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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. Kelly who owns a franchise out west somewhere is good. She does some volunteer work with the dogs at Staffy Rescue. I've seen her in action and she knows her stuff.
  2. ruthless


    So sorry for your loss Bully T
  3. In case anyone's interested ... I got in touch with Café Bones and they told me there is basic obedience training conducted in Hawthorne Canal Reserve Leichhardt every Sunday morning. It's run by the Leichhardt Dog Training Club [9797 0508].
  4. Yeah, that's the one laffi mentioned. I think they look a bit flimsy too.
  5. Chopper too It's got springs in it, very stable. If there's roaming dogs Chopper might lunge [not aggressively] but I just keep my hands on the brakes. I've never fallen off. I've squealed to a halt more than once, but only cause some numb nuts don't believe in using leads
  6. Postage from the US is over $200 Better keep looking!
  7. It's not for me, it's for a family that adopted a young staffy x from Staffy Rescue. She's only been home for a week and showing no issues so far, but they'd like to socialise her and do some basic training.
  8. Has anyone heard of these people? http://doglogic.com.au/ Or this? http://www.hanrob.com.au/index.cfm?s=AFA57...CED1279245A7F1E
  9. Can anyone recommend somewhere to do obedience in the Inner West of Sydney, near Leichardt? It's for a 6mo staffy x. Thanks
  10. I'm so sorry kja, hopefully time will heal
  11. Did you buy it in Sydney or from the US?
  12. If you order from US this one is much cheaper: Kyjen Dog-Agility Starter Kit (~$50 on Amazon although they probably wouldn't ship here, but you could find it somewhere else that does ship here I am sure). I think it's a good kit to start, athough from what I heard the tunnel is not very durable (but I am not sure which kit exactly the person was using ). I saw those ones on Ebay and thought they looked kinda flimsy. That's why I thought the other one might be better. The one I posted has the tyre too, I like that ;)
  13. http://www.affordableagility.com/agilityinbag.htm I'm thinking of getting them for fun in the evenings after work. They're coming from the US though so I wouldn't want to spend the money if they're shit!
  14. It was these pics http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?s=&a...t&p=2386371
  15. If I set the ISO on my camera, does it stay changed even though I'm using the automatic settings? Does that make sense? I set it from 400 - 100 last weekend when I was taking portraits. I was at Staffy Rescue today and I took some shots in portrait mode that look shit. Really washed out. I think it's still set to 100. Would it not have set itself to whatever it thought it needed to be at?
  16. I'd like to start, just not sure which club to join! Recommendations please
  17. Aw thanks Eileen, you can bring Dolly over for her close up anytime I know I've a long way to go, but that's ok, I'm not in any hurry!
  18. Yeah ... "piss off and leave me alone Mom"
  19. Ok, here we go, be nice! I'm not sure if they're too dark or not, they looked fine on my camera display but when I put them on my puter they were really dark. I calibrated my monitor and then they looked ok, but not sure how they'll look on other monitors. Hey, that's my story and I'm stickin to it
  20. Too right I think I'll keep my film camera in the cupboard till I get to grips with the basics. Film's too expensive for experimenting!
  21. Welllllllll... due to the fact that I'm a massive procrastinator, I waited until yesterday lunchtime to get my camera out I had a very unwilling model and the sun was really bright, so the shadows are really harsh. I also think my ugly garden doesn't make for a good setting, so next time I'll go on location! I kept the camera on manual, which is a first, and I did learn a lot, but I'm not happy with any of my shots. I'll put some up when I get home from work. I think it's going to be something I need to spend a few weekends on before I move onto my next personal project. Action shots
  22. You've a fluffy living with a pitbull type dog, how irresponsible Great news about Lulu We just had a lump removed from Ivan's chest. Turned out to be a fatty deposit, phew.
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