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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. So sorry for your loss Baifra. RIP Sammy.
  2. TBH I never walk her on her own. The only time would be the 2mins from the car to dog training on a Sunday. Everyday I walk all three together. I just don't have time to walk them separately and the boys need to be walked daily or they go psycho. If OH comes on a walk with me and if he's behind me with Chopper or Ivan or both, Angel won't go forward. She will not be out in front. She's not particularly food driven either.
  3. I stopped taking her for walks altogether [unless we were going to CP] but when we moved I decided it wasn't good for her mental state to only leave the house once or twice a week. She's ok once we get a few minutes into it and she realises she's not getting her own way. There's no way I could stop and get her to play as she's so focussed on getting home. Also, it's a bit hard as I walk all three together. Cesar says that mastering the walk is vital in being a strong leader [i'm para-phrasing!!]. I think she needs to face her fear and realise that nothing bad is going to happen. The martingale is up high, I'm a Cesar fan too I do try and walk with them all beside me, but for the first few minutes when she's pulling backwards I just let her have the whole leash for my own comfort. As soon as she gives up and comes up beside me I reign in the leash again so she doesn't go in front. I walk a few different routes but she knows when we turn into our street and she's head down, full steam ahead. I just don't understand how she can be such a different dog when there's a ball involved. She's totally independent and afraid of nothing. Maybe I should be bringing her to the TID workshop instead of Chopper
  4. So I've finally managed to get Chopper and Ivan to walk beside me without pulling on the leash [kinda!]. Now it's time to tackle Angel dragging behind No matter what route I take, for the first 5 minutes of the walk she'll be the full length of the lead behind me to the point that there's tension. She's not sitting down and refusing to move. She used to do that when we first got her, but that was a long time ago. She used to point blank refuse to go for a walk unless it was in Centennial Park. We lived on Anzac Parade, so we figured it was a traffic thing. Now we've moved house she'll come, but she sits and shivers at the back gate as I'm putting her lead on. Even in the middle of summer. She's a bit of a weirdo. If I have the ball and she knows we're going across the road to the park she'll pull like a steam train, even though she's choking herself on the martingale. If we're in the last 5 minutes of our walk she suddenly marches out in front like she can't wait to get home. I know she's a bit afraid of the great outdoors. If the front door was open all day she wouldn't go out. Any ideas how I can stop her from pulling backwards and enjoy going for a walk?
  5. It was the popup flash. Thanks though! If my 30D is fixable I will stick with it. A better camera isn't what I need to make me better! You're right, the 5D doesn't have any of the auto settings. I did look at the FEC and it was normal. Honestly, it's broken. I tried heaps of things. I've cleared all the settings, so there's definitely nothing where there shouldn't be. It works in manual modes with the flash. It's only broken in the auto modes. The flash was popping up yesterday in broad daylight. I'm going to leave it where it is. I'll report back when I get the quote! I know what you mean about Paxtons. I just went in out of curiosity. I never had any intention of buying from there!
  6. Damn, I've already left it with them. I rang Canon this morning and they gave me the number for this place. Canon is miles away from me [Wetherill Park] and since my camera is out of warranty I thought it wouldn't make a difference where I got it fixed as long as they were Canon specialists.
  7. No, it's at the Australian Centre for Photography. I called them and they said to just bring my old SLR. I begged to transfer onto a later run course and he said he'd try but if I don't hear back to just turn up with the old camera on Saturday. Actually, I was going to call you as you used it last ... is it good to go? Does it need any cleaning or servicing?!! The first thing I tried with my 30D is clearing the settings like you showed me On the Canon forum I got heaps of suggestions of things to try and everyone agreed that it needed to be repaired. The guy at the repair place took a few pics to see what the problem was and said usually when it overexposes like that it's a lens problem, but not in my case. He spent a few minutes looking at it and said it was nothing obvious so I'd have to leave it there. Apparently they won't even be able to quote me for the repairs for a week and a half as they're that busy. Pooh. I left and went to Paxtons and looked at a 5D I got a really pushy salesman who almost convinced me to get it. I managed to walk away though. I can live without my camera for 3 weeks. I just hope it's fixable :D
  8. If only it was that easy I cleared all the settings and it was still overexposing. It's only about 18 months old :D: I dropped it into the camera repair place today and it's rightly f***ed. It's going to take 3+ weeks to fix. I'm supposed to start a photography course on Sat. Sucks to be me
  9. I've been getting advice on a Canon forum and the general consensus is my camera's stuffed and I need to drop it in somewhere for repairs
  10. I did all those things, but that doesn't really solve my problem. The flash shouldn't overexpose my pics.
  11. I'm so angry : We've a dog staying with us at the moment and he's playing really well with Chopper. I wanted to take pics of them wrestling in the bedroom but there wasn't much light so I put it on auto. The flash was going and totally overexposing the shots. The same in portrait mode. I cleared all the camera settings and it's still happening. Any idea why? It's a Canon 30D.
  12. Ah yes, Google, why didn't I think of that? Thanks
  13. Oh, I got mine on Amazon shipped from the US, must've been a different Amazon store
  14. I use one of these and really like it http://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Undercoat-...323&sr=8-24
  15. I'd like to try out some different lenses, is it possible to rent them? Anyone know where from in Sydney?
  16. Oh yeah, I love that about LC ... the whining, the screeching, the lunging, the pulled muscles in my shoulder ... you've got to really love your dog to go, cause you certainly won't have much fun!!! Or maybe it's just me cause my dogs are psychos :rolleyes:
  17. Yep so am I! Thanks for your info Ruthless and Monelite. Ruthless your first pic is unbelievable, hope you have it framed somewhere. I reckon Jakey would love lure coursing. Would make a change from the ball!! Thanks again. In fact I do :D I have the first, second and fourth ones in a frame in the dogs room! They were taken by Sue from Pinnicle.
  18. Monika beat me to it Join the yahoo list and you'll be able to see all the dates for the year. I'd look them up for you but I'm supposed to be working :rolleyes:
  19. Here's the thread for the last one ... http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=128905 It's got pics and a bit of a description of what's involved. If you want to join the mailing list it's lurecoursingsydney in Yahoo Groups. Here's some pics of my lot doing it :rolleyes: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1687...062268&op=6
  20. AFAIK you can. I think someone else on here said they use 2. Maybe Wolfgirl or Shewolf
  21. Chopper has lunged at other dogs, but the springs inside the walky dog absorb the shock. I'm seriously accident prone and I've never come off!! I cycle with my hands on the breaks, just in case
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