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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. Is that the same practice you were telling me about before Schnauzer? Or maybe it was someone else! Maybe it was Clyde
  2. Do I get that from my vet? Where's Sydney Uni? Near us?
  3. Can anyone recommend one? I've seen a few that I didn't find all that good and I was wondering if anyone else had a dog with dodgy skin and had found a good vet to treat the problem?
  4. Yeah, it could be any number of things. I'm slow to go to the vet cause the last two I asked were a bit useless. Maybe I'll ask if someone on here can recommend a good vet for skin allergies The pound guessed her to be two when I got her last April. The vet agreed.
  5. Yeah, she does smell a bit yeasty Her toes are ok, I check them quite often as she had a real bad infection there when we first got her. Which wasn't summer. Maybe it's not seasonal, maybe it's just gotten worse over time.
  6. Hmm, she's a number on her head and I really don't see her scratching herself much It'd be good if you could look at her, pity you live so far away :p If it is staph, what's the treatment? I'm almost certain it's seasonal, cause it's only happened recently. She's clever, but she ain't that clever!! Thank god! You know I sometimes imagine what they would be like if they could talk or had opposable thumbs and its always leaves me glad that they can't!!! Imagine what you would come home to then!! I get back-chat and tantrums as it is!
  7. Never say never luv ... maybe Santy'll bring you a D3 for Christmas ... if you've been good! I'll be off now too
  8. For you Roogie! http://www.millhouse.nl/digitalcropfactorframe.html
  9. The bumps have little scabs, so bites are more likely, no? ETA I'll try and get pics over the weekend
  10. It's harder, but they look better
  11. What shutter speed were you using PM?
  12. Sorry, RF, my question was aimed at Luke. I'm like you, I want to shoot moving subjects. It never occurred to me that I might not need a lens with IS! That's why I'm wondering what situations require it
  13. I take it VR is the same as IS? What situations would you be shooting to require it?
  14. Ahhh the squirty bottle ... is there any bad behaviour it can't fix?!
  15. Have you tried only letting them out when they're calm? It's not quite the same, but we keep our dogs in runs and when we got home from work they'd go crazy with excitement. We started giving them no attention and waiting until they were completely calm before letting them out. No talking to them and no looking at them. It didn't take long for them to get the idea!
  16. I really feel for you both. My dogs are nowhere near that bad. I've been following a few of your suggestions ZA and it seems to be keeping her relatively ok. Something she has that's different to the other two is that she sometimes feels sweaty under her armpits! She's also got some small areas where skin is lifting [stomach and legs], but it's not dry and flaky, it's moist. Does that make sense? She's a little bumpy at the moment too, but OH reckons it's fly bites. I sprayed her with a teatree oil and water solution today, so fingers crossed it keeps them away and she doesn't react to it [Permoxin and Aerogard weren't working] She's not perfect, but she's not having major flare ups either. Most importantly, she seems comfortable and although she scratches a bit, I don't think it's excessive.
  17. I knew she'd be a foster failure Gorgeous pics!
  18. Vickie, how gorgeous is your niece?! Sweet picture Did you use an off camera flash and bounce it? CM, your dogs are so patient, I can't imagine ever getting all mine to sit together wearing antlers!! Love the beach shot Hope you don't think I stole your idea! There's plenty of lights to go around My neighbours went all out! Camera Model Canon EOS 30D Tv(Shutter Speed) 1/800 Av(Aperture Value) 1.8 ISO Speed 1600 Lens EF50mm f/1.8 I've never taken night pics before, so I'd really appreciate some constructive criticism. I'm sure these could be better. I was quite rushed cause I didn't want them to catch me leaning over their fence taking pics of their house
  19. $134+ $20 postage [there may be a 5% discount, but you'll have to check and do the maths yourself!]
  20. I'm feeling altogether bah-humbug, so I thought taking [and looking at] some festive photos might get me in the mood!
  21. What does he eat for his main meal? Can you not stuff that in the kong? That's what I do every morning. Four of them. What fun!
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