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Everything posted by my_sibe_owns_me

  1. RIP little guy.... I am soooo sorry for your loss...... Healing doesnt begin till you let all the tears out....
  2. :D When you own a sibe tell it not to take its self on 'walks' and see if it listens! I say come and she looks at me I swear if you look into her eyes she is laughing at me!!!! She knows the word! And thats why she turns and b-lines it Shes a brat....and a sibe.....shes smart enough to know she DOESNT have to come
  3. poms- a cup Sibe-3 cups Mastiff- 4-5ishcups (Shes on a diet) Saluki 6-8 cups The rest are with in those amounts too
  4. Today makes it a year........a year from when my bestfriend was stolen away from me by Liver cancer........one whole year that I have let to have a tearless week....a year that all things have changed....the year I needed my bestfriend more than anything.....a year that I have lost because im still hung up on your death....and alwalys will be till we meet once again. I have replayed are last mins together in my head all day.....our last hug....the last time I looked into your eyes and you where 'there'........the last time I watched your tail wag because you wanted a hug from me....the last time I walked through the door and your eyes held nothing but love......the last car ride we took together...The last walk....the last pill I gave you.......the last meal.......the last time you slept in the bed next to me...the last picture....the last time you lick my face and when we played catch......and the first time I had to face the world by myself....when I took your collar off.....and when I got your ashes back on chrismas.......... Your the only one who has got me to think about relegion...from the moment you died I wanted you to be safe and didnt know where 'you' went........I just hope you are safe and happy..... RIP my sweet puppy...named Dasher..... ETA a picture
  5. soz, with the h on the end is cooler well, he's eating now, so we'll just have to see puppy formula's more nutritiuos though, and seeing as how he barely eats but is sooo energetic, I'll keep him on it till he's a bit older. I really like eagle pack because on the advertisement video that I saw, they used siberian huskies the H was different I was just hoping it was a typo the first few times Some times all that nurtrtious stuff is whats bad for them and they know it so they will refuse to eat it. And if he choses to eat Adult food and really eats it, it would be worse than him straving himself and then scarfing it down day/s later??? Im a proplan person and I know you disagree
  6. He's a sibe he's just testing you dont give in
  7. LOL okay first thing first its Shanna( ) Puppy food IS NOT always good of your dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puppy food can make some dogs to grow TO QUICK!!!!!!!! Katie's just crazy( )
  8. No flaming people!!!!! BUT!!!! It maybe time to take him OFF puppy food!!!!! Hailey REFUSED to eat puppy food at 5mos but would run off and scarf down the adult (proplan) food so I STOPED giving her puppy food anf STARTED to give her ADULT food.....might be worth a try....... Dogs KNOW what they need and 5mo old puppies DONT always need puppy food ETA: Try softing his food if he's teeth are coming through and NO treats until he EATS MOST of his food
  9. Your girls and their love for those dogs is just heart breaking!!!!!!!! I hope the pain will fade away but never the loving memorys all of you hold in your hearts..... Im am sorry you had to loss two of your 'best friends' on the same day RIP Dallie and Archie you lived a great life filled with nothing but love.....run free and be at peace.... I am turly sorry for your loss
  10. Both taken by the snake called Death...... Rip Mav Maybe you'll just happen to run into my Mav....be easly though he's a little old fellow............... My thoughs are with the two of you.....
  11. We where told by the vets that Mav had a stage three murmor on his lungs a few months ago....... Sadly he pasted away the other day..... Mav was BORN to be a show dog, He was finished in a 4 day weekend. Rip Mav, run free and be cough free know we love you and miss you very much......
  12. I am soooo sorry for your lost... RIP Cindy
  13. What the best way to do this- We are watching a 4 mo old rottie pup who has never goneo out of his whelping box..... The breeder didnt even give him the hole back yard! He was in a x-pen. But anyways we have the pup for the next 2 weeks. He is afraid of everything!!!!! he trys to run away when I open doors!! But when he meets dogs he runs, bites, growles and screams.....I did how ever kinda fix this! BUT the saluki is super hyper and wants to play play play!!! So he jumps, bites, nips, barks ad this really frightens the rottie puppy because one he has never been around dogs and two he doesent know how to play.... So how can I fix this? At the moment the rottie puppy will stay in the same room with other dogs and fell comfortable if the other dogs just kinda do their own thing.
  14. What has this bloody world come to!!!!! IF I have a bitch that is JUST a pet she will NEVER see her first season!! Whats the piont if you are just gonna get her fixed anyways? Do you really want to put up with the temperment, bleeding, trying to keep her away from males ect........ IF I had a male as PET he would be desexed well before 6mo.
