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Rescue Angel

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Everything posted by Rescue Angel

  1. Don't bother with the capsules they're pretty much a waste of time. The injections are the way to go, they really do work. We give all our older rescue dogs and any dogs with dodgy knees the full course and then one injection either every 3 months or each month depending on how bad their joints are. You have to be a little patient and wait until the 4th injection to see the results, they are usually quite amazing. I must admit we did treat one dog and they had no effect but all the other dogs were up and running around like puppies after the 4th injection. For older dogs you must keep their weight down to reduce the strain on the joints and of course keep them warm inside - cool weather causes the joints to ache and become stiff. If you do the cartrophen course of 4 injections and then one injection each month seeing your puppy is so bad he should improve dramatically, then add in a fish oil capsule each day and he should be running around like a mad thing. Good luck.
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