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  1. Bobby

    Jumping Staffys

    Thanks for the tip I will definately try that one. He is cute, unfortunately I have not got around to taking too many photos of him but will have to start cause he is getting so big so fast. He is four and half months and already weights 12kgs. Your staffy is cute too, how old is he/she?
  2. Hi everyone, I have only just signed up to this forum and have already found very helpful advice. One topic however that I require a little assistance on is jumping and what is the best way of deterring it. I have a four and half month old beautiful Staffy boy, Charlie. He is very outgoing and affectionate which of course is typical of his breed. However whenever we have visitors or simply when myself and my partner arrive home he LOVES to jump up all over you. We are worried if we do not nib this behaviour in the bud it might lead him to jump the fences when he is older and inevitably we could lose him. Does anyone have any good training tips in limiting or eliminating his need to jump all over us and visitors to show his affection? Thanks. Charlie.doc
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