  15. Okay my turn to add... There IS Registered Breeders that ARE BYBS. Just because they are registerd does NOT in any way mean that their is not a chance that they are a BYB. for eg. there was a puppy mill rade not to long ago at this 'Registered Breeders '(Who even showed his dogs) .... and the things there Its unfair to say this but people need to open their eyes and REALLY look at the 'Registered Breeder' they are looking at. And please do not think i am agaisnt Registered Breeders because I live in a house hold with one and no we are not BYB nor do we inbreed...
  16. I LIVE in the USA! Michigan if you want to narrow down the place in the US I live. I see none of these problems. You sell a pup as a PET then you are NOT selling it as a BREEDING dog so then fix early Why the hell do you think we have so many DD??
  17. Okay correct me if im wrong but was the OP not going on about how desexing your pup early will keep them from cancer later on in life? Because well story time folks... My mutt who died of liver cancer at the age of 9 was desexed early while our purebred rottie was never fixed and died of bone cancer at 7yrs old.....So just because the dog is or isnt desexed does not slim down its chances of caner... MILLIONS of pups are desexed by the time they are 8 weeks and never have a single promblem(Talking about large breeds) IF it was such a promblem desexing your pup early then wouldnt we hear about it a hell of a lot more? I mean desexing early is not a new thing and hasnt been thrown up for debate until recently.. Skipy- It would be nice if people could hamdle none desexed dogs...but people cant handle a pit bull let alone a pit with attiude (because it wasnt desexed) And Silver- BSL KILLS a breed...while desexing at an early stage SAVES more dogs then it will ever kill or harm....
  18. Skipy have you ever sold a puppy before? Because if you have you knw its damn scarry and all you learn is people are UNTURSTWORTHY!!! In fact the people we believe would be best for our pups somthimes happened to be the worse... I what would happen if our prefect girl was to small for breeding and we had to sell her to a pet home with a contract/promies of her being desexed to find out once she 'matured' she was poping DD out left and righ? I dont trust people and would much rather a dog NEVER to come into heat OR hit 4 mo of age with out being desexed....JMHO And BSL is a hole DIFFERNT can of worms....its pure foolishness to try and wrap the two together peibe-
  19. :p ;) Yep, rescue is going to pay for sterilisation, then get someone to adopt the dog to then have to pay for desexing when it could of been done in the first place ;) Come and live on the rescues side of the fence, walking past the rows and rows of puppies and dogs and knowing that you have no room for any of them Believe what you like but the only way to stop the over populaiton of dogs in AUS is early desexing, simple The promblem is they are not opening their eyes and looking at the big picture For those who think desexing a dog/ bitch is wrong then one day when you get enough nerve go to a kill shelter and look into all those 6week old puppies eyes and KNOW that they will be PTS with in the next few days all because some moron didnt desex their dog...
  20. Please NEVER go back to the vet that told you to breed the bitch before you desex...hes a TWIT! If you breed bitches on there first season then the puppies will take all her nutrition and she will never grow the the right size.....even breeders refuse to allow their bitched to be breed on the first season....and down the road all I can see is BYB coming from that vet office
  21. Vets :p Theirs soooo laughable!!!!! Id like to point out that MY vets tells everyone to get their pups desexed as possible even the humane socitey desexs at 8 weeks....but your right its down right awful that people care that much about dogs
  22. How about hands on.......I have never seen a diffence (cancer wise) between the two. Call me foolish but I dont think people can handle it.
  23. Apologies - none of the large breeds I have owned or known have come in season before 12 mths, many have been 15-18 mths. Did you happen to notice in any of my posts that I DO advocate surgical sterilisation to prevent puppies? As for not being able to prevent cancer - are you for real? Not really big on research? Cancer is NEVER just the luck of the draw - there are so many factors involved, some of which we can influence, others we can't. Just because you do not know of any large breed dogs coming in season before 15mo does not mean it does not happen......I see it alot. Then what are you saying? That the owner should know before the pup goes in heat and get it fixed so it doesnt have pups or cancer?? :p Do you really think this works? On really? Then inform me how cancer is not just the luck of the draw? As for the website posted....... some people are soooooo foolish Desexing your pup 'later' will NOT change the out come of cancer.
  24. Huh??? Please explain. :p sorry had to type fast so I could yell at the dog! 'I also work in a groom shop where I see many desexed and none desexed dogs, I find that the none desex males tend to go a bit humping happy while the desex males (At weeks) tend to do nothing
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