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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. So, is it best to use this lens in soft light? Or did I get those results because I was in Auto mode?
  2. I go the Canon 70-300 with IS, it was about $825. It was a very belated birthday present from my OH!
  3. Raz I got it from here http://www.are-jays.com.au Thanks Tess32, I'll try your suggestions
  4. Oooh, can't remember, online but the details are in my home email. Will check later.
  5. I tried out my new lens on Sun and it was a very sunny day. I found all of the shots taken in the shade needed to be brightened up in photoshop and some were so high contrast that I couldn't fix them. Any tips? [i have a Canon30D and it was set on auto] The pics are here. The ony one I'm really happy with is the boy with the stick. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...view=getnewpost
  6. We use Spectrum, Advantix and Permoxin. She the pinned thread at the top, lots of good advice in there.
  7. D&D do you use the drops? I've been trying it with Chopper and Angel for the last few weeks due to a barking complaint. I think it's helping, but I find it a bit of a nightmare trying to get the dropper in to their mouths!
  8. I just got this reponse from Cameras Direct. I asked him the difference between the Sigma, the old Canon 70-300 and the new Canon 70-300 --- Generally all these lense are the same - zoome range, aperture wise. Both the Canon feature USM - Ultra Sonic Motor - which greatly improves focusing speed and IS (Image Stabilzer) which allows you to hold a steady shot while shooting about 2 stops slower - 1/60s vs 1/300s. The EF 70-300 DO IS is almost on par with Canon's topline L series lens but features Diffrative Optics (DO) elements which result in a much more compact design at the expense of a tiny reduction in quality. It is still however the sharpest of the 3 lenses listed. If you're going to bee shooting any kind of action I'd forget about the Sigma you will simply be frustraed by the slow focus speed. Either of the Canon's will be more than suitable. If you aren't going to be printing anything larger than A4 you will be more than happy with the EF 70-300mm f4-5.6 IS USM. --- So, I guess I'll go with the Canon. Prob the old one as I'm only an amateur
  9. It doesn't seem to. Would that make much difference?
  10. I want to get a 70-300 lens. The Sigma is less than half the price of the Canon. Why? Would I notice the difference? I want it for action shots and portraits. Thanks
  11. It can sometimes be cause they've an empty stomach. I should leave this one for people who know more than me
  12. I'm pretty sure the All Dogs Training Club in Hurstvillle do. PM Myszka, she's a trainer there.
  13. I only asked cause the other 2 don't do it, but then again they don't get into the water bowl either!
  14. I'm not terribly concerned, but just thought I'd ask anyway... Every morning I walk the dogs for 30mins and then throw the ball for another 20/30. They're not running the whole time, as Angel controls this by taking the ball to the water bowl and dunking it. Then she'll sit there with 2 front paws in the water and drink. She consumes quite a lot of water while we're at the park, and then when we get home she gets in her paddling pool and drinks some more. Every day, without fail, she throws up. Usually more than once. Just gloopy watery clear liquid. Do you think this is normal? Should I be worried?
  15. I agree with trying to crate train him. I've a similar problem during the day, so I've been doing ALOT of research! Lot's of exercise, physical and mental. A kong/buster cube/bone etc. You could also try giving him Rescue Remedy to calm him down and a tshirt with your smell on it. Maybe you should also look into getting an electronic anti-barking collar. Debarking is very much a last resort, and as Persephone said, it's only taking the noise away, not curing the dogs problem. BTW has the barking only started since the accident? It could possibly be related?
  16. Not yet. Our nice neighbour on the other side has been keeping a diary for us and she said they don't bark much. I've started giving them Rescue Remedy which she said made a noticeable difference. Today they barked more than usual but she reckons that was because they were with us all weekend, and it was on and off for an hour at about 9.30 [when they finished their Kongs?] and again a little bit around 4.30 [when the other neighbourhood dogs were being walked?]. I plan to video them tomorrow morning, but I'll only get 90mins before the tape runs out. Hopefully if there's anything to be seen it'll happen then! I've been reading about separation anxiety and ways to teach your dog to be happy alone. We do a lot of the stuff already, but we're guilty of quite a few no nos, such as spending too much time with them I found this article pretty useful if anyone's interested. http://www.petplace.com/dogs/separation-an...dogs/page1.aspx
  17. Chopper and Angel both got hives last Summer. I think the vet said it was an airborne allergy. They were both fine though. No treatment required. Staffys are prone to allergies, I've a thread in the health section about it.
  18. Oh, I know exactly who made the complaint. The ranger as good as told me when she said exactly which dogs it was and how they were in "cages". We've only one neighbour who can see into our garden and everyone including our new landlord warned us about them being a pain in the ass! If she had said something to us we would have addressed the issue, no offence taken, no drama. Instead, she's gone about it the wrong way and she's going to know all about it. We've spoken to several other neighbours and none of them have a problem with our dogs. How could they, nearly every house has dogs, and they all bark!! Even the neighbour that complained has a tenant living at the back of their house with a little white fluffy thing that yaps ALL the time. Good idea about the diary though. In fact the ranger called me a 2nd time, cause when the complainant said we had the dogs in "cages", she thought we had pitbulls or dangerous dogs and just wanted to confirm. She said our neighbour reckons they bark non-stop from 6.30 in the morning. I told the ranger I take them out from 6.30-7.30 and then they're in the house with me till I leave at 8.30!!! The ranger has a staffy too and kept telling me not to worry that she can tell I'm a responsible owner and that we're doing the right thing. She's already caught the neighbour lying on two counts now. HA! All that aside though, we accept there may be a barking problem and we're looking into remedying it.
  19. The ranger finally rang me back and the first thing she asked was do I have a dog She said she called to the house and didn't see or hear any! Our house has a side driveway with an aluminum gate which leads into the back garden. Usually Ivan is lying there and I was sure if someone called to the door he would bark. Really surprised that he didn't. What a great guard dog! So, off to a good start there. I asked her why she called and she said a neighbour had complained that our dogs were barking constantly, but she said that's obviously an exaggeration. I told her I knew which neighbour it was as we were warned that she was a miserable cow and makes a habit of complaining and she was quite interested to hear that. Obviously she has to go through the whole process and the neighbour will have to keep a bark diary, but hopefully we'll sort out the problem in the meantime and she can go and suck on an egg Anyway, the ranger was really nice, just warned me that the dogs registration needs to be updated since we moved house but if I've any question I can call her.
  20. Naaaawww, he's handsome. I love Amstaffs, they're a bit big for lap dogs tho, so I'll have to stick to the fun size version Thanks for all the advice. Bought the Polaramine today, so we'll take it from there. I'll keep you posted [someday I'll have a nice looking lawn too, mark my words!!!]
  21. And were his allergies seasonal too? I'll show you mine if you show me yours?!
  22. So, is your problem food allergies? Cause ours is airborne as far as I know. Would yeast be an issue for us too? The vet said changing her food wouldn't make a difference. We don't give them Smackos, but we do give them Supercoat dog biscuits once a day. Must check the ingredients when I get home.
  23. Really? Would that not dry out their already irritated skin? I use Fidos oatmeal. Forgot that I'm meant to wash her more often when she's like this though. Thanks BnB!
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