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Everything posted by Nevafollo

  1. Thanks guys I really couldnt be happier... here is a pic I posted on FB its bad quality as it was taken on my iPhone of my fat girl Kite in her new whelping box built by Gemelo and her handy husband :D
  2. Well today we got the news that she is having 7 with possibley one or two hiding but I really dont care 7 is what I wanted so I am over the moon!
  3. Funny isnt it... as a litter of three would kinda be disapointing in my breed but where others its amazing
  4. The girl is off to be xrayed tomorrow ... Heres hoping she doesnt try and equal her mums effort or worse better it, Kite (aka hippo, the whale, fatty ect) is from a litter of 11!
  5. Your more than Welcome to drive up for a weekend and we can hit the river :-) We have a great time cause its not only dog friendly but also people friendly not quite sure what we would have done if we hadnt found this ripper of a spot! :thumbsup:
  6. we headed off to our fave spot today for a big swim... heres a few of the kids!
  7. this is such a nice story to read. I agree thou I have meet some great people thru DOL!!!
  8. I have just recently ordered some from here http://www.deswildrags.com/coolingcoats.html I got the ones that pull over the head as I know the pointers will keep them on at a show, i was a smidge worried they may mange to pull the other ones off! Not sure how they will look but so far the service has been great
  9. My boy finally cracked it on the weekend... he won Puppy In Show :D
  10. I do all my dogs nails, my mum dogs nails and alot of friends dogs nails. The pit fall of being a groomer, everyone asks! Pug nails are the worst they are nasty little devils when it comes to nail cutting time!
  11. Shame your in Tassie was going to invite you for a visit... We have pointer babies due in the next three weeks... plus my best friend owns and shows Aussies... could of killed two birdies with one stone!
  12. Don't give me more options!! I already can't decide! I love the GSPs. What differences would I notice between the Pointer and the GSP? Rightio......goldies off the list - the dust bunnies thing put me off. Is this going to happen with border collies and aussies too? Curly coats back on. Scarlet - not wanting to offend, but do CCRs have a particular smell? I knew some when I was a child, and they did, but I wasn't sure whether that was just the dogs in that household, or a CCR thing. Main different between GSP and pointers besides looks would be that the Pointer is known to be more laid back, less high energy ect but that still depends on lines. Like I said my boy spends all day hunting where as my girls spend all day on the lounge. As far as recall goes all my three recall. My boy is still learning so his isnt 100% but both the girls are!
  13. My girl is getting rather fat! (just a side note... the list has me listed as having a litter of GSP's I sure hope they dont come out german as mum and dad are very much Pointers of the english variety )
  14. Ok so I can tell you more about pointers, they arnt really that big, if your girl is around 40kg then my girls are almost half that, mine are both around the 23-25kilo mark, but then they would probably be around her height. As far as enough excerise a walk daily would be more than enough, my boy spends all day outside and entertains himself chasing birds... my two girls are couch potatos and spend all day hanging out with my pug, my boy is as birdy as they come, he is from very good imported feild lines so is "gifted" as far as knowing what to do with birdies... its a lovely sight to watch! My girls prefer fly hunting! Grooming is obviously easy as, they are GREAT with kids and they are friendly and shouldnt show any signs of aggression towards people or other dogs!
  15. I have a pretty decent Idea of what Im doing for the next 3 yrs
  16. Pointers can be real push overs. I know all my girls are overly submissive when playing. Unfortunately i dont think I have any good advise, most of what i would have suggested has already been posted!
  17. If that happeneds with Kites litter I will be stuffing some back in Ha ha ha Just about wet myself reading this!!! If Mia ever reaches 10 in future litters i'll be telling her to cross her legs and not let anymore out!! They are so gorgeous but like Belljari said, when mum hotfoots it out of there and leaves me with feeding/cleaning duties and with Mia that starts at about 3 weeks it's so much work! Can't wait to see your big litter though! I'm sure you'll be fine managing them all! Its not funny ... dont laugh or one will end up on your door step
  18. If that happeneds with Kites litter I will be stuffing some back in
  19. Its probably a case of all of the above sometimes! Personally I have backed off abit, I used to show nearly every weekend, but I have now learnt that its a waste of my time and money entering whatever shows going when I know what the judge is going to do before I even get there. I have to be pretty careful about where and who I show under. I have had a few cases of nastiness directed at me and it sucks that people can be that way!
  20. Well mum and dad are both from pretty big litters so Im thinking we will get more like 10... its def going to be hard work!!!
  21. Im expecting a litter of pointers (my first) any time aftr the 19th. Im very very excited she was scanned yesterday and the vet said 7+
  22. Well from the dogs I got head tilts but my brother yelled at the problem dog to shut the hell up...hehehe had him fooled!
  23. Bluegum boarding lodge at morisset is worth a look! :thumbsup:
  24. This is true pointers are rare-ish and pedigree puppies can range from $500-$1500 ($1500 being very rarely the case especially for pets) I would have thought labs were around the $1000 $1200 mark but then i dont think many or any pedigree dogs should go for less than around the $1000 mark these days because really in the grand scheme it isnt that exspensive and it can cost quite alot for a breeder to do what they do! Pointers are one breed I had in mind when I said that. Lovely dogs, but I don't think they are in the public eye enough so the average Joe doesn't really know much about Pointers! I think Aussie Shepherds were in the same boat a few years ago but their popularity has risen in recent years, as has the price tag (someone please correct me if I'm wrong ) Not sure on Aussies but I think you might be close to right! Pointers really need more publicity but its hard work! alot of people that hear the word pointer think German short haired not english so that also makes it hard and they are quite different in temperment!
  25. This is true pointers are rare-ish and pedigree puppies can range from $500-$1500 ($1500 being very rarely the case especially for pets) I would have thought labs were around the $1000 $1200 mark but then i dont think many or any pedigree dogs should go for less than around the $1000 mark these days because really in the grand scheme it isnt that exspensive and it can cost quite alot for a breeder to do what they do!
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