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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. 2! Sure weren't you invited to his birthday party He gets racing oil, and fish about 4 times a week. Will try the joint formula and see if it helps. Chiropractor? Really? Just for stiffness?
  2. Ivan has one of them at the moment too. A lot bigger though, maybe a third of a fist size. It's not bothering him. He's been to the vet and they don't think it's a cyst. Could be a fatty deposit. They need to open him up to find out. We decided to wait until after we all go on holidays next week so he can enjoy himself without having to worry about stitches. Let me know how you go? Hopefully it's nothing serious Angel had a lump recently on her chest but kinda behind her armpit. It went away within a week or so.
  3. I've notice recently that Chopper looks a bit stiff sometimes. Especially when he gets up from sleeping or a long nap. He runs pretty hard for about 15mins every morning + 30-50min walk. OH reckons maybe it's too much, but he's a really high energy dog and I need to tire him so he doesn't nuisance bark when we're out. He's ony 2, do you think I should be giving him Glucosamine or something?
  4. Wow, thanks everyone, it seems I've A LOT of practicing and learning to do! Watch this space
  5. There's a park near me in Matraville. Not an official dog park but there's water and the council have put a pooh bag dispenser there. Rarely more than 3 or 4 dogs there, usually empty. Is that convenient for anyone other than me?
  6. You could try hanging some fly traps around the garden, picking up all the pooh daily and make sure there's no bones lying around. All that and the Permoxin should help
  7. I just checked the image info, the ISO was on 100, the shutter speeds were between 1/250 and 1/400 and the aperture was around 8 or 9.
  8. You could smear them with vaseline or savlon. Ivan gets bitten pretty bad too.
  9. ruthless


    OMG Horus, I'm so sorry...
  10. Wow, the changes happened in only 3 weeks? I've had e-collars gathering dust for ages now and I think this post is going to make me get off my arse and actually use them. [No, I know you'll believe it when you see it Steve!] All our issues were resolved with obedience classes and positive experiences with other dogs at the dog park, but a reliable recall would be a real bonus. I'll report back in 3 weeks
  11. I took these at Centennial Park this morning [pretty overcast] with my Canon 30D, 70-300 lens on the P setting. It's only my second outing with it, but I'm really not happy with the results. I had to brighten them all massively in Photoshop and nearly all of them are out of focus. What am I doing wrong I also have a 17-85 lens, should I have been using it instead? I was hoping to get a nice pic of my friends GSD to give them for Christmas, but they're all pants. Tess32 told me to do this, but I only remembered the P bit when I was out today, woops. Would changing the ISO have made a big difference?
  12. Oh yay, Divani can join our sledding team. It was destined to be a bit unbalanced with only three!
  13. They're in concrete dog runs during the day and inside with us when we're home.
  14. Belly and underarms for my two. I would rule out their beds as it's seasonal. We're in the process of pulling all the weeds out of our garden, but we go to 4 different dog parks during the week so if it's pollen from there we may not see any change. They're on Polaramine too, but I don't think it's making any difference
  15. Yup, got an itchy dog here too. Chopper got his first cortisone injection on Fri and it did nothing to relieve his scratching. He didn't get like this last year, so I'm supposing it's because we moved house and he's having to deal with new pollens. He's also on fish oil. I'll try the medicated shampoo. Angel isn't scratching, but she's got a bad rash which she's on antibiotics for. Illium Neocort (sp?) is great for clearing up problem areas. They do come back though. Does anyone know a good holistic vet in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney? I'd like to find out the cause.
  16. These are the photos from polomum. Angel is nowhere near this bad thankfully. I just checked her and currently she only has about 5 spots.
  17. Yeah, sounds the same. They're only very small. We squeeze them That'd be great, thanks, I'll PM you my email address. Hope it's not what Angel has
  18. Maybe 3? She's rescue, so not 100% sure. ETA We recently moved house, so we could have new pollens that are irritating her.
  19. Angel gets bad skin at this time of year so we're trying her on Polaramine. In the last few weeks she's started getting whiteheads all over her tummy and underarms. It doesn't seem to be bothering her but I'll prob take her to the vets this week anyway. Just wondering if anyone else has ever come across that before?
  20. Em, we often get very dark stools. Should I be concerned?
  21. you can get cheaper on ebay from HK, but i didn't want to wait!
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