Indi Definately the easiest way is to complete all your and Abbie's details, leave the fixture/dates/what your entering part blank and photocopy about 20 of them. That way when you want to enter something all you have to do is fill out the date(s) of the trial, the club (far left side of page) and then like Indi said, just cross out agility/tracking etc. write Herding and what your entering ie. if you are entering Instinct write HIC, Herding Test is HT and the Pre Trial is PT. My first time I entered something I actually put a note in "hi, this is my very first entry, please let me know if I've done it incorrectly as I really don't want to miss your trial". They really are accomodating of us newbies Yeh what she said a lot of people go whose dogs haven't seen stock before and pass. It really is just to see if your dog has instinct, the most important thing is to be able to stop Abbie and recall her. Kate and the Sheppie Club are FANTASTIC so you'll be in great hands Everyone is really lovely at the trials, make sure you come up and say hi, you can't miss Pocket because she is normally the only merle smooth there
  7. Oh Lordy, that was the hardest part, filling out the silly forms :rolleyes: Everyone made fun of me for ages because I kept getting them wrong ;) ;) I'll send you a pm tomorrow, as I'm off now
  8. A Course ;) :rolleyes: Tell Dag Boy to pull the proverbial finger out ;) I saw your pics of the new pup will be wonderful to watch your progress
  9. Aweeee what a bugger The Australian Shepherd Club have a trial coming up 1 & 2 September, tests are on the Sunday This is the link Australian Shep Club Trial Get your entries in chooka You'll go great guns Mrs D, good luck and be sure to let us know how you go I've been well and truly bitten by the bug
  10. Nope I rented a friends daughter place (up in Sydney), dog was NOT to be inside (of course she did come in just not upstairs to the bedrooms) cause she is a smoothie the amount of hair she sheds and I didn't have a Dyson then. You'll be please to know Princess Pocket (along with Mr Dyson) now sleep on the bed Angelblaze112, Varicools idea is a fantastic one too
  11. Unfortunately she now knows that if she cries long enough you will come and take her into your bed. As much as the household needs their sleep, I spent two weeks with one crying baby in the laundry, I was near on loosing my mind with exhaustion and breaking my heart at her cries but I never, ever, ever, broke my resistance to go and fetch her. Maybe get everyone ear plugs and start again without going to her no matter how long she cries for.
  12. Someone had DEFINATELY given those sheep Red Bull the morning of the trial In one breath I felt bad for the OES' but in the same breath I was ;) Can't imagine how long it took to get them clean and dry once they got home We will be at the ASC trial, you will blitz your HT, lets pray the ground isn't as muddie. Is anyone going to the VHA one this weekend?
  13. Thats fantastic Only recently have I fully understood how much work is required in this sport and you should be VERY proud
  14. CONGRATULATIONS, you guys really deserved it ;) Those sheep had WINGS!!!!! I can't believe how muddy it was either but at least we were fortunate enough for the rain to hold off, it was hailing in Cranbourne which is only 5 mins away so we were bloody lucky. And so he should be!!!! He worked absolutely brilliant!!!!!! And boy has he turned into such a hunka chunka boy Rosie got a PT pass on Saturday, I never in a million years new she could be that quick On Sunday she decided that it was more fun to chase than listen to her mother so I retired her. At least she was laughing and enjoying herself though. It really was a fantastic weekend and great to meet so many of you
  15. As it is at KCC Park, bringing your own dog along isn't a problem See you all there and good luck everyone
  16. Opppssssss Me finks that it could be in a box I've never unpacked chook. I did return a heap but I'm sure I've seen one of your books and kept forgetting about it. Wanna pm me an address and I'll post it asap. SORRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  17. Thank you Grandma *slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrppppppppppppppppp* Mummy filled out a form and included your address so you should get something in the mail.
  18. Riles


    Aweeeee Dru I'm so sorry Rest in Peace sweet Victoria, how much you will be missed
  19. It stands for Tracking Qualification Test, you need to pass this to start your tracking career here in Oz.
  20. Thank you Pixie, I love tracking and Holly will love it too and be really good at it cause Mum's told me how clever she is!!!!! My favourite part is when I get my treat and sqeak toy at the end ;) Love Rosie *slurrrrrrrrrrpppppppp*
  21. Yeh we were at the herding, I was absolutely cacking :rolleyes: myself, how much chalk did they need to get the mud off his paws??? They were just so bloody gorgeous Congratulations to Hondo, who said males can't multi taks Some other gorgeous Aussies passed their HT also ;) Not to mention that he got rolled by the sheepies They are gorgeous - did you watch the show also? I was there with my black girl (shown) and my pet blue boy That was a classic, he got bowled over at a hundred mile an hour, jumped up, shook his head and kept going, sooooooooooo cute They are going to do really well at herding, real naturals Nah it was a big day for us once the herding was finished and I took Rosie home, she got HT and deserved a noice big sleep.
  22. Yeh we were at the herding, I was absolutely cacking myself, how much chalk did they need to get the mud off his paws??? :rolleyes: They were just so bloody gorgeous Congratulations to Hondo, who said males can't multi taks Some other gorgeous Aussies passed their HT also ;)
  23. Congratutlations, I had the pleasure of meeting some absolutely gorgeous Aussie's yesterday, two BEAUTIFUL puppies who were showing (KCC) came over and did their HIC (both passed) and then one had to go back into the ring for BOB, soooooooooo coolllllllllll ;)
  24. how embarrasment, couldn't be outdown by the husband though Aunty Daisy, all my doing, I just make the Mother look good Hellooo Aunty Vicki I've come along way from that little puppy who went out under the gate cause those big fluffy white things actually turned out to be HEAPS of fun and not scary after all Mummy is VERY hooked but she is HOPELESS!!!!! If she just walks around and PRETENDS to look like she knows what she is doing and leaves me to do my thing we will be fine. Do you know she is so silly she nearly tripped over a sheep :rolleyes: Sorry you'd thought we had dissappeared, I love it down here so much, Mum is out with me all weekend doing heaps of fun things although I do grumble when she gets me out of bed at 4:45am on a Saturday morning to go somewhere Big licks *slurpppppppppppppp* to my hero Trim *WOOF* Also a big thank you to my Aunty DD *slurppppppppppppppppppp* who came and watched. TQT last week, HT this week and paws crossed for my next trial in few weeks (if Mummy behaves herself *sigh*). Love Rosie Posie Pocket Pup HT *big grin*
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