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Everything posted by rakaaz

  1. Now at peace, what a sweet girl who has touched so many who didn't know her. Sincere condolences to you Ambervale and all her family. Susie. xoxo
  2. Already said in the rottie thread, but still thinking of you. Hugs, Susie.
  3. Wish I could come up with something to help Shek, with the exception of Syrah all our guys are majorly food motivated. And even Syrah can get interested in some exciting stuff like cooked liver etc. Mind you I like the jealousy tactic, it certainly works with ours playing them off against each other.
  4. Well Shek, looking at your new piccies, I'd say he figures he looks so good he needs to keep standing to show himself off better!
  5. Ashli, so very sorry to hear of your loss of Keisha. May she live on in your hearts forever. Susie. xoxo
  6. Well said Leopuppy, I would not put any of my rotties in a trial in those conditions, black dogs just can't handle it. I wouldn't take them to a conformation show either, but certainly a normal all breeds show would be way less demanding than an obedience trial. Usually only about 5 mins in the ring, a little triangle to trot around, look pretty and thats it! I would hope most people would use their common sense, and depending on the breed, and the individual dog make a decision on whether it was good for the dog or not. I think an agility and obedience trial would be much more taxing than an all breeds show, and therefore the cutoff in temperatures could be a little higher.
  7. Ha ha! I laughed when I saw all those pots neatly lined up. Please show us the same pots in a couple of weeks time - lets see how they are looking then! Came in late to this post, so glad you went with a pup from a registered breeder, and Elliot got a lovely home also.
  8. Very sorry to hear CavnRott, may she be at peace.
  9. Hi VDK maybe you can post some photos for us to take a look at. If she has a long face and about the size of a kelpie I'm guessing she is a cross, but will be able to tell more once you put a few photos up. There are a whole range of dogs in any country - good bad and anywhere in between, although I will agree there is a certain look to a lot of English rottweilers. Female rotties should weigh between 38-42 kg as an adult.
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